Van Buren video

Also, around 20 seconds or so, you might notice Cpl. Armstrong in the upper left corner standing with his minigun floating text. He's saying something similar to, "Move citizen, you're standing in my line of fire!"

Of course, this is the most important element of the entire demo: companions that don't shoot you in the back with an automatic weapon.

twas good to see it in motion finally. Would be better to run marathons with the demo on-hand though. Thanks.
J.E. Sawyer said:
companions that don't shoot you in the back with an automatic weapon.

But that's what made Fallout great :evil:

I kid. Were you at least planning an "Ian" special random encounter when some dude would suddenly pop up and shoot you in the back?
xu said:
There was no blood and gore or was there?
Sawyer said:
* True "Fallout-style" death animations were not in the demo because we had to figure out how to do them from a technical perspective. Jefferson wasn't going to have crazy death animations and 3D posed some new challenges for blowing out parts of creatures. It's one of the areas where T-Ray/Brian Menze's 2D work definitely had an edge.

Pay attention, xu my boy.
i am glad that thing never came out..
how can you call yourself a fallout fan and say you liked that demo..
looked more like to something for the playstation than fallout: i mean "red damage over head", catoonish graphic, real time combat... looked more like a post apocaliptic version of gta that fallout..

glad this never made out..

p.s. thanks for the video anyway! :)
What about reading the fucking topic?

Although, even if they read it, people go "Yeah, I know it's an alpha, but still..."

But still what? It's an alpha. There are no "buts" and "stills".
cremo said:
i am glad that thing never came out..
how can you call yourself a fallout fan and say you liked that demo..
looked more like to something for the playstation than fallout: i mean "red damage over head", catoonish graphic, real time combat... looked more like a post apocaliptic version of gta that fallout..

glad this never made out..

p.s. thanks for the video anyway! :)
This means that *a lot of things were going to change*. Including graphics, the combat and the head-damage.

For fuck's sake, can't people read?
i've read everything and still, after looking at that video, i don t think i would have liked to play at "that" fallout..

That's my opinion and you can have your own.. i am not saying i hold the truth or anything..

cremo said:
i've read everything and still, after looking at that video, i don t think i would have liked to play at "that" fallout..

Sure. The problem is that the critiques you named would have all been removed/changed for the final version; the graphics would've been better, the over-head damage and realtime combat would've been optional.

You're entitled to your opinion. It'd just help if that opinion made any sense.
Nice to see former BIS developer who actually is talking with the community about past project. Nice job with the demo 8)
J.E. Sawyer said:
Also, around 20 seconds or so, you might notice Cpl. Armstrong in the upper left corner standing with his minigun floating text. He's saying something similar to, "Move citizen, you're standing in my line of fire!"

Of course, this is the most important element of the entire demo: companions that don't shoot you in the back with an automatic weapon.

That was cool.
Some people compare the npcs to playmobil, but for me they was good.
And thank you for being active here, really...:D

Brother None said:
But that's what made Fallout great :evil:

Unexpected hilarity and sadness, would be good to have random stupidity like this or a specialized stupid-companion.
Thanks for making that. There's a bunch of other stuff working in that demo, like the quest log, auto-map (you can toggle it by clicking on the text log in the corner, also viewable in the Lil' Pip 3000) and vault interior "quests", but most of that stuff isn't very spectacular to look at.

Thanks for posting here and clarifying some stuff. It's very understandable, but also slightly bizarre that there is still so much interest in the Van Buren project, hehe.

I just really wish I could have played the damn game, even though I'm skeptical about certain things. It just sucks that it never got a chance, gaaah.
That video seriously brought tears in my eyes... Especially the opening of vault door sent chills down my spine :cry: Someone must finish this game unofficialy and release it as a spiritual successor!!!

I have a question though... Was the 25 AP thing an attempt to implement SPECIAL on real time combat or were there other reasons for that change? It looks fine on continous turn based but I wonder how would that work on turn based...
It's always interesting to me to see videos of games in development in action, just because I'm curious as to how the games evolve from marathon development sessions to a boxed product at the local Best Buy. Or a downloadable game off of Steam. Or both. And the vaporware titles are even more fascinating, simply because it gives a glimpse of how far along they were before the project was cancelled, and to look at what could have been.

As for Van Buren... well, if this game made it to retail, I would have bought it. It certainly looks nice (this is 2001 vintage, right? If so, it certainly looks good by 2001 standards), and it would have been nice to have a choice between turn-based and real-time combat. Being able to customize your avatar's appearance is a nice touch. Even if this is an alpha build, it certainly seems to be far along enough to show promise. Too bad that it never saw the light of day, because, again, I would have bought it.
I do wonder, though, how the devs could have pulled off being able to choose between turn-based and real-time combat. Would the real-time combat be more like recent Final Fantasy titles? I'm just curious how it would have worked out.
Endless Void said:
I have a question though... Was the 25 AP thing an attempt to implement SPECIAL on real time combat or were there other reasons for that change? It looks fine on continous turn based but I wonder how would that work on turn based...
The higher AP was the result of increasing the overall granularity of the AP scale and reducing the effective capabilities of high vs. low AG characters. In F1/F2, the difference between what a low AG and high AG character could do in a round was very large. In VB, a 1 AG character would have 21 AP, with a high AG character at 30. Of course, the overall AP costs were higher, but the change allowed each point of AG to make a difference and it meant that a high AG character was only ~33% more capable than a low AG character (compared to the ~50% bump from F1/F2).

Increasing the AP range also helped give us a little more flexibility in differentiating the costs of actions on certain weapons/from certain perks.

Characters would regenerate all of their AP in a single "round" of six seconds and their total AP (whether or not they had any remaining) directly influenced their movement speed. Movement suspended AP regeneration, so the amount of "stuff" a single character could do in a round was very close to what it would have been in turn-based.