Hm, that kind of behaviour reminds you someone, doesn't it... Maybe... Some... Guy...As I've noted numerous tmes, Greed likes to make up falsehoods and lies to suit its agenda which tends to be Bethesda shilling (of the irrational kind since said shilling often involves nitpicking and putting down other games to make its own 'beloved' games look good, rather than letting said 'beloved' games stand on their own merits).
Worse still is that it does not admit that it's wrong when said falsehoods and lies are called out and disproved with actual cite-able facts (choosing instead to lie about it).
For instance, Greed once claimed that MrBtongue's video on Shandification of Fallout received mainstream attention (appeared on major gaming sites somehow) that caused it to be called out on its mistakes but the view count, like-dislike ratio and lack of comments on calling out indicates otherwise (if anything, hbomberguy's video on Fallout 3 would be an indicator of getting mainstream attention). I called it a liar for that but it choose to buckle down on its claim. It only stopped making up these claims once I pressed it for links of sites that noted MrBtongue's mistakes. (
(Yes, for some reason I never really bothered to check their IPs, Greed is an alt-account of Someguy37)