I meant that a lot of fans can't let go and appreciate the new games for what they are. It's incessant abject cynicism towards the franchise.
This is and isn't true.
Many fans of the classic games would prefer Fallout to go back to Trimetric perspective, with turn combat, worlds that are consistent, respect and keep lore mainly intact between games, plenty of times to use characters skills, good quest design, factions that are good, etc. But many fans of the classic games also like or even love Fallout New Vegas. Some even like New Vegas more than the classic games.
New Vegas is definitely a "new style" Fallout game, so it's not like fans of the classic games can't let go and appreciate the new games for what they are.
It's also not hatred for Bethesda. For example, I personaly love Bethesda games. I only got into first person cRPGs with Daggerfall (which I love). But I also love Morrowind, and enjoy Oblivion too. I also enjoyed FO3, that's why I became part of the Tale of Two Wastelands project team. There's no way I would have joined the TTW team if I didn't like FO3.
But the problem with newer Bethesda games are not because they are made by Bethesda, it's because they turned their first person, action cRPG into first person shooters with some RPG elements thrown in them.
See, the problem for me is that I love RPGs but I hate shooters. So FO3 was still fun for me because it had just enough RPG systems in it, despite also being a shooter. I could compensate the shooter part that I don't like because of all the rest of the RPG stuff. But in FO4 for example, it's just too much more shooter, it becomes boring for me quite fast. Even Skyrim gets boring for me after 5 hours or so. Because even Skyrim already shaved too much of the RPG systems to be fun for me.
It's not that I hate the new games, it's just that they became too much like game genres I don't have fun playing while reducing things I enjoy. If Bethesda all of a sudden made a Fallout or The Elder Scrolls games that brought back more RPG systems, I bet I would enjoy playing them once again.
And it's not just Fallout and The Elder Scrolls. This happened with the Front Mission game series too, the games were jRPGs and then they released Front Mission Evolved. I bought it thinking it was like the classic games and when I tried it I just didn't have fun, not because it was something new, but because they changed the games genre to one I don't enjoy.