What was your first RPG?

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it was probably skyrim hahahha, still love the game, but i've played significantly better games since then.
I'll go with Mass Effect since my memory is shit.

Actually, I played FO 3 before ME...Yeah, let's just go with ME.
I guess my first was technically Pokemon Red/Blue. I loved Generation 2 so much more. Gold/Silver/Crystal was the bomb. Gen 3 was the last gen I cared a lot about. I completely quit on Gen 5. I don't know if I just got tired of grinding or Pokemon but I was done. I know I really disliked how Generation 2 added a bunch of fun stuff to the game and all that was taken away to be replaced with beauty contests as if that's what I want to do when I played Pokemon.

After Pokemon the next RPG was Oblivion and Fallout 3 because someone showed me them. Which Oblivion was a game I played a ton of until New Vegas came out and I played even more of that. Then when Fallout 4 was utterly shit, I started playing older RPGs and really getting into that style of game more so.

Gen 2 is so broken tho. And the level curve is balls.
When did they ever fix Pokemon? Genuinely curious if they ever fixed it before the games got boring to me.
I have a bigger question, what fun stuff was added in Gen 2? Other than the Battle Tower that is in every generation since then in multiple presentations I can't think of any fun element introduced in Gen 2, in fact they removed things like the Safari Zone altogether.
I'm still wondering Pokemon was balanced or fixed or whatever. I think I always just had more patience for the grind when I was younger and now I don't.

Anyway, I liked crafting the PokeBalls, the day-night cycle, breeding, new types, new Pokemon, the basic phone thing to re-fight people (the re-fighter clicky thing was better in Gen 3 I'll admit), berries and holding items, Special was split, 16 badges. I liked all of it. Sure it may just be nostalgia talking but as I grew up with the series I remember being upset that things were missing as time went on or that the new features weren't really things I cared about. Gen 3 made moving better and made PokeGear better. Sure. But I don't want a beauty contest and I don't want a house. I want more things to do with what I was playing in Gen 1 and 2.

You can probably argue that Gen 4 or something is objectively the best. But to me, Generation 2 reigns supreme. I'm not a Pokemon connoisseur, I just remember where I had the most fun and where that fun died.
The Pokeballs you crafted didn't work in Gen 2 , like objectively none of them had the effects advertised, some had No effect at all, others had completely different effects, and others had the opposite effect altogether (they work now in Gen 7 tho). Day night cycle was only skipped in Gen 3 and has been in the game consistently, Gen 5 even added seasons, Holding items is still a thing and with newer gens held items are much more diverse and interesting, even if you don't wanna bother with Megas or Z-Moves, the Split was only good in Gen 4 when they finally made it move specific instead of type specific, because Gen 2 still had the same issue Gen 1 had where most pokemon ended up with crappy normal moves for most of the game. Gen 2 also had a lot of broken moves, like you can use Sleep talk to use rest again, reset the sleep counter infinitely and heal forever. This was corrected later, Gen 5 made weather strategies much more varied with the hidden abilities and in general the game is much more approachable for competitive to people who don't wanna spend 10000 hours breeding for IVS nowadays, with the right set up you can fully train an entire team in 1 hour, while in older games it would take days just to hatch the proper pokemon once (which is why so many people used cheat engines), which I feel is a major plus for accesibility WITHOUT removing the skillceiling, because you still need to be good at team bulding and strategizing to get anywhere (there are a lot of databases for good builds for individual pokemon too).

Each Generation breaks something but it also fixes a lot of things and Gen 1 and Gen 2 were basically held together by tape if you look at them objectively, I like Gen 2 nostalgically but going back to it and gen 1 with the Virtual console releases has really made me appreciate newer gens more.
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The Pokeballs you crafted didn't work in Gen 2 , like objectively none of them had the effects advertised, some had No effect at all, others had completely different effects, and others had the opposite effect altogether
I looked that up because I only knew of one of them and what I found was half of them didn't work right (or at all) and half of them did work fine. Well, the Heavy Ball worked fine unless it was under 225.8 lbs which is weird.

much more approachable for competitive to people who don't wanna spend 10000 hours breeding for IVS nowadays, with the right set up you can fully train an entire team in 1 hour, while in older games it would take days just to hatch the proper pokemon once
This part of breeding and shit was always the absolute worst but then again, I never played on a competitive level. I can't take Pokemon seriously enough to do shit like that. That's probably why it never bothered me. I had one friend who dumped hours in Gen 4/5 doing shit like that. Seemed boring to me.

My biggest issue with the new games is fluff like I've kinda said. Those contests, the houses, whatever else. Even the triple battles didn't really seem interesting enough. Anything beyond the 1v1 format just seemed more like a gimmick and was rarely used. I loved 2v2s actually but it just never seemed to be relevant enough in the game.
As I've gotten older I see all the silly bugs and broken shit in the games but they just never were apparent to me when I played the games, even when I would go back during gen 4. I took Pokemon very casually and just liked catching my favorite dudes and leveling them up. Part of my dislike for Pokemon's new gens probably comes from all the new stuff that I don't know and my lack of wanting to know it anyway. I was actually excited for Fairy types because I thought the game kinda needed it, but I wouldn't really know either.

Pokemon on Switch sounds appealing though and I might get Sword/Shield. I need more stuff on the Switch and I might as well give Pokemon another shot after skipping so many gens.
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I'm still wondering Pokemon was balanced or fixed or whatever.
It's a ton more balanced than the disaster of the first two gens. There's still the broken thing here and there, but it's way more balanced than the earlier gens.

I'm of the same opinion of Walpknut, the first two gens are a chore to play compared to the newer gens. I'll also add that Kanto was a big mistake in Gen 2. By forcing it into a GB cartidge, Johto took an huge hit in quality and Kanto was a barren wasteland with hardly anything to do. The former had to be made way smaller than a regular region, and the latter was a barren wasteland like i said. You only beat the 8 Gym Leaders in like an hour or two and then there was nothing to do in it.

I would have taken a far more expansive Johto over it being crammed with Kanto.

Those contests
I mean, have you actually played them? They are way more than a simple beauty contest. There's actually strategy in it. Even moves that are crap in normal play become awesome in contests. And Gen 3 really didn't removed anything from Gen 2 besides the day and night cycle, so don't really get where this complaint is coming from.