Bethesda Stan of the Forums
yes. raiding is easy af with the small settlements not being able to defend themselves.They do, they produce a surplus of about 3 food. Do the raiders live off of that small surplus? The raiders that outnumber the farmers by about ∞:1.
fallout 4 has bolt action pipe rifles, miniguns, and plasma throwers that were different.They all feel the same; the major difference between weapons is their stats, slight changes aren't enough to differentiate the weapons. Meanwhile New Vegas (and to a lesser extent 3) had Bolt-Actions, Machine Guns and, BB-Guns that all felt different, while fitting into the same categories
i really don't understand the criticism that it 'plays the same'. do you expect plasma grenades to do anything besides explode like a frag grenade, albeit in a bigger green explosion? do you think plasma throwers feel anything different from a plasma pistol?All laser guns, regardless of stats, play the same. All Ballistics, regardless of stats, play the same. All plasma guns, regardless of stats, play the same. All explosives, regardless of stats, play the same. Etc.
first of all, that gun definitely can fit within the game's futuristic art style. secondly, the point about it not looking real is another fallacy, because power armor doesn't look like real power armor in real life, and we can't honestly guess what looks 'real' in fallout.Tell me that this looks good.
This is an assault rifle, objectively speaking it looks nothing like an assault rifle, both in real life and in Fallout.
this gon be longWhat were they? Hancock leaves because he feels like it. Maxon's in the Commonwealth for reasons. The Institute repeatedly dicks over surface dwellers because they can.
Those aren't really great justifications, where's the ideological battle between factions that motivated most of the characters in NV? Where's the reasoning?
companions and their motivations:
don't know much about hancock, maccready x6, strong, or codsworth because i've never had those companions
preston garvey: wants to protect the commonwealth. that's a bit too obvious though
piper wright: wants to expose the institute living in her city
danse: wants to fight for the brotherhood and uphold its values. kinda becomes hard to do that when it becomes known that he's a synth
deacon: save the synths.
cait: just get out the combat zone, get rid of her drug habit, get a friend
curie: to become a great scientist
dogmeat: woof woof
brotherhood of steel: to eliminate all ghouls, mutants, synths, and anything else that could pose a threat to the citizens of the commonwealth
railroad: to save the arguably sentient synths from slavery. you can see how their ideology would conflict with the brotherhood's xenophobic approach to synths.
minutemen: to protect the commonwealth like the good guys.
institute: to advance humanity to its highest, whether their methods are moral or not.
what i like about the factions is that they all have their ups and downs
although the bos has the best military presence and are the best choice for defending the commonwealth, the citizens would have to give up their freedom, and their xenphobia could cause the death of non feral ghouls
the railroad are good for trying to end slavery, but they aren't focus on human troubles, they are way too small, and are basically the PETA of the fallout universe
the minutemen are morally the best faction because they strive to do good for the commonwealth, but are heavily outgunned and are barely there at all. it's up to the sole survivor to bring them back to speed.
the institute has highly advanced technology but they're too scared of the commonwealth, treats the citizens as guinea pigs, and they created the super mutants all over again.
that's all for now