Where I play and review the Yakuza series

I still like having options. If it's a spinoff that means I can play it by itself without following the other games in order. Just like how Yakuza 7 was a kind of soft reboot of the series.
I hope the first Judgement gets released from Stadia prison on PC soon.

Sega scored a big coup by signing up Takuya Kimura, one of Japan’s biggest celebrities, to star in its Judgment games. With Kimura comes bonafide star credentials, and of course talent agency power. That last point, according to one report, could be the budding franchise’s downfall.

According to weekly publication Nikkan Taishu, a Japanese entertainment insider is quoted as saying that the upcoming Lost Judgment will be the last entry in the series. “Because,” the insider explains, “those on the side of the game developer and those on the side of [Kimura’s talent agency] Johnny’s are said to have been unable to reach an agreement regarding the platforms to sell the game.”

Kotaku reached out to Sega for comment but did not hear back prior to publication.

Judgment was originally released on the PlayStation 4, but a remastered version came out on PlayStation 5, Stadia, and Xbox Series X/S. Lost Judgment will be released this fall on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

However, this past spring, when the game was announced, the Japanese website listed Windows 10 and Steam. Yakuza fan site Tojo Dojo points out that even after the listings were removed, the website code still showed a Steam logo—something Twitter’s Wario64 also noticed.

“The game is being announced for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One,” a Sega spokesperson later told PC Gamer. “Sega has no plans to bring Lost Judgment to PC at this time.”

According to Nikkan Taishu, Kimura’s talent agency will not okay the release of the game on PC, which might seem odd because the previous game was released on Stadia (but, to be honest, it’s unclear if the agency fully understood the platform). The issue appears to be a proper PC release and how that would impact the talent agency’s management of Kimura’s likeness and a general dislike of a PC-based platform.

The point of contention, as explained on Nikkan Taishu, is that Sega apparently sees the PC as vital from a business point of view. For Johnny’s, which still hasn’t quite fully embraced the internet like others in the music business, releasing a game directly online through a PC platform could be problematic for their business model. Because of this apparent disagreement, Nikkan Taishu reports that Lost Judgment is said to be the last in the series. (If so, I do wonder if the franchise will continue with another big star attached to a more amiable talent agency.)

Some background: Johnny’s is responsible for Japan’s biggest boy bands and has traditionally been internet shy. As Music Times explains, “Johnny & Associates had, in the past, refused to allow photos of its talents from press conferences to be published online and has since kept all of its artists from using social media.” Johnny’s didn’t open a YouTube channel until 2018!

The control that Johnny’s has over the likenesses of its artists has meant power. By allowing Takuya Kimura, one of the agency’s most famous stars, to appear in a game released on an open platform like PC, the agency might think it’s giving that up. Thus, this could explain why Johnny’s is rumored to be against a possible PC version.

Kimura was previously in a boy band called Smap, which imploded after three of the group’s members left Johnny’s in 2017. Another former member, Masahiro Nakai, left Johnny’s last year, and Kimura is now the only ex-Smap member still belonging to the powerful boy band agency.

The source tells Nikkan Taishu that Kimura, who is said to be quite the gamer, really got into the role of Judgment’s Takayuki Yagami and very much wants the series to continue. Because Kimura is such a huge star in Japan, he has operated under slightly different rules from other talent in the agency, including, most famously, his marriage and kids were not a secret.

Not gonna link Kotaku article, so here's a link to the Japanese article that first ran this story.

Sega wants to port Judgement games to PC, but Kimura's (guy playing Yamagi) talent agency doesn't, because Kimura's model could be modded. Judgement might be cancelled after the second game.
Kimura himself really liked the role and doesn't mind the games being sold on PC.
Johnny's are a particular brand of bone-headed dinosaurs. So, I'm not surprised.

They pulled this sort of crap with Ultraman Tiga and its lead actor, Hiroshi Nagano. During the show's anniversary, the specials they had notably cut out or edit out said actor even in old episode recaps where the lead actor's character would be.

I'm hoping Lost Judgment can end the duology conclusively then seeing as there probably won't be a Judgment 3 (unless they pull off an Ichiban for a potential sequel).
I am nearing the end of Yakuza 7, I am literally right before going into Millenium Tower.... I am not ready for it to end.
It's kinda funny how the last 3 chapters they just splurged on the direct references and integration of past games. Like 80 to 90% of the story is entirely original characters, plotlines and conflicts and then BAM Kiryu, Kiryu Chan meme guy, bunch of the people whose outfits I can wear for buying the game early, you go back to Kamurocho which is also a huge map, etc.

Unless the game somehow fucks up really bad on the last stage I can eaisly give it 9/10, easily my favorite game of 2020. Easily my favorite 2020 RPG about being an outlaw in a city covered in neon kanji where you get shot at as the inciting incident and you have quests with stories to do in a map that you can navigate. *wink*wink*
Man I can't believe how sad Yakuza 7 got in the ending. I was there sitting with manly tears in my eyes all the way through the last confrontation. How did this game do this to me? I still remember the diaper cafe, I defeated the penultimate boss with a ridiculous attack that summons a space satelite with a lazor beam and my Adachi is a Gene Simmons wannabe that bites people as an attack. Why did I get emotional at the end?


Ok now I am gonna play Yakuza 0, there is a translation patch for it for spanish and the guy is working on the Yakuza 1 Kiwami patch right now so I guess I gotta start with it then, no other choice, I wann stream it, even if I get very low viewership it helps me not let the games pile up lmao.
I cried the most trying to get Space Harrier CP in 0. There were some other sad moments in the series, but nothing comparable.
The delivery of Ichiban's Japanese seiyu and English voice actor are equally amazing at that part. It is one of those times where the dubs are equally top-notch.

Ichiban's sincere tearful plea is so raw and stirs the right set of emotions in me even after all the time I have spent laughing at the game's many jokes and funny events.

I personally rank 7's main story among the top tier main stories of the Yakuza games and look forward to future Yakuza games with Ichiban at the helm.

EDIT: Also, English Lost Judgment trailers

They just released both Judgement games on Steam the same day without any lead up wtf I didn't budget for this!
dats cool by me im brudders,stroll on take it to the bridge y'all.
Also there is some other samurai non yakuza game for ps5 I forget what.

Rise of Ronin.