So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It's funny how such conversations always end up with limits when it comes to "free shit" for the poor. However there is almost no discussion (generally speaking) about where the limit is to wealth. Like at which point is enough simply enough? 1 Billion in wealth? or 10? Or 100? Or if one person owns as much like the rest of the world?
I find it tiresome that it it often ends up with "who's going to pay for it!". Like I said, someone at some point always used that as argument against social improvements and wealth distribution. Everything seems impossible till someone does it.
And throughout our long discourses, I have not disagreed with a slightly higher tax rate. But again, our biggest problem isn't so much the tax rate as corporations using loopholes to not pay them. I have also agreed those loopholes should be closed.
But yes Crni, I am not funding rehab centers if people do not go. UBS might work in cases of extreme emergencies, or like the 100 percent automation tou speak of. Unlike you, I do not believe weed boy (example from another discussion), should be coddled. I definitely do not agree that some should be made to work while others are entitled to not work and get free shit.
This must be like the 50th time I have said this.