why fallout 2 sucks (spoilers) (no I don't like fo3-4)

Then HOW do I clear out the wanamingo mines at level 15? HOW?
And the San Fran tanker monsters, I can clear them out as a routine, with 4-5 different weapons. HOW is this possible for me, but as soon as you try, its an essay of impossibility. It's a "its not possible, because I'm right"-issue, all of a sudden.

You did NOT use every type of weapon, every type of ammo, because if you did: You woulda succeeded. Try again. Or give up and cry in a corner.

Your main challenge, in life, is to admit that you're wrong. But no - you're right, and EVERYONE ELSE is wrong. We ALL failed as much as you, we're just in denial about it, right?
woah, lvl 15? no way man, I took swift learner as my first 3 perks but I'm sure b4 even the 3rd time I took it I had cleared that mine. HOW is absolutely right, what were you doing that got you all the way to level 15 so early in the game? if I didn't take swift learner, I would expect to beat the whole game b4 lvl 15, it's so short. you walked across the world map in circles looking for enemies to kill, grinding like that for hours, didn't you? given the nature of the quest, I felt like that wasn't appropriate for this game. that would take years of ingame time I would think, long after arroyo should have perished. I know there's no time limit in this one, but still, that just doesn't sit right with me. I remember that being a huge pain in the ass though, I think I only had sulik at that point and had to put him on always burst, charge the enemy, and tried to position myself so that he wouldn't hit me but the enemies could still be burst by myself as well. I think I just used the common smg at that point and I had to try like 10 fucking tedious times b4 I killed them all. I knew we'd kill the first few quickly enough that we wouldn't just get gang raped, eventually.

then it gets to the point where I have enough companions that they do so much damage that I have the following options: deal damage to the enemy which effectively increases my party's overall damage by ~15% (b/c I can only attack once while they attack 3 times each) in an attempt to mow them all down b4 they can kill anyone, or heal my allies after my first round of attacking (which led to a higher number of encounters being won, but drug the encounters on even longer). this portion of the game was no fun, as you can guess.

do you really expect me to say, "oh of course! I'm a total idiot, I was using default settings! OF COURSE the game was going to be sooooo stupid on those settings, what was I thinking?! and assuming narg would be an appropriate character for completing the game with? PSSSSH, OBVIOUSLY I should have known that they black isle was just testing me! ofc I should make my own char and either pick the right skills to up to the max and be OP, or pick the wrong skills and be worthless, why wouldn't I do that?! silly me!"

I did "succeed" (in reaching san fran at least), but the load to save ratio isn't to my liking at all. maybe I just got unluckier than I should have with random encounters, I don't know. then again I might as well have picked nothing as perks for all the good swift learner did for me.

I really do want to know how you got to lvl 15 b4 the wannamingo mine btw. you must have taken swift learner as well and just walked back and forth on the map, there's no other reasonable explanation. that sounds awful, are you sure you like this game? then again, after it's done the rest of the game is probably much less awful. but that sounds like temple of trials times a hundred to me, on top of being out of character. yuck.

EDIT: actually I'm pretty sure I also had Cassidy for the wannamingo mine clear but he stood back and sniped. and with my added experience, looking back on it, I should have just killed one and tried to exit the mine, heal up, rinse repeat.
christ man...

Edit: as much as I have NO desire to tell you how to play something you stubbornly suck at, here's how I do it.
First: the obvious, do every single rewardable quest in Arroyo, Klamath, The Den, Modoc, Vault City AND Gecko. Hoard all the XP you can.
This means - you WILL have to visit NCR, for the "survey" quest. When in NCR buy a combat armor and the famous .223 pistol

With that, you should be levelled, armed and armored enough to take out the wanamingos in Redding. It won't be easy, but a fair challenge, but with some saving-and-loading, you'll clear them out just fine.
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christ man...

Edit: as much as I have NO desire to tell you how to play something you stubbornly suck at, here's how I do it.
First: the obvious, do every single rewardable quest in Arroyo, Klamath, The Den, Modoc, Vault City AND Gecko. Hoard all the XP you can.
This means - you WILL have to visit NCR, for the "survey" quest. When in NCR buy a combat armor and the famous .223 pistol

With that, you should be levelled, armed and armored enough to take out the wanamingos in Redding. It won't be easy, but a fair challenge, but with some saving-and-loading, you'll clear them out just fine.
ofc I quest. I don't believe you reached lvl 15 b4 wannamingo mine without walking circles around the world map for hours on end, even taking swift learner every chance you got. what level were you when you reached san fran, 35? I'm going to grind b4 continuing just to see how it changes the experience, the geck quest is over anyway at this point. I have a feeling this is going to suck though.

oh yeah, I came back here to note how drastically different my recent escapade into "military base lvl 2" was. I took the same approach 2 times: walk to the far right room, killing the 2 super mutants in there and the one that walks up from the bottom middle to challenge us, escaping back through the elevator b4 the rest of them get us. the problem is that Goris can only be set to charge the enemy like an idiot and I'm unwilling to give him stims just to waste b/c he never figures out that we're retreating and he can't be controlled. what a dumbass. anyway, the first time of course Goris ends up running down the middle lane b4 I can escape, he's surrounded and killed. I load and this time, even though both cassidy and sulik are set to stay near me (I'd prefer different but since I can't order them to retreat, when I retreat this is the only way to get them to come with me as their combat preferences can't be changed mid-battle, you know, b/c that makes for better strategy *sarcasm, obviously*) cassidy for some reason charges down the middle lane while I'm escaping. he didn't do it the first time, basically the point is that combat control doesn't always matter and the ai is retarded. the funny thing is that b/c I also have him set to attack whoever's attacking me, I got lucky enough that one mutant from the middle decided to pursue me and since cassidy couldn't aim at him from where he stuck himself like an idiot, he ended up running back and survived, lucky me. another funny thing: goris DID NOT charge the enemy... in fact, I couldn't find him, I thought maybe I missed his death b/c I did turn the combat speed to max. upon reaching the elevator though, he was with us. he just stopped acting entirely - I had to make 4 moves back to the elevator and he never did anything ever after killing the first 3 mutants.

long story short: 2 of the 3 ai controlled party members didn't do what I set them to do, minimizing the little control I have over them. companions are garbage and I should probably let them all die.

I should have just had goris the idiot wait outside come to think of it. actually, I should just have all the companions wait in different cities and just use them as item storage.

really, I don't know how you can say that the combat of this game doesn't suck. and you guys are mentioning how unarmed is so much more effective than big guns like that's not some unbelievable oversight. you want really strong unarmed chars too? fine, but big guns shouldn't be useless in comparison, it's just another design flaw on top of the mountain of them.
Zeta-scan is also very important for Narg, since it allows him to take the Better Criticals perk (lvl 9) and insta-kill mighty wanamingos with combat knife thanks to called shots.
I don't believe you reached lvl 15 b4 wannamingo mine without walking circles around the world map for hours on end.

Then what's the fucking point of this entire exchange?
I had you pegged as soon as you made this thread, and boy was I right.

I told you exactly what to do, even what exact gun to use.
Your response? "I don't believe you."

Then fuck off dude, and suck on your own.

I clear military base with full team, and we all come out of there alive.
I usually reach San Fran around L20, IMPOSSIBLE!
I'd like to see you try to wipe out the Navarro base. IMPOSSIBRU!
In that case it is difficult to keep party members alive though, but using every bit of game mechanic available, it is perfectly possibru.
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Then what's the fucking point of this entire exchange?
I had you pegged as soon as you made this thread, and boy was I right.

I told you exactly what to do, even what exact gun to use.
Your response? "I don't believe you."

Then fuck off dude, and suck on your own.

I clear military base with full team, and we all come out of there alive.
I usually reach San Fran around L20, IMPOSSIBLE!
I'd like to see you try to wipe out the Navarro base. IMPOSSIBRU!
In that case it is difficult to keep party members alive though, but using every bit of game mechanic available, it is perfectly possibru.
there isn't enough xp available up to the wannamingo mine quest to get you to lvl 15, sorry. unless you're just trying for random encounters for hours on end.

currently dying to melchior's pets over and over. I just got power armor too and thought it'd be immune to phys (I could have sworn it was like that in the first game). I stand by the wall so "only" 2 of them can surround me.

1. they have more hit points than I do.
2. they attack 4 times each, commonly for 20+ dmg, sometimes 40, but prob an average of 12
3. they commonly knock me on the ground so when I get up I can only either heal OR attack and that's my whole turn. at least when I'm not knocked down I can attack and use inventory.
4. it seems to bug out every time, either only 3 of us are attacking and "only" 2 enemies are attacking while goris and the other 2 pets stand around doing nothing, or 2 of us are attacking along with 3 of them. this is so dumb.

this doesn't seem winnable very often with only 20 stim packs and 7 super stims, and will probably take all night to get the right rolls. this is annoying as fuck once again.

EDIT: so, the rocket launcher did 10 dmg, the minigun with AP rounds did 0 dmg twice in a row to both melchior and goris despite the fact that my big guns skill is at 101%. what a great idea, "how about we create guns that eat up tons of ammo or can only fire once before needing to reload, and they'll do no damage? they'll only have drawbacks, yeah, so no one will ever have any reason to use them." great idea, devs. geniuses. oh and I killed melchior due to another bug. he says "shahooey," but no pets ever come and I kill him the 2nd chance I get to attack him. wow. dumb, dumb game.
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there isn't enough xp available up to the wannamingo mine quest to get you to lvl 15, sorry. unless you're just trying for random encounters for hours on end.

currently dying to melchior's pets over and over. I just got power armor too and thought it'd be immune to phys (I could have sworn it was like that in the first game). I stand by the wall so "only" 2 of them can surround me.

1. they have more hit points than I do.
2. they attack 4 times each, commonly for 20+ dmg, sometimes 40, but prob an average of 12
3. they commonly knock me on the ground so when I get up I can only either heal OR attack and that's my whole turn. at least when I'm not knocked down I can attack and use inventory.
4. it seems to bug out every time, either only 3 of us are attacking and "only" 2 enemies are attacking while goris and the other 2 pets stand around doing nothing, or 2 of us are attacking along with 3 of them. this is so dumb.

this doesn't seem winnable very often with only 20 stim packs and 7 super stims, and will probably take all night to get the right rolls. this is annoying as fuck once again.

Basically, again, you just suck.
Melchiors pets are a challenge, but MY main gripe with them is that I kill them too damn fast, so that he won't have the oportunity to release ALL of them. I want all the XP.

Stop sucking, and "get gud", and stop whining about it being impossible, just because you suck at it. Stop telling others that they must be lying, when they beat a game that you suck at.
Finally, stop sucking so damn much.
Suck less.
You probably had no fucking clue, but you get tons of XP for clearing out Metzger and his slavers. You can do this with a hunting rifle. Then talk to a slave to release them - more XP. The Den is just a big bucket of XP for you.
You also get different XP depending on HOW you solve something. Get the better solution for the Gecko plant: Tons of XP.
Resolve the slag situation in Modoc (make sure everyone lives, bring boy home to parents), more XP. Go back to the Den, more XP awaits. After Gecko, go back and find Wooz in Den, more XP. Vault City court-yard - XP in every tent. XP everywhere you look.
Just because you're very sure of yourself - while sucking - doesn't mean other people are wrong. It just means you have some narcissism issues you need to work through.
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Basically, again, you just suck.
Melchiors pets are a challenge, but MY main gripe with them is that I kill them too damn fast, so that he won't have the oportunity to release ALL of them. I want all the XP.

Stop sucking, and "get gud", and stop whining about it being impossible, just because you suck at it. Stop telling others that they must be lying, when they beat a game that you suck at.
Finally, stop sucking so damn much.
Suck less.
You probably had no fucking clue, but you get tons of XP for clearing out Metzger and his slavers. You can do this with a hunting rifle. Then talk to a slave to release them - more XP. The Den is just a big bucket of XP for you.
You also get different XP depending on HOW you solve something. Get the better solution for the Gecko plant: Tons of XP.
Resolve the slag situation in Modoc (make sure everyone lives, bring boy home to parents), more XP. Go back to the Den, more XP awaits. After Gecko, go back and find Wooz in Den, more XP. Vault City court-yard - XP in every tent. XP everywhere you look.
Just because you're very sure of yourself - while sucking - doesn't mean other people are wrong. It just means you have some narcissism issues you need to work through.
"get good".... at clicking. k, I'll try that. all my party members dealt dmg to his pets in the single digits. my gauss rifle and 135+ small gun skill only deals 40 damage average. they deal enough to kill me after 2 rounds. it's not possible with 21 stimpacks and 6 super stims, until I got lucky and he didn't release any pets. it's bugged garbage.

EDIT: you're playing with some kind of mod, aren't you?
"get good".... at clicking. k, I'll try that. all my party members dealt dmg to his pets in the single digits. my gauss rifle and 135+ small gun skill only deals 40 damage average. they deal enough to kill me after 2 rounds. it's not possible with 21 stimpacks and 6 super stims, until I got lucky and he didn't release any pets. it's bugged garbage.

EDIT: you're playing with some kind of mod, aren't you?
It's not 'bugged' garbage, it's just that YOU'RE garbage, when will you admit that? When will you actually look up a guide to playing Fallout 2, build a character that can actually work, get out there in the wastes, and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME NORMALLY WITHOUT A NAVARRO RUN.
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I beat the game usually going unarmed and solo and I only have some troubles before I get a spiked knuckles and then later (like fighting the Enclave) if I don't get an upgraded power fist.
The game has a lot of places to get exp, quests are the main exp source in most game and unless you screw up your character in some way you will not have much problems. Also remember, Fallout 2 is from a time where if you're getting your ass handed to you in a platter then you should go somewhere else and get stronger, you know like any real cRPGs since cRPGs are a thing.
"get good".... at clicking.
It's this attitude that shows how bad you are at the game. You see the game as just being clicking around. You don't understand the mechanics, you don't understand how skills work (get your primary weapon skill at least 150 as soon as possible if you're going to be making a fighter/warrior), learn how to use aimed shots (a gauss rifle shot to the eyes will hurt a lot), get some more levels under your belt if you're having troubles, learn that there are different ways to do quests and each way might reward different amounts of exp, buy all the stimpacks and super stimpacks you can find if you're having troubles, equip your followers with good weapons that they can use and tell them to use those weapons, use drugs (psycho, buffout, mentats) appropriate to what your character's build is lacking, develop strategies (do not just rush and attack for example), use explosives (even I use a grenade or two when I play with my unarmed characters, specially if there are a few enemies grouped together), etc.
Fallout 2 is flexible, it is possible to make a bad or gimped character, but after you get the hang of it you will be able to make a better character and play better. It just needs experience, and crying about how the game sucks will not help you get that experience. If you can only think of insults about most of the things in the game then maybe you should play something else, it is unfortunate that the game is not to your tastes but the gaming world is huge and there are games for everyone's tastes out there.
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Fallout 2 is flexible, it is possible to make a bad or gimped character, but after you get the hang of it you will be able to make a better character and play better. It just needs experience, and crying about how the game sucks will not help you get that experience. If you can only think of insults about most of the things in the game then maybe you should play something else, it is unfortunate that the game is not to your tastes but the gaming world is huge and there are games for everyone's tastes out there.

I am always impressed by the patience of this community, 7 pages into the 100th thread of this kind, and responses are still constructive and helpful!
It just goes to show how immature some people are, when they come in here, are not agreed with, and spread the impression that we're some kind of viper's nest...

I mostly avoid this kind of thread, cus it doesn't take much to bring the snappy nasty out from me... :D
Last time I've played Fo2 I finished the wannamingo mines with lvl 12, metal armor and combat shotgun. Had Cassidy with combat shotgun and Sulik with sledge hammer (because out of ammo). The only problem was that it took forever to do real damage.
there isn't enough xp available up to the wannamingo mine quest to get you to lvl 15, sorry. unless you're just trying for random encounters for hours on end.
You know, there's this special type of quest called "Caravan Quests", that are intentionally designed for grinding. You get 100 or so caps, AND lots of XP. You should try it out some time.
currently dying to melchior's pets over and over. I just got power armor too and thought it'd be immune to phys (I could have sworn it was like that in the first game). I stand by the wall so "only" 2 of them can surround me.
You expected PA to be immune to physical damage?, Really?

And yes, Melchior is difficult, that's why he's called a Boss Fight, but when your going in to a Boss Fight, the best thing to do is upgrade all your companion's gear, learn new strategies and keep going.

Oh and, if you are finding the game hard, have you considered manually turning down the combat difficulty in the options menu?
That reminds me, does the SPECIAL attributes in F1 and F2 max out at 10, or does it still go up besides hitting 'the limit', like having 12 Strength, but it says 10 on your sheet, but your weight is up to where 12 Strength is.

as for Power Armor, no, not even in Fallout 1 was it immune to physical damage. I had hardened Power Armor and still took good damage from Deathclaws, up to 23 damage, I think, which was a critical.