Actually I know , it's not that easy work.
but what they made is nothing new.
same mechanism of dungeon crawling is already used
at oblivion.
for quest, it doesn't do anything new from oblivion but just using different story.
and other aspects? I can't find anything makes new generation.
what I see is TES 4.5=fo3.
if they evolve some of problem of Fallout or TES, I can't say it's oblivion PA setting. but no. tried nothing new.
Vats is only thing have been tried new, but it's different version of bullet time which makes player invincible.
for generation, I rather count fo3 as a TES 4.5.
whether fo3 is good game or bad game, there's nothing shows fo3 is son of Fo1,2(in aspect of game mechanism).
but it shows directly it's son of oblivion.
NV is little bit different. I think NV is real hybrid generation of Fallout and TES.
they bring lots of aspect of Fallout but basical tool was TES.
plus, for me, main stream of NV reminds me Morrowind and Daggerfall.(mantella?(I can't remember what was correct name)->platinum chip or Hooverdam. 3 greathouse and 4 ashlander->minor faction of NV)
it might be my misunderstood.
I rather count WL2 is new generation of Fallout.
actually Fallout itself was new generation of Wasteland though.
generation of Fallout
Wizardry->Bard's tale->Wasteland->Dragonwars->Fallout1->Fallout2->NV(but hybrid)
generation of TES
Ultima unerworld->?->TES1->TES2->TES3->TES4->fo3->(NV?)->skyrim.