CT Phipps
Carbon Dated and Proud

It tried, it tried.
I'd actually like to hear more on this. How do you figure it did?
It tried, it tried.
By making you a slave, by taking away your equipment and forcing you to start from down up. It was just too quick.I'd actually like to hear more on this. How do you figure it did?
I really liked the scenery though, it's one of the most unique in Fo3, a bit like Zion in NV. And it has remove the puke green filter if you didn't already with the Fellout modOperation: Anchorage was a gross disappointment as a shooting gallery for numerous reasons.
1. It's entirely virtual so there's no "stakes" in the DLC. You're in a video game playing a video game.
2. The environments are boring and unimaginative. There's snow, ice, and a military camp or two. It feels very much like a level of Call of Duty rather than Fallout.
3. I feel the depiction of the Chinese soldiery verges on the racist and that's only because they don't talk much because if they did, I imagine they'd really be racist.
4. Unlike Mothership Zeta, there's no options to explore the area or learn about the environment.
5. There's no supporting characters of note.
6. The DLC is utterly humorless. Where's the trademark Fallout laughs?
7. The enemies are completely unimaginative being Chinese soldiers and Chinese Ninjas (I withdraw my statement about it not being racist)
8. Being abducted is an out there statement. The Brotherhood Outcasts can't get a Pip Boy
from a corpse is an even bigger one. It even becomes weirder that a Pip Boy is needed to use a non-Vault Virtual Reality program.
9. The massive amount of loot you get at the end has no lore justification.
10. There's a lot of wasted potential in the Alaska campaign which is utterly unaddressed.
It's a boring, racist, humorless, story-less slugfest across unimaginative maps with an excuse plot that makes no sense.
I really liked the scenery though, it's one of the most unique in Fo3, a bit like Zion in NV. And it has remove the puke green filter if you didn't already with the Fellout mod
Indeed, as the game-in-game. Imagine if the Pip-Boy games you played were Pre-War FPS in VR you are transported to? That could have been a nice detail
Well it's supposed to be the most racist thing. In a drill you don't want your soldiers to understand the rich culture and history of the enemy, make them people and have them a story and to understand them. You want them to fill the dog-eater's faces with hot lead.
Well the Brotherhod could get a Pip-Boy easily for themselves. Killing any Vault Dweller they stumble upon, or Enclave the crap out of a Vault. Or better yet, melt your teenager face and grab the PB from the pile of ash.
But the BOS are good guys! West coast BOS would have totally killed you at a misstep though.
Pff. Red edgy BOS. For saying mean things that didn't make them more evil for meNo, they're the Brotherhood Outcasts.
They even drop a finger.
At what point is this shit considered trolling? Seriously duder, you know good and goddamned well that Mothership Zeta is a piece of shit.
It's really not. It has Funny Aliens and Sci-Fi levels and shooting them!
Plus, anything in Old World Blues that doesn't fit in with the rest of the universe can be justified with it being a mostly comedy DLC, whereas Mothership Zeta had absolutely no jokes.play Old World Blues. OWB is at least on theme of letting go of the past with the rest of the game.