Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

I just finished watching Todd Howard speak about Fallout 4. He did admit they sacrificed the story for the sake of freedom in games like Skyrim. Seems he knows the story has been weak at least. I still can't get over the cheers for Dogmeat being immortal.
If I learn how to mod, I'll release an "No Essential NPCs" mod with the title "Reloading is too Hard!".
Making an NPC non-essential is (IIRC) just a matter of loading him/her in the GECK, un-ticking a box and then saving as a new .ESP. Couldn't be easier, actually. Finding and modding all of them might be a bit of a chore, though. But the main issue will be that due to Bethesda's lazy game design, odds are that scripts and stuff will start to break if the NPC then get killed in a random encounter or such.
There was No tutorial for Mortal Kombat...
You fucking went to Arcades and actually played games with real life people and figured out new moves.
Same with Street Fighter and the Neo-Geo games.
Cough, cough...
I could list a dozen other examples as well. Tons of them in fact.

Oh Rayne Wah, Wah....wah... I forgot to multi Reply
Your First RPG is Super Mario RPG.... Come on now that's some N00b Shit.
Just stop.

Awesome FAIL...FAIL er cough cough
None of those are actually a tutorial.
They just show basic stick/button and extra moves.
There is No complete game tutorial inside those games..
You did NOT have to play those games for 20min+ tutorial session level

What is so difficult to understand??
If I learn how to mod, I'll release an "No Essential NPCs" mod with the title "Reloading is too Hard!".
Making an NPC non-essential is (IIRC) just a matter of loading him/her in the GECK, un-ticking a box and then saving as a new .ESP. Couldn't be easier, actually. Finding and modding all of them might be a bit of a chore, though. But the main issue will be that due to Bethesda's lazy game design, odds are that scripts and stuff will start to break if the NPC then get killed in a random encounter or such.

I still don't understand why they had to change it though, I mean Morrowind for example would allow you to kill every character, and the game would tell you if you killed a very important character that you can't continue the storyline.
There was No tutorial for Mortal Kombat...
You fucking went to Arcades and actually played games with real life people and figured out new moves.
Same with Street Fighter and the Neo-Geo games.
Cough, cough...
I could list a dozen other examples as well. Tons of them in fact.

Oh Rayne Wah, Wah....wah... I forgot to multi Reply
Your First RPG is Super Mario RPG.... Come on now that's some N00b Shit.
Just stop.

What is so difficult to understand??

I was 8. Keep acting like a jackass and see how long you last.

As for the Arcade machines and their tutorials. You are wrong yet you insist on being right. The tutorial doesn't have to be 20 minutes long for simplistic games. Are you dense?
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Awesome FAIL...FAIL er cough cough
None of those are actually a tutorial.
They just show basic stick/button and extra moves.
There is No complete game tutorial inside those games..
You did NOT have to play those games for 20min+ tutorial session level

What is so difficult to understand??

A section called "how to play" isn't a tutorial, ok. Just because it's not exactly like the tutorials that exist now doesn't make them one.
Just doing my part to make the internet a better place. :grin:



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There was No tutorial for Mortal Kombat...
You fucking went to Arcades and actually played games with real life people and figured out new moves.
Same with Street Fighter and the Neo-Geo games.
Cough, cough...
I could list a dozen other examples as well. Tons of them in fact.
Oh Rayne Wah, Wah....wah... I forgot to multi Reply
Your First RPG is Super Mario RPG.... Come on now that's some N00b Shit.
Just stop.
What is so difficult to understand??

I was 8. Keep acting like a jackass and see how long you last.

As for the Arcade machines and their tutorials. You are wrong yet you insist on being right. The tutorial doesn't have to be 20 minutes long for simplistic games. Are you dense?

8 Years old and could Not comprehend a game like Mario RPG?? or Final Fantasy??....Yet you want to act all intelligent on .. SERIOUSLY?????
Maybe you are just having a really really hard time Understanding the Differences between Operations Manual, Owners Manual and Tutorial...??

No sorry...Google and Googling your argument does Not count as evidence.
Oh but "seeing how long I last" Is better than being a Poser..

Like I said before Video Games used to just have very basic operations IF even that much.

Stanislao Moulinsky do you Not understand the Differences between Operations Manual, Owners Manual and Tutorial...??
To be fair most of those are supplemental books that didn't come with the games themselves
That's obvious, that's why I said "books". But I just wanted to counter his crying how back in the days players didn't have shit and had to figure everything out all by themselves, which is not true, there were manuals and stuff like this.

I agree on the Failout 3's tutorial, though - how it's forced on you and how you can't skip it and have to go through it every time you start a new game (even more annoying than... hm, maybe the Temple of Trials? But okay, there were no on-screen instructions in the Temple, you've got that going for you)
You guys wanna know the secret? You play through that shitty tutorial one last time. You get to the cave bit. You save. When you hit e to exit through the door, you get to redo everything- design, stats, name, everything. You only need to play through the tutorial once.

Its a real shame, though- the idea of actually living out your characters backstory is so much more interesting. Project Brazil does it pretty well, but it was an actually good idea on the part of Beth
once I got over the hype of the idea of building towns there was one big thing that stood out to me: where are you going to build them?Well, there obviously needs to be multiple large areas with little to nothing there. You have to have the spaces there for people to build the towns, and, unlike set strongholds, the player gets to build these multiple regions.
So yes, we’re getting hyped at the confirmation that Fallout 4 will include patented Bethesda large empty areas with nothing in them! It looks like it will be another shallow but wide world from Bethesda.

Good spot, actually. Todd said that F4 is the most dense world they've created, so apparently there are going to be some empty holes in this jungle... So if building towns is optional (I doubt it's truly optional, they put too much effort into it), some places will just feel off.
There was No tutorial for Mortal Kombat...
You fucking went to Arcades and actually played games with real life people and figured out new moves.
Same with Street Fighter and the Neo-Geo games.
Cough, cough...


8 Years old and could Not comprehend a game like Mario RPG?? or Final Fantasy??....Yet you want to act all intelligent on ..

Stanislao Moulinsky do you Not understand the Differences between Operations Manual, Owners Manual and Tutorial...??

What are you talking about? Who said I couldn't comprehend them? Quit being a moron. I'm not even talking about the fucking manuals. Learn some reading comprehension dude. Earlier you said you didn't double post but you did. You were so adamant about that. That shows your intelligence actually. I can see your intent here is to just troll so I won't bother anymore. It's like talking to a 12 year old but...

If you must insist on the tutorial conversation, all tutorial means is a transfer of information. The modern concept of tutorials in games is to handhold you through all the mechanics with cutscenes and button prompts, sometimes for hours on end. Simplistic games back in the arcades didn't require such in depth explanations. I know the difference between a manual and a tutorial.
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To those news I'll say.... Never Believe his lies..... I really have no problem with Loading screens, as long as they aren't ridiculously long I see no problem with them.
To those news I'll say.... Never Believe his lies..... I really have no problem with Loading screens, as long as they aren't ridiculously long I see no problem with them.

It looks like what Obsidian was trying to accomplish with Freeside might actually come to fruition in Fallout 4. The gated areas in Freeside and the Strip come to mind. It will be a drain on the memory I suppose. I wonder how their engine will hold up? :smile:

Looks like people already want to pretend Fallout New Vegas is Fallout 4. Too bad the UI looks like shit.

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