First time out of the vault

And to any fan of FO1/2/T (and I mean fan, not just casual player or whatever) who got lulled by FO3 and ended up loving it and is now super-excited for FO4; You don't get to use your history of being a pre-Bethesda Fallout fan as leverage. You threw that leverage away when you became a sheep for an Oblivion-clone.I'm 35, I loved the original games, and I love the new games, different though they may be. Do you hate me for liking Fallout 1, 2, 3, and NV, and for pre-ordering Fallout 4?
You can like whatever the fuck you want to like, man.
You just wanna have fun and play whatever the hell type of sequel a publisher releases? Go ahead. I ain't gonna judge you for that.
What I will judge you for is when you take position against people with legitimate grievances with how an IP is transforming.
You're skipping some seriouis steps in logic when you say that a person throws their leverage away for liking what Bethesda did for the series. That's a bunch of bullshit, good sir. You're saying that a person's opinion doesn't matter because they don't agree with you... and then you go on to say that you will judge "me" for liking what you don't like.
That's really childish, elementary-school-playground-argument stuff there, bud... well, that, and it's similar to how people take sides in holy wars, which is fitting, since people like you have given this site the reputation for being not fans, but fanatics, in the worst sense of the word.