Fallout 4 leaked screenshots (SPOILERS)

Now that even your protagonist has a voice it will be a real pain in the ass to modd new quests in to the game. And you most probably will have also a difficult time to create any real dialog between the player and the NPC, constantly having only a max of 4 options available ...
Now that even your protagonist has a voice it will be a real pain in the ass to modd new quests in to the game. And you most probably will have also a difficult time to create any real dialog between the player and the NPC, constantly having only a max of 4 options available ...

Its almost as if Bethesda is punishing modders for making content that is 200x better then theirs. This game is going to be as modable as Mass Effect. Not impossible but difficult especially in regards to quest mods or any mod that adds custom dialogue.
Now that even your protagonist has a voice it will be a real pain in the ass to modd new quests in to the game. And you most probably will have also a difficult time to create any real dialog between the player and the NPC, constantly having only a max of 4 options available ...

Its almost as if Bethesda is punishing modders for making content that is 200x better then theirs. This game is going to be as modable as Mass Effect. Not impossible but difficult especially in regards to quest mods or any mod that adds custom dialogue.

Yea I didn't even really give this much thought until now, well shit.

After watching the combat videos, I truly feel sorry for anyone not able to squeeze enjoyment out of that. It's nice to pat ourselves on the back and compliment ourselves on how evolved out gaming tastes are, but at some point you start to lose the forest for the trees.
I didn't download those videos, but I watched one of the beginning of the game with the Vault-Tec guy and I honestly can't believe that they thought that this is okay for release. What a fucking joke.
I didn't download those videos, but I watched one of the beginning of the game with the Vault-Tec guy and I honestly can't believe that they thought that this is okay for release. What a fucking joke.

What is wrong with it?
The choreography is fucking awful and the writing is worse than expected.

There's literally a dialogue option that says "Sarcastic", like they're not going to be subtle about it, it's just "Sarcastic".

That's the magic of dialogue wheels, everybody, no more role playing, no more thinking for yourself!


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The choreography is fucking awful and the writing is worse than expected.

There's literally a dialogue option that says "Sarcastic", like they're not going to be subtle about it, it's just "Sarcastic".

That's the magic of dialogue wheels, everybody, no more role playing, no more thinking for yourself!

What in that image is not possible in this new system?
So adding a hit marker like CoD and making tps shooting a bit more smooth means combat is better? Also I dont know if its just me but music felt so awkward and out of place during combat and while exploring the police precinct.
Well the image itself was self explanatory. If you debated Lanius at the end of Fallout New Vegas, you'd know that it would be hard to translate that to a really short dialogue wheel while also giving the players sufficient information to actually be invested in it. On top of that, the dialogue options would look stupid, but hey, you really can't stoop lower than "SARCASTIC" or "HATE NEWSPAPER"

After watching the combat videos, I truly feel sorry for anyone not able to squeeze enjoyment out of that. It's nice to pat ourselves on the back and compliment ourselves on how evolved out gaming tastes are, but at some point you start to lose the forest for the trees.

You feel sorry? Why? There are a FUCKTON of games I can find enjoyment out of. Why the fuck would I need to care for Fallout 4? I have Dota 2, Team Fortress 2, CS:GO that I play occasionally. I have loads of games coming out like Just Cause 3 which has 100x better gameplay since you're not actually thinking about how fucking dumb it would be to encounter any super mutant or raider you see that's just placed there for the sake of filler.

I can sense that you're just trying to defend BGS whatever way it's possible. I don't know why you're doing that..
Well, how could you not have fun with those videos? Look at the AI, is laughable! I think that alone counts as entertainment.

After watching the combat videos, I truly feel sorry for anyone not able to squeeze enjoyment out of that. It's nice to pat ourselves on the back and compliment ourselves on how evolved out gaming tastes are, but at some point you start to lose the forest for the trees.

Dunno, it's mediocre gunplay against terrible AI. Personally, I'll probably enjoy wandering around watching the landscape a lot more than the action in Fallout 4.
I have speculation that might suggest the 2287 date is a pirated version of the game.

I am probably wrong.
I can't edit my post above with my phone, so here it is.

This is just a theory more then anything, and I again probably am wrong.

Pete Hines very recently tweeted this,


This and at E3 Todd Howard confirmed the game starts on October 23rd, 2077, when the bombs hit. 200 years later as said by Pete Hines on Twitter, and by Codsworth a in game robot says 200 years to the player.

It just doesn't make sense, 2287, that is worse then any plot hole I can think of that Bethesda has or could do. However likely I am wrong about this, and their is not a pirated version of the game.

To explain to anyone what a pirated version of a game is? It's a finished version of a game that is separated from the retail version before the games release date. So you have review copies, and pirated versions.

The main reason I am probably wrong is any leaks we see that are from a console version are unlikely pirated, and are in fact the retail version. Their is a chance though that it is pirated. Developers will tweak or add goofy stuff to a pirated version of a game sometimes.

The date just doesn't make any sense, but likely it is the date the game starts. This is just a theory.
Nope, pretty much doubt that. The Spanish leaker confirmed that he had a Press copy. THe Vidme Leaker has shown the box of the game on video too. Codsworth could be rounding up the number and Pete Hines even said he couldn't be assed to read the dialogue in the first place. Also "200 years after war" is catchier than "210 years after the war" for marketing. Some Store breaking street date or a clerk selling an earlier copy to a friend happens ALL the time.
Nope, pretty much doubt that. The Spanish leaker confirmed that he had a Press copy. THe Vidme Leaker has shown the box of the game on video too. Codsworth could be rounding up the number and Pete Hines even said he couldn't be assed to read the dialogue in the first place. Also "200 years after war" is catchier than "210 years after the war" for marketing. Some Store breaking street date or a clerk selling an earlier copy to a friend happens ALL the time.

Yea I just thought id throw a theory out their, as I am not a fan of the 2287 date since it gives things from F3 higher chances of being in Fallout 4. Mostly the damn CwBoS.