Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I'm in two minds about the whole refunds thing.
On one hand, yeah, the game isn't worth the asking price. There's not a lot to it and after four hours of playing it at work one day, I just thought to myself "I never have to play this again."
£50 is way too much to ask for a game which should be 10 at most.
On the other hand, I don't think this is the Devs fault. I'm sure they just wanted to make this little game which sadly got blown way out of proportion.
I don't dislike Sean Murray, he was obviously very passionate and he looked nervous in interviews. Like he was just there and didn't really know what he was doing. I'm not saying he is blameless, he didn't need to outright lie about certain things and he should have tried his best to calm the hype down.
I think Sony is more at fault, and for it, a games studio will probably get shut down.
I do agree however, it was way too ambitious.
I gotta agree, I don't think Sean Murray and his team had any insidious intentions. Who in their right mind would willingly risk their career and likely forever be shunned by the industry just like that? Big developers and especially publishers can get away with pulling wool over their fans' eyes, but someone pretty new on the scene with so much more to lose? It's more likely that he wanted the game to be so much, and all the promises he made were intended to be actualized, while riding the high of the hype that exploded overnight. But somewhere along the way they ran out of time and money and had to release a "finished" product. It simply reeks of inexperience, horrible pr and bad planning. Sort of like that dude who wants to get into game design, promises to make a huge conversion mod to some game, or draws hundreds of concept art pieces for his big ambitious game, but soon realizes it's actually a lot harder to do than he thought.
That said, I'm still not defending anyone and not trying to make excuses. It's simply how I could imagine that things went down. The whole thing is still deserving of all the flak, and the concepts of pre-ordering, hype, medias role in the hype, the developers and publishers roles in the hype, etc are all in need of some serious scrutiny and discussion. But I don't think it's as easy as evil people trying to rob others of their money. No matter the actual quality of the game, you can't deny that it's an inspired project with some ambitious goals. There would have been much easier ways to rake in money in the gaming industry.
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