Mr Fish
Slippy sloppy, The
What's a Genna?
and I can't believe people saying that they enjoyed "Fallout 3". I played the whole thing, once, back in 2008 and I can't remember anything I enjoyed. when I think of it, it only aggravates me, all the stupidity in it. I just remembered the behemoths and that's just one example
I get this is a spin off and stuff, but it doesn't excuse the idea that this game has a very limited life span.
Didn't they say that they were looking into allowing players to set up their own servers or something?
Totalbiscuit's wife, she's doing the E3 Snarkathons solo on account of TB's passing.What's a Genna?
Fallout 3 was actually my first Fallout game and i hated it. Found it to be a boring, souless, nonsensical mess. Then i played the first two and New Vegas and i got even more angry.
I have no nostalgia attachment to the first two games and even i am angry to how much Bethesda butchered this franchise.
I know that. Bethesda published it I believe. But yeah. I am excited as hell for Doom eternalThat's because bethesda didn't made the last DOOM. ID software did.
C'mon man, they need more time to work out the kinks of nuking others and making sure that the details upon details upon details got details. Cut 'em some slack.'Looking into' it. Just like they're 'looking into' a way to prevent greifing in an always online PVP game. Todd Howard said private servers along with mods won't be available at launch. In fucking November. Five months from now. Which begs the question, what the hell are they scrambling to finish right now, and why exactly are they rushing what they know to be a feature-incomplete title out the door? Today's development culture is just fucking disgraceful.
at least Todd calls his audience degenerates, because that's what they truly are.
It would have hyped me to shit if Caesar and Legate Lanius somehow showed up with a legion of soldiers and did that."Degenerates like this crowd belong on a cross"
That would one hell of a show, Caesars Legion enters the stage, puts Todd on a cross and announces a new Fallout in vein of New Vegas set on Legion-controlled territories.It would have hyped me to shit if Caesar and Legate Lanius somehow showed up with a legion of soldiers and did that.
-So you get quests from robots
-Nukes are supposed to be loads of fun
-Your settlement leaves when you leave
Yup, pretty much.thanks bethesda for further confirming this is not even a ham-fisted half-assed attempt at a fallout game like 3 and 4 were
also thanks for letting me know so early that i wont be spending any money on it
Sorry, I might have been a bit over the top in my response. I'm just not one to let the entire community be passively insulted without saying something.
This is going to be a real shit show, judging by how most people play games like Ark and Rust. Bethesda appears to be completely out of their element with no concrete ideas on how to prevent greifing in a game featuring persistent combat. And nukes. As soon as the beta opens to the public, the developers are going to realize how monumentally they have fucked up. Fallout 76 was definitely a Zenimax idea.
Vault Tek Nuke-Boy 4000! Only the best nuke'em'all technology from Vault Tek!When I see all these new creatures I wonder why they waited until now to even try to be creative or original also why is the vault-tec logo on the nuke