Fallout 76

Nonetheless, I can't expect the Fallout 76 launch to be worse than GTAO's. Fallout 76 will be bugged to high hell no doubt, but GTAO day one was literally unplayable. Getting stuck in loading screens for 20+ minutes, geez.
We're talking about Bethesda here, the kings of having their games be a shit show at launch. Of course it will be worse than GTA Online's launch. If another company had a terrible launch on a similar game, Fallout 76 will have an even worse launch, specially when they seemingly have no experience on online games.
they seemingly have no experience on online games
I still laugh at people who tout The Elder Scrolls Online as a saving grace for Fallout 76.

Those people may have forgotten what a mess TESO was at launch and how little there was to do.

Plus the improvements are Zenimax Online's work and nothing to do with Bethesda Game Studios.
Of course it will be worse than GTA Online's launch.

Yeah, this shit was happening widespread day one. The Fallout 76 BETA seems to be running... okay I guess. But the fact of the matter is you can get into a game and do your thing, something GTAO failed at launch. Fallout 76 will be glitchy upon release no doubt, all Bethesda games are. But whatever problems we will discover upon release, it can't be worse than what GTAO provided.
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Color me surprised if the launch is not a disaster, specially with the major issues the beta is getting when launch is in like a month or less.

The inexperience with online components and the notorious past record of having atrocious launchs just seems to be heading into a colossal disaster.
In the end it will not matter. This implies BoS in all games no matter what. Forever.

This has great meme potential. BoS everywhere. BoS where they should not be. BoS under the ocean. BoS in space. BoS rule Israel in 2315 and the Muslim Enclave are the only ones that can stop them. But on the horizon a new faction rises. The Knight's Templar ruled by pre-war Ghouls that were once Freemasons. Then the Aliens come down and shit really shifts to the next level.

But where's the continual creep of medieval fantasy bullshit that we've come to expect? 76 adds dragons so I guess the next step would be castles....other than that one in Fo4. Let's see...legendary effects are sorcery. Their Lovecraftian stuff adds curses and dark gods I guess. Ghouls are just zombies now. Well, shit...they're kind of only missing kingdoms and peasants.
I have been observing the youtube comments section for a lot of Fallout 76 videos and the majority of them are just down right grump about Fallout 76. While I think it would be wise to just chalk that up to youtube being youtube, I was actually surprised to notice the rather high degree in which some comments made actual productive statements/criticisms.

Compared to the typical troll posts a lot of comments I read in videos that painted Fallout 76 in a positive or negative light were very critical of the game.

I'm not expecting any kind of impact, figured I'd just share my observations.
Psykers are really really uncommon. Outside the broadcaster the only existing ones were the psykers that the Master's scientists created and they were almost all mentally affected in one way or another.
Also, outside the rare exception that it helps the campaign I do not think that there should be psykers, especially player characters.
Any playable character with psychic powers should be insane. Perhaps you can make things combust if you focus long enough on it but you can't say a single coherent sentence.

I do not think that psykers were meant to have an increasing role in the Fallout setting.

Edit: yes I meant the "Forecaster" instead of "Broadcaster". Did not feel like looking it up so I mixed the two names up.
Actually, I could get behind psyker builds. Telepathy for speech checks. Technopathy for new hacking options. It's already canonical soft scifi, but I suppose there is a fineline between that and magick.
See? They got another one.
Outside the broadcaster the only existing ones were the psykers that the Master's scientists created and they were almost all mentally affected in one way or another
To be fair, Hakunin in 2 does seem to have psyker-like abilities (his dream projections for instance). Though he was the only one stable enough to function among people like the Forecaster.
Psykers are really really uncommon. Outside the broadcaster the only existing ones were the psykers that the Master's scientists created and they were almost all mentally affected in one way or another.
Also, outside the rare exception that it helps the campaign I do not think that there should be psykers, especially player characters.
Any playable character with psychic powers should be insane. Perhaps you can make things combust if you focus long enough on it but you can't say a single coherent sentence.

I do not think that psykers were meant to have an increasing role in the Fallout setting.
Problematic party members.
BOOM! :ugly:

Does anyone realize how lucky we are that Bethesda (who did nothing but TES for a decade), left Melchor out of FO3?
Does anyone realize how lucky we are that Bethesda (who did nothing but TES for a decade), left Melchor out of FO3?
The super mutant magician? i thought bethesda also made a magician in FO4's DLC Nuka World, but that one is a pre-war ghoul instead.
And they decide it's good idea to give him actual magic power, because of radiation they say.
The super mutant magician? i thought bethesda also made a magician in FO4's DLC Nuka World, but that one is a pre-war ghoul instead.
And they decide it's good idea to give him actual magic power, because of radiation they say.
Yeah, you gotta love whenever Bethesda does stupid shit like this(because they think its cool) and bring it up with o' Petey Hines (who we all know has more creative control then he lets on and I bet that a lot of these dumbass ideas were Pete's because he thinks its cool.) he tells you to get fucked.
See? They got another one.

How so? The only psyker they've ever done is Mama Murphy. I'm not suggesting increasing the number of psykers in the world, just that the player character could optionally become a rare instance.

Psykers are really really uncommon. Outside the broadcaster the only existing ones were the psykers that the Master's scientists created and they were almost all mentally affected in one way or another.
Also, outside the rare exception that it helps the campaign I do not think that there should be psykers, especially player characters.
Any playable character with psychic powers should be insane. Perhaps you can make things combust if you focus long enough on it but you can't say a single coherent sentence.

I do not think that psykers were meant to have an increasing role in the Fallout setting.

Edit: yes I meant the "Forecaster" instead of "Broadcaster". Did not feel like looking it up so I mixed the two names up.

They're uncommon and so are cyborgs (that aren't robobrains) and the player character can become one in all of the better titles. That wouldn't give psykers a bigger role. It would just change who holds said role. Also, the only incoherent psykers are the ones the Master created. He is not incoherent, nor Hakunin, the Forecaster, or Mama Murphy.

A psyker trait could be a requirement for late game perks, that makes your character psychotic (psychosis). Perhaps the player would develop a need for certain chems, or acquire/create a psychic nullifier to avoid becoming totally dysfunctional. Dialogue and quest options could be different; creating unique playthroughs like the low intelligence run of the classics. One could also see it in the same vein as playing a ghoul character, since uncommonness is A) not an argument in itself and B) irrelevant as long as we're talking about having only one pskyer character.

Builds that significantly affect choices are good. Ingraining roleplaying into experiences is good. A psyker trait could even incorporate wild wasteland stuff without breaking the fourth wall.
How so? The only psyker they've ever done is Mama Murphy.

Actually, Mama Murphy is not a psyker. She is a shitty plot device. Her power comes from drugs, aka shitty writting. She stops having visions if you don't give her any drugs.

About the Psykers itself, I prefer them to be NPCs, since how would you implement it anyway? Born Ghouls make more sense than some psyhic humans. How would it affect gameplay? Read thoughts, create psionic shields? I don't think it makes sense in Fallout. Then again, knowing bugthesda they will let all players become psykers, which will have 0 consequences and will add 0 new gameplay options.
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