I’m okay with racism as long as no one actually gets hurt by it. For example I can’t say I’ve never spoken a derogatory racial epithet at another driver while on the highway.
There are actually times when it’s fun. Race jokes are actually funny sometimes. Especially when said by the race in question in a self deprecating way. I worked with a black dude that would say things like “Is we sick, boss?” or “I’s tries hahda next time!” if he made a mistake. I practically doubled over laughing the first time he did that.
I’ll start!
A tribute to my heritage:
Did you hear about the Irish terrorist who tried to blow up a bus? He got severe burn marks on his mouth from the exhaust pipe.
None of that is actual racism though, you're venting frustration, you're in traffic, raging, you're looking for hurtful terms
As for the jokes, they're... jokes...
I never thought I'd stand around sounding like some "anti pc advocate", but seriously... none of what you said describes behaviours of actual racists!
My father is Peruvian, me and my brother make fun of him, of his accent, we make fun of the Spanish language - we make fun of Norwegians, we're Norwegian on my mother's side. We make fun of black people, their deep voice and their accents, we have a lot of first hand experience with it, being Norwegians our black people are authentic Africans, and my brother has several good friends, from Zanzibar, Kenya, Ghana and Sierra Leone. The Sierra Leonean in particular is a beast! Amazing guy, he bailed my brother out of a scuffle by knocking two guys heads together like coconuts.
That guy once got himself a black car, with black uphostery and tinted windows. His plan was to don a leather jacket and become completely invisible when driving, because, in his own words "I am black too!"
We love to giggle at the "asian hair", you know, when asian men have sort of half-long hair, but still sort of trimmed.
Shit, we laugh at pretty much every nationality, every weird accent, every stereotype, cus it's fun.
One time I suggested to him that we might have Jewish heritage. He stopped chewing, he stared at me, and he sputtered "WHAT THE FUCK JEWS!?"
We do probably have some Jewish heritage though, on mom's side.
He would routinely mock his Moroccan friend for starving himself during Ramadan, and his friend - the muslim - would simply take the mockery, with a little tear in his eye

That guy was awesome btw, like a spitting image of Snoop Dogg, he always wanted to ask me intricate questions, like I was some walking wikipedia page. He ended up deported due to posession of drugs
None of that is _ACTUAL_ racism! None of that means me - or my brother - want to really subjucate anybody of another race, or that we truly consider any of our non-white
family or friends to be inferior! That would be crazy! I can't imagine either of these people being threatened with having their human rights reduced in ANY way! In the words of one of my MOST staunchly patriotic - and almost inbredly pure Norwegian friends: They'd have to go through me and my rifle first.
That very same friend, when he comes to visit, and I open the door, will roman-salute me, and go "Heil!"