First time out of the vault

Go into slaver's camp next equip a "functional/repaired" radio into item slot and use it. Say over the radio that one of the slaves escaped. The overseer/master slaver will shortly after walk out of his room to speak with other slavers for a short period of time. You now have a short while for looting his room including his safe ( be sure to steal the key to his rom from him before you call him out because the key might be nessecary to open the room/safe)
Oh wow I never actually thought this radio would have some use. I know the main plot involves the radio lore or something, but never thought I could use it like that. Thats neat.
On an unrelated question however, anybody know how to finish the gambler misc quest at the Silver Hotel in Reno? Ive seen him a bunch of times, and now he broke down crying, but I gave him another 100, and played the slots with him. Apparently my dialogue involves noticing a pattern with the slots. So I play the slots for like 100 clicks/rolls at it. But no more dialogue left with the gambler, and now Im not sure what I need to do