Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Go into slaver's camp next equip a "functional/repaired" radio into item slot and use it. Say over the radio that one of the slaves escaped. The overseer/master slaver will shortly after walk out of his room to speak with other slavers for a short period of time. You now have a short while for looting his room including his safe ( be sure to steal the key to his rom from him before you call him out because the key might be nessecary to open the room/safe)

Oh wow I never actually thought this radio would have some use. I know the main plot involves the radio lore or something, but never thought I could use it like that. Thats neat.

On an unrelated question however, anybody know how to finish the gambler misc quest at the Silver Hotel in Reno? Ive seen him a bunch of times, and now he broke down crying, but I gave him another 100, and played the slots with him. Apparently my dialogue involves noticing a pattern with the slots. So I play the slots for like 100 clicks/rolls at it. But no more dialogue left with the gambler, and now Im not sure what I need to do
in real life I wouldn't let any gambler lay hands on my money:p
but in all seriulsness try to use skills on the machine to "figure out/determine what's causing him to loose" (science)
then You'll have dialogue options 2 or 3 depending on your gambling skill
1. tell him to play on different machine and after a couple of days You'll get 500xp and 1000$
2. screw him and say You win the money back yourslf.
3.req gambling 30% after doing some math give him a few pointers on how to play and after a couple of days get 500xp and 1700$

after that this bonehead should leave and never agin occupy any slot machines anymore at least AFAIR as walkthrough doesn't say anything on this..
in real life I wouldn't let any gambler lay hands on my money:p
but in all seriulsness try to use skills on the machine to "figure out/determine what's causing him to loose" (science)
then You'll have dialogue options 2 or 3 depending on your gambling skill
1. tell him to play on different machine and after a couple of days You'll get 500xp and 1000$
2. screw him and say You win the money back yourslf.
3.req gambling 30% after doing some math give him a few pointers on how to play and after a couple of days get 500xp and 1700$

after that this bonehead should leave and never agin occupy any slot machines anymore at least AFAIR as walkthrough doesn't say anything on this..

Oh ok thats cool. Was afraid I would have to put points into gambling.

On an unrelated note, I just finished all the quests for Big Louie, however he opened up to me and told me he likes Jazz. Now ive met a couple people who have relation to musical talents, which I know there was some bar in New Reno which had a stage. However I think I read you needed charisma or something in order for that stuff to happen. Just wanted to know if that was the case, and if Big Louie would've normally been a part of that. Brought a jazz trumpet from Mr Wright to Louie to see if anything would happen but it didnt.

(And actually, for 1 more thing thats been bugging me this entire time, Ive met a bunch of people who say "Im good with my hands", and my character says "I should remember this guy", so curious as to what those guys are for)
Oh ok thats cool. Was afraid I would have to put points into gambling.

On an unrelated note, I just finished all the quests for Big Louie, however he opened up to me and told me he likes Jazz. Now ive met a couple people who have relation to musical talents, which I know there was some bar in New Reno which had a stage. However I think I read you needed charisma or something in order for that stuff to happen. Just wanted to know if that was the case, and if Big Louie would've normally been a part of that. Brought a jazz trumpet from Mr Wright to Louie to see if anything would happen but it didnt.

(And actually, for 1 more thing thats been bugging me this entire time, Ive met a bunch of people who say "Im good with my hands", and my character says "I should remember this guy", so curious as to what those guys are for)

Louis and his jazz career are part of a Las Vegas quest (more information in spoiler).
In Las Vegas there is Hard Rock Cafe. Owner will hire Louis if you clear him of the drug manufacturing charges.

(And actually, for 1 more thing thats been bugging me this entire time, Ive met a bunch of people who say "Im good with my hands", and my character says "I should remember this guy", so curious as to what those guys are for)

Idle men (as they're called) are needed near the end of the MQ. There's one in every major city (you need only one of them for the quest so you can kill the rest if you want).
I've read somwhere back in this thread that it is possible to dissasemble ammo for ammo parts at workbench in Crazy Edition. if so what are the requiremets in order to do so since I have the upgraded ammo press and use a workbench and still can't dissasemble ammo into ammoparts...
I've read somwhere back in this thread that it is possible to dissasemble ammo for ammo parts at workbench in Crazy Edition. if so what are the requiremets in order to do so since I have the upgraded ammo press and use a workbench and still can't dissasemble ammo into ammoparts...
Need bullets in your inventory, then there will be a separate branch of the dialogue. You can only disassemble the common cartridges.
{277}{}{Disassemble a 10 mm magazine}
{278}{}{Disassemble a 0.44 magazine}
{279}{}{Disassemble a 0.223 magazine}
{280}{}{Disassemble a 5 mm magazine}
{281}{}{Disassemble a 9 mm magazine}

I do have plenty of various kinds of ammo in my inventory, However the option at worktable to dismantle cadriges to ammo parts is missing, also starting from the moment i recruited dogmeat things started to crash *a lot* up to a point where my savegame was not loadable anymore and froze the .exe had to alt-tab + alt-ctrl-del and force-kill in NevadaCE process in program manager.

Not sure what's causing this. eigther corrupted installation or messing with vad's editor too much (however i changed only compatible settings such as skills and SPECIAL, as rest was showing incorrectly in the editor. additionally i also installed some custom perks from Nirran's website [the one that gives more perk points).

I decided to reinstall Crazy Edition
I have few questions regarding installation of Crazy Edition:
1. Is everything nessecary for the game installation is included in your signature? I mean I've seen on page 61 of this thread that you recomend instaling some fixes before aplying the language patch. is that still the case? if so then why this bugfix is not in your signature?

2. You mentioned eariler in this thread that using F12se.exe is generally a bad idea because it causes crashes later on, is that still the case?

I decided to reinstall Crazy Edition
I have few questions regarding installation of Crazy Edition:
1. Is everything nessecary for the game installation is included in your signature? I mean I've seen on page 61 of this thread that you recomend instaling some fixes before aplying the language patch. is that still the case? if so then why this bugfix is not in your signature?

2. You mentioned eariler in this thread that using F12se.exe is generally a bad idea because it causes crashes later on, is that still the case?
1. I'm no longer working on the build, everything in my signature is the latest translation fixes from Dionis and mine.
2. The engine in Nevada has been redesigned and if you use third-party programs, then you will have to solve the errors.
This is a amazing mod i cant says enough thank you for the creators and translators.
I am having a issue i hope someone can help me. I am now lvl 11. I visited new vegas and on the first area there is a merchant his name is paul tibbet.
His inventory is empty! as well as many others in new vegas. This is a bug. I confirmed this by quickly creating a new char and checking his inventory and he had a full inventory.
Also one more issue the enginneer from the new reno train station has dissapeared...
does it mean i wont be able to craft the power armor?
So question is what can i do now ? Is all my progress wasted or can i do something to recover from this state?
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I loved original FO2 and played the RP and the 1.5R Mods and absolutely loved them.
First time playing this Mod.

Is there like a list of quests and items/encounters for this mod like the one they have for 1.5 Resurrection? I'm asking because I'm lost from the start of the game. I've visited 4 locations already but only leveled up once! I have a lot of missions but it seems that all of them are long term and are not solvable within the same location? Am I missing something here?

Just to get an estimation, how long does it take to play this mod? I mean within a natural progression till the end, what level should your character reach without any grinding? And roughly how long will it take?

Also reading this forum, there is something called the 'Crazy Edition'? What is that? Is it like a mod for the mod? Does it change/add missions or items?

Thank you all
Is there like a list of quests and items/encounters for this mod like the one they have for 1.5 Resurrection? I'm asking because I'm lost from the start of the game. I've visited 4 locations already but only leveled up once! I have a lot of missions but it seems that all of them are long term and are not solvable within the same location? Am I missing something here?

Just to get an estimation, how long does it take to play this mod? I mean within a natural progression till the end, what level should your character reach without any grinding? And roughly how long will it take?

Also reading this forum, there is something called the 'Crazy Edition'? What is that? Is it like a mod for the mod? Does it change/add missions or items?

Thank you all
No need to spoil yourself, man. What I noticed about this mod is it had rather slow start. The quests in early game is long and takes time to be finished, but can definitely be finished with the skills you start with. Take your time and finish the quests one by one. Or, if you already finished most of the quests, all I can say is you most probably missed the opportunity to gain extra XPs by doing extra steps. One hint I could give you: carry all those Junk, you'll need it to repair stuff.

As for how long this mod takes, I can't give exact numbers. It varies from person to person, the mod is probably twice or even three times as big as 1.5

Crazy Edition is some kind of Enhanced Edition/Director's Cut, something like that. It adds a companion and have some extra features, you can look it up in the relevant thread for that edition. Mind you, the translation patch is mostly done for the standard version, while the Crazy Edition had extra parts in it I'd assume not yet translated, but I saw people finishing it anyway so it's up to you.
Thank you for the info.

So far after visiting 5 different locations, I have to say that it's smaller than Resurrection 1.5 actually. I mean yeah may be more locations but they are certainly a lot smaller with fewer missions. My big problem is the very slow development of your character.

Anyway, I'll keep on playing blind and try everything to progress (kinds kills the RP aspect but..).

I'll stick to the official mod then, as the CE is not really complete in translation.

Also, in regard to your hint, I don't really understand what you mean by 'junk' but I'm collecting stuff that I don't know what they do (weapon parts, ammo parts, etc.)
So far after visiting 5 different locations, I have to say that it's smaller than Resurrection 1.5 actually. I mean yeah may be more locations but they are certainly a lot smaller with fewer missions. My big problem is the very slow development of your character.
The earlier locations like Gerlach or something and Black Rock are definitely small, but starting from the Lovelock tribe they offer good chunks of content; Lovelock alone could rival the combination of Klamath and The Den of Fallout 2 in terms of content, even though they're split between the tribes and the raiders.

Meanwhile, New Reno as depicted in Nevada is probably nearly as big as both Sedit and Albuquerque of 1.5 combined, with amount of content far surpass either one of them. It's just that the quest design might be convoluted at first, but the mod author used the engine's capabilities to its fullest. You really need to keep your eyes open for the possibilities of using items and/or skills when dealing with problems, and pay close attention to what NPCs you need to speak to in order to progress through quests.

Also, in regard to your hint, I don't really understand what you mean by 'junk' but I'm collecting stuff that I don't know what they do (weapon parts, ammo parts, etc.)
An actual 'Junk' item https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Junk_(Fallout)
Well, I'll try to keep my eyes open wide for stuff and read everything said. The reason I was asking for some sort of mission list or walkthrough is in case I get stuck. The missions I faced are not straight forward and are mostly long term so there isn't any ingame way of knowing whether I'm on the right track or not. For example, [SPOLIER] in Lovelock, when I go to the raiders area I get caught and sent to their boss where the only choices is to either fight them or join them. I'm waaaaay weaker than them (lvl3 with no armor and that stupid 9mm pistol with little ammo) so I reloaded and delayed going there at all for now. Another example is small missions that has no bearing on the story line and are there just to give you experience like the "missing Brahmin" one. I can't solve it and I would simply prefer to read where/what I'm wrong about and finish it to gain the little experience it gives, because it's helpful now to level up and will be worthless for me later on in the game if I return back to solve it. [END SPOLIER]

I just entered New Reno in my game and so far I haven't seen any 'junk' item anywhere? Is that normal or am I not looking hard enough (even though I have the 'shift' trick to highlight all containers on)?

Thank you for your help btw.
Well, I'll try to keep my eyes open wide for stuff and read everything said. The reason I was asking for some sort of mission list or walkthrough is in case I get stuck. The missions I faced are not straight forward and are mostly long term so there isn't any ingame way of knowing whether I'm on the right track or not. For example, [SPOLIER] in Lovelock, when I go to the raiders area I get caught and sent to their boss where the only choices is to either fight them or join them. I'm waaaaay weaker than them (lvl3 with no armor and that stupid 9mm pistol with little ammo) so I reloaded and delayed going there at all for now. Another example is small missions that has no bearing on the story line and are there just to give you experience like the "missing Brahmin" one. I can't solve it and I would simply prefer to read where/what I'm wrong about and finish it to gain the little experience it gives, because it's helpful now to level up and will be worthless for me later on in the game if I return back to solve it. [END SPOLIER]

I just entered New Reno in my game and so far I haven't seen any 'junk' item anywhere? Is that normal or am I not looking hard enough (even though I have the 'shift' trick to highlight all containers on)?

Thank you for your help btw.

Missing brahmin
In the northern part of the brahmin pen a bit of fence is broken. After using it you'll find the tracks of brahmin.

Nevada adds several harvestable items- junk harvest spot is bunch of broken tech. There is couple of them around the old mine buildings and in larger cities
Well, I'll try to keep my eyes open wide for stuff and read everything said. The reason I was asking for some sort of mission list or walkthrough is in case I get stuck. The missions I faced are not straight forward and are mostly long term so there isn't any ingame way of knowing whether I'm on the right track or not.
Ah, yes. In that case, I can understand your predicament, so here https://fnevada.bgforge.net/Прохожд...82.D0.B5.D1.80_.D0.92.D0.BE.D0.B9.D0.BD.D1.8B translate to English if you can't understand Russian. Be mindful, though, only open it if you really, REALLY hit a wall hard you can't see anything.

I just entered New Reno in my game and so far I haven't seen any 'junk' item anywhere? Is that normal or am I not looking hard enough (even though I have the 'shift' trick to highlight all containers on)?
Aside from a couple lying somewhere on the ground or in some containers, Alphons pointed out that you can interact with broken stuff lying across places to 'harvest' a Junk. From what I remembered, it requires Repair skill, though.