Jean Claude, aka "muscles from Brussels" - is from Belgium
Yea, sorry. That's right, he's Belgian. SuAcide probably a huge fan of his.
Jean Claude, aka "muscles from Brussels" - is from Belgium
My moms family is Scots and English and my dads family is English and German. We don’t really think about Europe being a homeland nor do we feel the same about states we have historically lived in. My family has moved across the USA several times in the last few generations - picture moving from the Ukraine to southern England then to the Swiss alps and then to southern Morocco and then to southern Germany. Moving around the USA is common and the geography and climate is really varied. The USA is our homeland. Except for Arkansas. Fuck them.Sometimes I ask my yank friends, how do they feel living in US? Do you feel like you're not in your ancestral home place?You got a lot of places which are not that old really over there. Or when you visit your ancestral home lands in Europe or where ever, do you get like a special feeling? What's your special connection place on this planet?
Perfectly beautiful nations, especially Israel.
What did you say about Putin, comrade? You should know Vladimir Putin is a strong Russian man and a great leader! Truly he is the best and most qualified man to lead the USS- I mean Russia!Russian literature is amazing and I’m willing to ironically forgive them for Putin, considering that they also produced Tolstoy.
We're... complicated. And with some of our states equaling entire countries in size and output, each with its own ways and culture, it's a feat of determined ignorance to treat us as a monolith and write us off, just as it would be to shit on all the people of, say, North Korea, Russia, Israel, or Iran for the actions of THEIR governments and the broken systems that emplaced them.
Maybe that's what you get for allying with Nazi Germany.