So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Fargo isn't criminally underrated, the problem is that it couldn't maintain the level of quality the first two seasons had so people stopped talking about it.
The women used for raising gulpers were wastelanders or civilians who fell in through the trapdoor at the fake hospital. When gulpers are birthed they devour their mothers like piranhas. When the mutant uprising happened, all we see of it is the gulper who drags off the Hawthornes, who Benjamin names as "my great uncle Peter on my mom's side." There is no sign of there being any mutants at Vault 4 other than the gulpers, so we have to conclude that all the humanoid mutants are descendants of the gulpers.
Now how is that possible, CT? The gulpers kill their mothers on instinct, yet there is also a named gulper presumably with human intelligence who was the BROTHER of a female something or other who was Benjamin's direct ancestor. If gulpers reproduce their own humanoid offspring, why aren't the wild gulpers making humanoid mutants? There should have been a race of wild one-eyed forehead-eared mutants running all over southern California the whole time. Are we supposed to conclude that gulpers had sex with human women? The same creatures with fingers for teeth, and whose instinct is to devour every living thing whole?
No, the Gulpers were birthed from humans. We saw the pregnancy video where a woman gets eaten by her own Gulper spawn.
It's the most horrifying moment in the show.
But yes, if said woman had a sister or brother who had a one-eyed child, then those Gulpers could be the Overseer's Great uncle(s).
It's a one off joke but Gulpers don't need to have human spawn.
The women used for raising gulpers were wastelanders or civilians who fell in through the trapdoor at the fake hospital. When gulpers are birthed they devour their mothers like piranhas. When the mutant uprising happened, all we see of it is the gulper who drags off the Hawthornes, who Benjamin names as "my great uncle Peter on my mom's side." There is no sign of there being any mutants at Vault 4 other than the gulpers, so we have to conclude that all the humanoid mutants are descendants of the gulpers.
Now how is that possible, CT? The gulpers kill their mothers on instinct, yet there is also a named gulper presumably with human intelligence who was the BROTHER of a female something or other who was Benjamin's direct ancestor. If gulpers reproduce their own humanoid offspring, why aren't the wild gulpers making humanoid mutants? There should have been a race of wild one-eyed forehead-eared mutants running all over southern California the whole time. Are we supposed to conclude that gulpers had sex with human women? The same creatures with fingers for teeth, and whose instinct is to devour every living thing whole?