Recent content by Arden

  1. A

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    Downloading from gog right now. Just spendig a bit of the money i saved by not buying Fallout 4:smile: So it's essentially free, right? And it can't be worse, can it?
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    Regarding Vulture's Cry and Highpool. Need help. (Spoilers)

    You can earn Points for Kate by healing the dudes in the town hall hospital (apply surgeon) and there is one more quest by that guy who wants a message delivered to his soulmate, another dog. The dowry-quest for jess-belle also helps. This should be enough to tip the balance so Kate wins the...
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    Prosper AI

    Probably this. But that dude is all over the net with his strange projects. Sometimes I fear he (it?) is some kind of emergent AI created by all the bullshit on the web :D
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    How old will you be on October 23, 2077?

    104, so I won't participate in that particular event I guess. But I wish all that do luck. Remember to bring a spare waterchip into the vault, might save your descendants some trouble later on.
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    Invaded States of America

    Dammn, I am too slow in answering or you too fast:) edited my post. Yeah, war of attrition. If the invaders get demoralized they retreat. If the population gets demoralized they surrender. But I thought the scenario was a sudden Invasion of america. So there would not be any warwearyness at...
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    Invaded States of America

    Crni Vuk, the point is, that a resistance movement (or terrorist group :wink: ) does not engage the same way as an army. They can't beat an Airattack or an onrushing tankbattalion, so they don't even try. The goal is to make an occupation too costly for the invader, not beat him outright. In...
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    Good German Internet bank?

    German money keeps best in swiss banks :lol:
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    Invaded States of America

    I see your plan is working tagaziel :D. Division, radicalization... civil war! Ah, red dawn. I watched it as a kid. A silly movie but somehow it was cool too, memorable in its own strange way. Did not know there was a remake but looked it up now. Still silly but apparently less cool. The...
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    Invaded States of America

    I don't see it happen in the current situation. Too costly and risky for a dubious benefit. If a country or a coalition of countries have the resources to try something like that they probably could waste the US with nukes or bios. Of course they would have to suffer retaliation and we could...
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    Has the Fallout series ended for you, Bethesda/Fo3 haters?

    Re: Has the Fallout series ended for you, Bethesda/Fo3 hater 1. How do you know this? 2. Some things deserve to be hated 3. The Devil is smart, cunning, evil, tempting and has a plan. Beth is or has neither of that. Fallout 1 & 2 and FOT live on. I still have em and play them. Never...
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    Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?

    Yeah, but with drugs you at least get the hit itself. With Beth it's only the promise of a hit. The sideffects are the same though. And the secret? The secret is Beth's hype machine gathering speed. All Todd has to do is drop a vague remark somewhere and there is speculation and anticipation...
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    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    Got myself an ebook reader (I am a sucker for gadgets and try to resist the urge to buy stuff, but this time I failed). Read the sprawl trilogy by william gibson and am in the middle of "do androids dream of electric sheep?" (read that one before, but a long time ago) from PKD. Good reads so far.
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    Thoughts on FO3 vaults?

    Almost all Bunkers and Shelters have escape tunnels. The distance of the exit is calculated depending on the structure above the bunker and how and where it would collapse. In addition a bunkers ceiling extends out over the door with a breaking line where it connects to the ceiling of the normal...
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    Oh dear, you can't use the sniper rifle as a CQC weapon

    I don't see a problem "forcing" the player to switch weapons at a certain distance. There was a lot of talk about realism and at what range exactly a sniper rifle would be useless. If realism is the point, arguing about how you could still use a long rifle with a scope at cqc range is extremely...
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    When/ How Did MZ Imply Aliens Started the Great War?

    All of those statements are just your opinions dudes. There is no good or bad, working or broken, black and white. Just different opinions, so no hard feelings and everything is just fine. No need for arguments. All those critics, be it for movies, books, music, architecture, paintings, games…...