Aurelius Of Phoenix

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  • So do VPs usually have their own adverts? I'm being given a Kamala Harris ad nearly every time.
    Yes, but usually they don't bill it as Harris/Biden.
    Well she is the one that is actually running for president. Funny how the Dem's are backing a woman who didn't even get 2% of the vote and was destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard at the DNC debates. But, then again, she has a vagina and is a woman of color. So sick of this shit.
    Tulsi would’ve been better cause she’s hot
    Bask in the angel of light's glow, all who praise his works.
    Just got through with an INTENSE 8 hour 1st outing in Tower of Time and I come back to find RBG dead and democrats Bain posting, Neat!
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Fun game by the way, had it in the library and felt like dusting it off.
    Since the original Doom was updated I certainly hope I won't have to watch 5 minutes of unskippable logos like in DOOM 64
    I fucking hate unskippable logos. What is the poooint? They're litterally saying "buy our products plz" and I'm screaming at the monitor "I JUST FUCKING DID DIDNT I!!!"

    Same as the FBI warnings on *purchased DVDs*, "Hey YOU - did you steal this? Be honest! You stole this, didn't you! YOU GODDAMN BASTARD YOU STOLE IT DIDN'T YOU! CONFESS!!!" unskippable, every time.
    From what I gathered, when you launch Doom 1 & 2 it will give you an option of which version you want to run, if you pick the DOS version then it will launch without them.

    Also in Doom 64 you can just go into the files and delete the opening movies and the game will just launch without them. I don't know if that works with 1 & 2 now but who knows.
    Finally got around to finishing the original Portal and the advanced maps, shorter than I thought and I don't feel like doing time trials.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Am currently getting around to finishing Half life and it's expansions.
    Portal 1 is good. No wasted levels really because of how short it is. I beat it about 10 times because I had it working on a USB and would play through it in computer classes in high school when I was bored.
    Portal 1 shortness kinda sneaks up on you. It's a pretty good game, altho the Second one has a lot more content and it's funnier in general.
    Killing Floor has a humble bundle going on, can get KF1 for a dollar.
    I only know that game from the armors ripped into New Vegas by Dragbody.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Played it a long time ago on an old account, fun 6-man, wave based, zombie killing game.
    I'll consider getting it but I need every dollar this month.
    Might rewatch The Evil Dead movies and show. Really interested in the supposed Evil Dead game and Bruce's 'horror expendables' film.
    Now there is a game I haven't heard mentioned in forever. played the hell out of that one.
    Yeah man I wanted a sequel. Local coop was the bomb. Never did beat it.
    End game is a bitch until you realize that the Priest shits all over those cocksucking vampires because he has a crossbow.
    Should've dumped money into link when I had the chance but I'm too much of a puss to put money into crypto.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    I can always just put money into it but I had more money to put into it than I do now.
    I still remember reading about Bitcoin in the early 2010's and now I'm depressed every day. If only I knew how to get into investing back then...
    When are all these geeks and gamers just gonna fuck some asian chick and get over their nipponophilia.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Watch Jordan Peterson, he'll tell you not only how to clean your room but your penis as well. Also, just buy a real doll at that point lmao. You can close it's eyes half way and slant the slot for immersion points.
    Deleted member 53669
    Nah, his luck score is at a 4 right now and will stay that way until he starts jerking off to himself in the mirror. I know this because the Master Therion told me so.
    Atomic Postman
    Atomic Postman
    it doesn't go away
    Woah I'm being accosted by an obviously mentally ill old woman?! Well I better film it to get up votes on r/karen lol XD dumb fucking karen!
    Whoever designed the minigames for the fractured but whole needs a bullet to the head. My fingers are ruined.
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    Aurelius Of Phoenix
    I would've suggested that they have their balls smashed with a hammer but they would probably enjoy that the fucking sado-masochist.
    GOG is having an RPG sale, they also have Bro Force on sale which I heard was a fun co-op game.
    It is a fun coop game.
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