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  • Damn, sure was a pain to find finally draft up an Orc design that satisfied me. Tusks were the worst part to place, given thieir size.
    Thanks, its just this thing that's been brewing in the background for a couple years.
    I have couple projects like that; between school and everything else they drift away from me. I'm here for moral support if that starts to happen to you lol
    Speaking of that coexist of species. I've always wanted to make a RPG that is about elves and humans throughout Europe and Asia in our world and as they start making more metal technologies (shit before gunpowder was used for guns kinda deal) they war more until one of them goes extinct/becomes enslaved by the other.
    Nothing magical just two similar species with disdain for each other.
    Damn, are instant noodle megapacks the only way for people to survive on low budget?
    Sandwiches are a relatively healthier alternative.
    Altho make sure you aren't allergic to wheat. I spent a good chunk of my last year in college wondering why I always felt like I was dying after lunch before realizing I was allergic to the stuff.
    nah fam tator tots are really cheap, at least here, so that's what i have for dinner. every night. gonna get diabetes.
    Its a shame likes and rad were merged. Rad felt more like a way to show appreciation for an exceptional post.
    I have ideas for things, but I have not had the time or energy to talk about it with the staff/mods/admins/Hivemind yet.
    Hey, no need to rush into anything. It's just a button at the end of the day, not like its ripping me apart.
    I liked it too but it's also not a big deal because they serve the same function anyway lol.
    Had to keep picking this cocky pigeon out of the seed bucket today. Thinks he's some kind of stealth mastermind.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    Maybe he is, and he's just practicing.
    If his pale feathers are anything to go by, he's pretty old. Never too late for an old bird to learn new tricks?
    That's what I've always said.
    Oh, so Article 13 passed. Well, shit.
    hahaha freedom of speech. The EU is trying to make another empire, (or at least make European internet the exact opposite of a free forum) and the US is spiraling towards anarchy. Goddamn I love this world. Good news: stocks are up over on this side of the pond. So there's that.
    It still amazes me how Titanfall 2 really did become CoD with mechs in the end. Shame, the first game was decent enough. But Smart Pistol...
    Every time I try and play Wasteland 2 I get really discouraged by how bad anything that isnt ARs and Snipers is. Brawl critjunkie is a meme.
    Not to mention how weapons get further mistreatment in the DC. God, does inxile hate shotguns?
    Damn, I really like Cass. An angry redhead with heavy chem addiction and splashes of promiscuity. Just missing the bad Irish accent.
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    Reactions: Supermarauder
    They're still classified as chems ingame. Either way, alcohol is a drug in the real world as well, just a socially acceptable one.
    Obsidian had to patch in a gag to keep Cass quiet after people complained too much about it. Poor gal.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    I'd be a lot more solid on Cass as a follower if she got And Stay Back as a perk tbh
    So I've Finished Fo4. Just reinforced my earlier opinions on the game. Painful how much it wants to be New Vegas.
    Man, I'm not trying to defend Fallout 4 but each modern Fallout game has iterated on the previous game's mods. NV did with the FWE mod for FO3 (which is where the weapon customization and more come in) and probably more.
    If they wanted to be more like NV they would have used faction reputation, made branching dialogue, more player agency, kept with skill stats and checks, etc.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking them for doing it. But Bethesda makes less effort to create and instead they innovate on old ideas and concepts. Sometimes it works, but mostly its all very meh.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Hands down, any creativity and real skill has left Bethesda a long time ago, when they made Morrowind. Pretty much no one, who worked on the original Elder Scrolls is around anymore. Don't get me wrong, they release decent products, but that's it. They are just one giant souless gaming company.
    I thought I'd try my luck feeding some crows since I'm the pigeon god, but they won't even look at me. Devestated.
    Don't you talk shit about my little pigeons. They're the coolest little guys in the park. Gulls are the dumbass birds.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Okies, you're the birb expert here. Crows are for me like the british ones among the birds. Pidgeons gone be the russian mobsters and Gulls the Americans :P?
    I'd say magpies are a bit more hoighty brit than crows, but they're all corvids.
    Got about seven pigeons to eat out of my hand today, excellent time. Love the toeless shits.
    Been getting the annual desire to replay Dragon Age: Origins. Now I'll have to pull the old Xbox out ffs.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    lol old? its only been like... holy shit we're four years into the eight gen? where the fuck are all the games?!
    Played more Fanfic4. None of the four routes appeal to me, but I suppose Railroad has the best chance of ruining the Commonwealth.
    Anyway, sticking it out with a plasma rifle right now, the reload animation is satisfying, but its agonising to actually aim if you're using it, like most energy weapons in the game. Not to mention lasers having recoil. And can I just say the Gauss Rifle's charge up mechanic sucks? It might just be my game but half the time the gun doesn't fire and I need to charge it up again, pretty annoying.
    If you liked that then you're gonna LOVE the shitty fucking Laser Musket lmao
    I'd rather have my recharger rifle over that wet noodle.
    i fucking hate Bethesda Muties.
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    I wanted to understand why they are yellow. It would be the same thing if I did my version of ..... I do not know, the Avatar´s Aliens but get out of the ass that they are purple.
    Cobra Commander
    Cobra Commander
    Huuummmm ..... it just occurred to me that maybe they're yellow because the whole fucking game is green. They needed a contrast.
    Vault tec still having FEV was a bit of a strech but i was willing to overlook it because the order to switch all FEV research to west tek was givin so close to the bombs dropping. but yeah the institute having it... lol no.
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