Ben Soto
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  • (cont.) It made sense in the Japanese, where Ultimate is the "final" stage, but then the rest of their names suck.
    More DigiRanting: Why is Ultimate the fifth stage of Digivolution, but the sixth and final is Mega? And there's a seventh: Super Ultimate.
    Hulu wasn't working for a little bit, so I decided to sate my Digimon thirst with the movie. NEVER AGAIN.
    (cont.) Surprisingly, though, most of the other dub actors hold up, especially for a kids show and especially compared to stuff like Pokemon
    If there's one problem with the Digimon dub, it's the previously on thing. No, Davis, Takato did not dedigivolve Growlmon. It was a rainbow.
    Does the dub of Tamers replace the music like the first 2? I really hate the american dub of Digimon. I am glad in LatAm we got an uncut dub based on the original script with the original music.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    I actually don't know, but so far, the music isn't totally horrible like in Adventure and 02. I haven't heard "Hey, Digimon!" yet so that's a good sign.
    I'm rewatching Digimon Tamers and it's... actually pretty good. Way better than Digimon Adventure or Adventure 02.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Konaka is awesome. With something like Digimon Frontier, it's a guilty pleasure. With something like Tamers, I can say it's genuinely good.

    Speaking of, Terriermon is best Digimon, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
    I like that Konaka has written for the Cthulhu Mythos and those influences bleed into his work (D-Reaper anyone?). He was also involved in two Ultraman seasons I liked as a kid.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Don't forget all the other references (there's a guy who studied at Miskatonic U., there's a weapon called Yuggoth, HYPNOS is a Lovecraft reference IIRC... And ignoring Lovecraft, anybody remember Scary Jeri?
    They're actually releasing Star Fox 2 with the SNES Classic. Never thought I'd see the day. I wonder what changed at Nintendo.
    Same no one can get there hands on the console expect the scalpers
    It's easy to hate on VR as a "fad," but how do people justify 4k being a fad? That's pretty natural progression, IMHO.
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    They say that about every pointless rich people toy.
    Just ask 3D
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Since when was 3D a pointless rich people toy? I know 3DTVs didn't really take off, but 3D movies are still really popular, and those 3D headsets weren't really that expensive (and there was at least one that wasn't a plastic paperweight.)
    Acer is selling a desktop with an i5-7400 and an RX 580 for $650. Yes, pl0x.
    Doesn't sound like good value to me.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    It's actually really good value. Since it includes Windows 10 (which is THE gaming OS) combined with some absolutely frustrating hardware price spikes (fuck you miners) it's a damn good value.
    Say what you will about Elite: Dangerous, but it's an absolutely beautiful game. I wish FFE looked that good.
    TFW it's 6am in the morning and you have to go outside and it's fucking cold and you only have shorts because winter clothes are in storage.
    Always have pajama pants available.
    I always keep a hoodie and blanket and water in the car for emergencies.
    Must be nice having it be cold. Kentucky is being ridiculous this year. It's still hot outside.
    TF2: The only game where grenadiers are the primary melee class.
    Deleted member 93956
    (And the Spy?)
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Demo is still better suited for straight melee combat. Spy is better as a saboteur, sapping sentry nests.
    @zegh8578 I want to be like Robert Rodriguez and call them "digital files."
    He does? I like "motion pictures", it always sounds like someone who never really watched a movie, usually because they were too intellectual to stoop to such low levels of peasant entertainment
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    Spy Kids 3 started off with "A Robert Rodriguez Digital File." That's just funny to me.
    Ohhh, haven't seen, but know the movie, and yeah, in a goofy way it sort of makes sense... :D
    Biggest problem I'm having with F4 is getting used to kb+m for a shooter after a lifetime of controller usage.
    Mouse + Keyboard is the best for shooters. I csn't stand console shooters nowadays.
    Ben Soto
    Ben Soto
    @Walpknut I know that it's the most precise, but I've been using controllers for years. It's just how I've always played shooters except for the really arcadey ones like Serious Sam, where precision is a little less important.
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