Recent content by Kashrlyyk

  1. K

    A Post Apocalyptic Adventure

    Actually the Grimm Brothers censored them to make them more child friendly.
  2. K

    Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta reviews

    From that review: "Zeta is still a worthwhile trip for $10 (800 Microsoft Points). It may not be as good of a vacation as Fallout 3: Point Lookout, but there's enough here to keep RPG fans occupied a few more weekends this summer." The review doesn´t list any examples, not one. It is an...
  3. K

    Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta reviews

    German Gamestar has a test too: 8/10 The tester thought is was fun, because of "new enemies, new weapons and new areas". Oh, and it is "funny".
  4. K

    Weeaboos vs Sinophiles: The Final Battle

    Ok, someone has to turn that into a motivational poster.
  5. K

    Weeaboos vs Sinophiles: The Final Battle

    Yes, but the japanese government decided on 2000 of those, which are commonly used according to a book I rented for the last 3 months and only read in it once. And I completly agree: Get rid of the kanji. But there seems to be always something in a language that has to make it hard to learn...
  6. K

    Weeaboos vs Sinophiles: The Final Battle

    And don´t forget there are around 2000(!) different kanji symbols used in Japanese.
  7. K

    Further Level Cap Increases Could Unbalance 'Fallout 3'

    That might be, but we all have seen the "ST1,EN1 hardest difficulty, 8% melee" video. So I don't think it is more patatable. You should have to play pretend on the hardest settings to get a hard game.
  8. K

    Further Level Cap Increases Could Unbalance 'Fallout 3'

    1) Search the internet and download the "". 2) NEVER EVER USE THE SPELL "SLOW"!!!!!!!!! 3) Don´t enter the first town for the first time without using your level ups. There is a bug that bogs up the level of enemies then. 4) Fights can contain theoretically an unlimited...
  9. K

    Further Level Cap Increases Could Unbalance 'Fallout 3'

    Then I recommend you never play Wizardry 8. Critical hits are always deadly there.
  10. K

    Fallout 3 hits Guinness Book of Records

    Does Guiness Book of Records have an email address where you can point out their error?? Does Guiness Book of Records have an email address where you can point a finger at them and laugh??
  11. K

    Feargus Urquhart Interviewed by Gamasutra

    He sounds too much like an asskisser. Or like someone desperately searching for something good to say. I can´t decide.
  12. K

    Two Broken Steel reviews

    I mention that everytime someone tries to tell people, that game magazines are independent. On a completly unrelated note: Is it weird to be proud that the lowest rating (78%) came from Germany?
  13. K

    NowGamer interviews Howard and Pagliarulo

    So what kind of "fan" introduces a perk that increases all attributes to 9 out of 10? What kind of "fan" changes a great skillsystem into something where anyone without trying can max all skills?? And so on....... BTW I report an error in the article on NOWGamer. The GamesTM profile says...
  14. K

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Is Out

    The puppies perk is only there so that the Nuclear Anomaly doesn´t permanently kill your beloved dogmeat. Fallout 3 fans cannot deal with consequences like that, it looks like. Or maybe Bethesda cannot deal with that.
  15. K

    Fallout 3 Broken Steel Reviews

    The german magazine Gamestar has a test too: 78% with only 3/10 points in amount of content, but still a 9/10 for the now even more killed character system. BTW the tester thinks that capping...