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  • You ever notice how sinister the word “alert” sounds? Like I log in and it says I have 5 alerts and I’m like “oh god oh fuck oh jeez rick”
    My book The Dread General Wellington is in the editing phase and will be out... eventually. I’ll keep you all updated on the publishing shit
    If you’re wondering (probably not) it’s about cloned generals being used to lead armies for a sci-fi futuristic empire, but they break free (big personalities and all that) and each wants to conquer the universe under his own name, or rule it their way.
    The title refers to the Duke of Wellington, or Sir Arthur Wellesley, who is the protagonist and just wants everyone to stop being assholes; he fights out’ve necessity
    The series is a sci-fi/action/socio-political commentary that I’ve been toying with since high school. The publisher is editing it now but I told her there are still things I wanna iron out after she’s done with it so all in all consider it a work in progress
    You haven’t lived till you’re driving 70 mph around a curving backroad screaming along to Sell Out by Reel Big Fish
    Just tried to get back in contact with some people from the college where everything went down. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire on my ass.
    So I’ve started looking at properties, and figure around this time next year I’ll be off the grid. You’re all stuck with me till then
    Well, maybe. I’d rather she not be witness to me losing my mind from isolation and talking to my pelts, Stockholm syndrome or no.
    You have to kill an animal to get the pelt, stringbean.
    How do you think I plan on eating? Lmao
    I typed my Declaration of Intent so to speak in the Black Parade thread; it’s liable to be the last you hear from me for a while.
    $380. I have spent $380 over the past week preparing for my NH extended hunting trip/sabbatical/journey of self discovery/whatthefuckever
    If you’re wondering, my purchases include extra arrowheads, matches, a French press for making coffee by the campfire, stainless steel mug for the same, an extra canteen, cigars, you know... the essentials. It’s my first time hunting with non-borrowed gear and for an extended period of time so I wanna have every angle covered
    what a waste of time and money. just go out on the town with some friends, find yourself a cute boi and just go ham on his arse, together, as a family.
    Be sure to get meals that will be easy to make and clean. My dad and brothers go hunting every year and they always make sure to buy enough dry food and foods that are easy to make.
    Just ordered a knife in the mail. Hope CT’s retarded laws don’t turn this into a bigger deal than what it is; i.e. a man buying a knife
    I’ve found a logging job in NH. Sometime soon I’m gonna find a place to stay nearby, and work for said company while using free time as a way to hunt and essentially get away from it all. I don’t know when it’ll be, but it’ll be to see if I really like it before I go full Wolverine. That way I’m giving shitty normal life a try still and giving hunting-and-hard-labor-for-a-meager-reward-like-a-frontiersman life a try
    So RDR2 does have a redemption in it *SPOILERS IN MY NEXT COMMENT*
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    It’s actually pretty... beautiful how they use Arthur’s tuberculosis as a storytelling device. Basically the short version is that throughout the game we see Arthur’s softer side; and the TB is his chance to change. To make amends, once and for all, for his past mistakes. And whether he ends as a good or bad man, in the end he was true to himself. And that, in my opinion, is a better story than John Marston’s
    R2D2 never did anything wrong, why would he have to redeem himself? Little guy was the backbone of the Rebellion.
    Frankly I’m surprised the Gun Control thread is still, well, going. Figured we’d have realized that people’s minds can’t be changed by now.
    Holy dicks guys Red Dead Redemption 2 is amazing. Like actually amazing
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    The second I heard the game was being called Red Dead REDEMPTION 2 was the second I decided, "nah go fuck yourself rockstar"
    yeah that title is wierd for two reasons. one RD reveolver was called that because of red's fathers revolvers. RD redemption was a story of redemption. red dead redemption 2 is not a sequel and may not even be about redemption. idfk i haven't played it yet.
    That’s more than fair. I’m almost finished with the story and honestly I don’t think the way I play this character is gonna allow for much redemption; then again there’s four endings apparently so who knows. All I know is that my Arthur Morgan is skinny as all fuck cause I never fed him and has tuberculosis
    Does anyone who plays Fanfic 4 even remotely consider the Minutemen a viable option?
    They're all shit and the Commonwealth is fucked every way.
    Yeah, all the factions are kinda shit. The few choices that 4 ever gives you and all the choices feel kinda meh.
    I imagine people who pick BoS are just Power Armor fanatics or hate synths. Railroad people because synths and equality but you can stand their cringe.
    Minutemen are neutral. Institute you think people with technology that are incapable will one day do something capable I guess?
    @Squadcar I go BOS because both reasons; like you nailed it lmao
    The friends who stuck with me through my psychotic days are the ones I value most. Not many of em, but they either care or want something.
    Oh, they probably care, especially if you've not exactly been easy to deal with. I'm amazed sometimes, that people actually do care. I went through long phases of cutting friends out. Many of them disappeared just like that, no more contact ever again, but one friend in particular *still* calls me, and I feel like a complete ass whenever he does, like... whoa, he STILL cares!?
    Yeah what's the worst is when you and a friend have obviously cared about each other even when you both have been shitty and one of you finally just cuts that contact off.
    @Squadcar @zegh8578 that was what happened recently with my best friend Sarah. She and I had been through so much together then it just ended ignominiously with her blocking me on snapchat and then getting pissed off when I told another friend that I thought she and I were done. But in the end, I blocked her number quietly and we just parted ways.
    I’m reading Blaze of Glory by Jeff Shaara and it’s honestly jarring how quickly the dialogue switches from amateurish to well written
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    “I’m just a politician. I put faith in talk. And so, I have become... obsolete.” - page 24

    “Try to clean em up. Show these boys why you got that damn gold bar on your collar.” - page 34
    Best way I can describe it is that the general writing is extremely gripping and in-depth, but the dialogue rapidly alters between poor and great
    Short version is that if you’re gonna read only one Shaara novel, make it The Killer Angels by Jeff’s father Michael Shaara. It’s a modern classic imo
    Rest in peace Pariah Dog. To Valhalla, you ballsy bastard. <3
    Do I wish I hadn’t lost my friends and basically my life? Yes, absolutely. But I’m tougher for it. Besides, I’ve got you guys, and I’m going back to college. Life is as good as it’s gonna get for a while.
    I haven't checked your thread, but I'll give it a look-see by tomorrow (time zones, I'm way past bed time!)
    I notice that people judge me immediately for being a Legion supporter. Makes me laugh, but I promise I’m not as bad as you think. I’m worse
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