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  • Mom: “What the FUCK goes on inside your head?!” Me: *Yankee Doodle and Scotty Doesn’t Know both playing on endless eternal loop*
    If you haven’t listened to the White Zombie album Astro Creep 2000 fucking do it. It’s a goddamned masterpiece.
    Finishing up my thesis, and I still feel like I lost a piece of myself reading about how the Southern Dems justified slavery
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    The worst part of it was that the secession of the South wasn't even really an existential threat to the United States as an entity. Any way you spin it the secession was a GOOD thing - UNLESS you really wanted to keep those damn Sudners in line and pumping money into your coffers.
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Either the South was a bunch of shitbags, and them seceding removes a problem, or they weren't shitbags and the secession was completely justifiable as an act of rebellion against federal encroachment on states' rights (and we're talking stuff well beyond slavery).
    So I gameshared with my friend on PS4, which basically means I have the 70shit beta now and played it (torture) for four hours today.
    Back from the hospital and better than ever bitches
    Just got home from my cousin Kevin’s wedding. A little backstory: I fucking hate weddings.
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    Basically. They had open bar and didn’t card, so my recovering alcoholic senses were tingling the whole time lmao, and they always tell me “oh T you just need a woman” oh let me just grab from my bitch tree where women don’t reject me whenever I ask for anything other than casual sex.
    Never been to one. I was invited to my best friends wedding, but had no oportunity to go. One of my few actual regrets in life. It probably would have been annoying as hell, but I would have gone if I could, and suffered through it with a nod and a smile
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Cliffy McEdgeface
    Weddings are basically events at which women live out their fantasies of being the biggest fucking attention whores imaginable on someone else's dime
    Yesterday I destroyed my 3 closest friendships in 2 hours, 2 of them with my Libertarianism and my best friendship with a slut joke.
    FUCKING NEW VEGAS is now graphically wrecked because I mis-installed an ENB mod. Time to wait 2 hours for NV to uninstall then reinstall ;-;
    ENBs sucks. I hate them with a passion. Cause more problems than they are worth.
    Not to mention we get people coming to us crying about their TTW not working properly, and then it is because of stupid ENBs...
    I looked into using ENBs for about 5 minutes and thought it was too much of a pain in the ass for a nicer looking game.
    A nicer looking game is always nice, but I never find it necessary to my enjoyment of something.
    @Squadcar I honestly feel that on a spiritual level. New Vegas has been so broken for me lately and when I finally got it fixed maybe 20 minutes ago it was less a feeling of accomplishment and more questioning what I'm doing with my life. A mod should never make you feel like that.
    Gonna start a Fallout 2 Pipe Rifle-only playthrough. And to think I scoffed when the BDSM Test said I was 100% masochist.
    Does anyone know how to put a Snapchat group chat on ignore?
    That's awesome man! Just know that if you're ever down and out and need help, I'm here for ya. I know what it's like to feel alone in the world.

    And no, we're not still friends; I just know that there was a deeper reason for what she did and if I knew what it was I'd help her, even after what she's done. All I can do now is pray she gets help
    You're a good guy. That's a level of forgiveness beyond me.

    And shit, I'm happy enough in life. I got my pigeons. Nothing can get me down when I have pigeons.
    Gotta love pigeons.
    And thanks brother. Just feel like I have to respect the history that she and I once had, even if she didn't.
    I honestly didn't expect the thread I started to get any results. But hey, I'm not complaining. Makes it easier to weed out the profligates.
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    But seriously, thank you to everyone who's responding; I love talking with people about their ideals and who they side with in situations like this. Different opinions are what make the world a cool place to live.
    Congrats, you're popular now.
    Flashback to that time my grandmother was holding a puppy and my uncle's dog jumped on her and she both fumbled it and got tackled.
    I replaced the New Vegas title music file with multiple other songs, among them Mayhem by Halestorm. It’s fucking incredible.
    Loving the Fallout: Dust mod. NV has started CTD-ing again and that's infuriating, but hey Dust is fun.
    This is why I hate the series as it stands today. If I have to crash every hour or so and worry about corrupting save games every five minutes it loses all semblance of fun. It becomes more about torture.
    @TorontRayne Hmm. To continue Squigly's status and what you said there, maybe that's how we can get away with torture. Make them play the Beth Fallout games, modded till they crash repeatedly.
    Mother Nature: What's that? You want cold weather? Have a hurricane. Better yet... HaVe A sHiTlOaD *the song Just Like You by FiV plays*
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