Recent content by lugaru

  1. L

    Fallout 3 50% off on Steam

    Yeah, impulse will be the death of me. "I wonder why they call it impulse... HOLY CRAP! This game I've never heard of is 75% off this weekend! Oh... impulse buy, I get it". I've bought a lot of indy strategy games for like 5 bucks, some awful but some are pretty good.
  2. L

    Fallout 3 50% off on Steam

    I think the problem is that the argument is entirely between well educated consumers: I know the pros and cons and like it, you know the pros and cons and avoid it... but a whole bunch of people out there probably think it is just like owning the disk or on the other extreme think that steam...
  3. L

    Fallout 3 50% off on Steam

    That is what I was going to say, + I purchased my copy of Fallout 3 on steam and I've had no problem changing the exe for another one and sidestepping both steam and gfwl so I can use script extenders (needed for some mods). I remember when steam came out and what a joke it was, but by now I...
  4. L

    Survival Horror games

    I cant vouch for condemned but I have heard great stuff about how scary it is. As for bioshock I would not call it survival horror but it can be scary and does require some sense of economy. In particular it has nicely designed enviroments, not at the valve level but still most places feel...
  5. L

    Fallout 3 Point Lookout Reviews

    As an experiment the character I sent in is my level 5 melee expert. The locals are surprisingly tough so I can take them in one on one combat. I'm only like 20 minutes in so far and this is a first playthrough so I dont know what to expect, but I'm happy so far. One highlight was igniting a...
  6. L

    Survival Horror games

    I know I passed that part without any external help, although I dont remember the game too well so I dont know if there was some kind of solution or something you could do to buy yourself time. Movement was a little frustrating in that game though, actually a lot of things where but in the end...
  7. L

    Survival Horror games

    I do want to recomend that you play silent hill... I subjected a friend of mine to it recently and I thought the old graphics would turn him off but he was seriosly creeped out. Silent Hill is the one survival horror game where you will find yourself running more often than not and the...
  8. L

    What is your stance on Achievements?

    I totally agree about grinding ones. If you need to collect 100 of something, kill 1000 of something or reach a score of 10,000... then screw it, I ignore it completely. And I agree about the munchkin potential... it might make a gamer who would normally take a very role played path through...
  9. L

    NMA Point Lookout Review

    Makes me think of The Pitt, where I felt like I was wading through thigh high piles of jet cannisters. I have not downloaded this yet since I was between paychecks but direct deposit just went through and honestly this is the surprise expansion that has interested me the most.
  10. L

    What is your stance on Achievements?

    Personally I hate it when you get one for finishing a chapter, but I love it when you get one of doing something weird, crazy or creative. That is why I really dislike the GFWL ones but I love the Steam ones, especially in Left 4 Dead. I think they did a great job with Team Fortress 2 as well...
  11. L

    Great Storyline Games

    I agree on Bloodlines, great game. It had lots of issues, but was overall excellent. I hate games where I need to learn the story to play, so I love games where there is no story but there are a lot of cool things implied. Silent Hill is a great example of this, very little lore but lots...
  12. L

    Hollywood latest mutilation work: King of Fighter the Movie.

    In all honesty I'm a capcom player over SNK but I have to admit that SNK games are a lot more technical and well concieved. They just require more of a commitment than I was interested in giving a fighting game, but I highly recomend going back and playing them (they are all on Gametap). As...
  13. L

    Bad Career Choices

    When I saw excrement expediter I was thinking "what a waste, they should have gone with fluffer" but there it is in first place. Mad props for the mutant league reference too. Edit: a few quick ones of my own Deathclaw handler (FO3) Storm Trooper (any star wars) Mobster (The Punisher)...
  14. L

    Sierra's "Prototype"

    I really want to check out prototype but I'm broke, well, not broke but I've got a few things I need to do before I can start spending money on games. Maybe next month after my vacation I can pick up a copy.
  15. L

    Hollywood latest mutilation work: King of Fighter the Movie.

    King of Fighters is like soccer, it is huge everyone except the US. In Mexico we had a lot of tournaments and arcade cabinets.