Recent content by Maximous

  1. M

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Killap: FO2 is Brand NEW!!! Question about Merli. He's not appearing, so the well in the Primitive Tribe is not be fixed. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. M

    Happy Holidays from Bethesda

    If Todd takes a Shit...? If someone at Beth takes a shit, like Todd, do any of us really care? Why is NMA treating everything out of Beth, like it's the Holy Grail? I seriously don't want the XBox crowd taking over this forum.
  3. M

    Happy Holidays from Bethesda

    why does NMA put so much effort into FO3. I'm pissed that they spend every fucking waking second promoting this pile of shit. Who the fuck is even thinking of buy that hunk of shit anyway. NMA/Brother None, move the fuck on!!!
  4. M

    Omega Syndrome pulls the plug

    At the top of this a link...that has been removed from OS website. If you had read THAT post, and the person who wrote the post you would know what I mean. And the answer to "Some Pretty Valid Reasons" is-----go and write a program by yourself that is half as good as Omega...
  5. M

    Omega Syndrome pulls the plug

    OS Omega Syndrome was developed, for the most part by a single person...whose idea was to bring a game that the rest of us could play, while waiting for BIS to get their shit together. Instead of being a whiny ass titty baby about the state of affairs of games not living up to the...
  6. M

    Fallout 3 Q&A

    You ARE RIGHT....I keep forgetting Peter W and Todd are the same two who are so fucking delusional they actually think they're making a SEQUEL to the best, most unique of the day, balls-out-new game ever. I've just got to keep my Delusional-meter in check.
  7. M

    Fallout 3 Q&A

    NMA: Apparently not everyone is pleased with Bethesda's interpretation of Fallout. NMA, RPGcodex and DaC are a few of the oldest Fallout communities around and none of them seem to accept Bethesda's view on things, or are at least very skeptical about the game. Why is it that the communication...
  8. M

    1Up interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    FO1/2 had stories based on Towns like Vault City and the Raiders Den or NCR and the Squaters in Vault 15. I doubt your argument that FO3's x area for y's bad guy "Depth" will APPROACH FO1/2. That's one reason why I'm PISSED! Beth/Todd are ramming a game engine and story without any...
  9. M

    'New' Fallout 3 screenshots

    It looks like we can run....oh ya...and gun a mutie. Todd hasn't exactly talked-up a big story on this game. The pile of turd my dog just took looks more interesting then FO3.
  10. M

    Fallout 3: Why the hate?

    How many of you are going to buy FO3 anyway? If you seriously want a good FO will not happen this decade... If you buy FO3, then you are just as stupid as those asses playing FPS.
  11. M

    Tim Cain doesn't comment on Fallout 3

    At first I was just going to blame the sales of Arcanum... I blame every single STUPID MOTHER FUCKER FOR BUY SHITTING GAMES. When you stop buying shitty games...they'll start making good games.
  12. M

    Brian Fargo in GFW

    Todd isn't the kind of guy who's slept outside at night with puke all over him from drinking to much the night before. Todd probably has a minivan Todd probably goes to church---the one with jesus---not the one with strippers
  13. M

    Brian Fargo in GFW

    Brian Also mentions about how the humour in FO3 will not be the dark...referring to Todd's young/inexperienced age.
  14. M

    The Rybicki Maneuver

    Great Article, only what to improve it would have been to put the Before and After Dates, separating the quotes into 2 categories.