Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.
I don't care for what reviewers think, all I know is I'm psyched to get this tomorrow.
But yeah I can see the minigame thing getting annoying, but you can always use $10 instead of hacking in the game.
Note: He installed my Fallout CD, which works fine on mine.
He's set the game to Windows 95 Compatibility mode. He's using XP.
It just happens when he's playing, nothing seems to trigger it.
EDIT: He HAS patched the game.
Tim Cain can wait 'till the game is out before passing judgment, so why the hell can't you people?
I'm with Tim Cain. I'm waiting 'till I have the game installed on my computer and I'm playing it before I start dismissing it. Is there a possibility it's going to be Oblivion with Guns? Yes. Is...