Recent content by Rad Blaggard

  1. R

    Remaking Van Buren

    I too was never impressed with VB's storyline, Boulder Dome was the only thing I found halfway interesting. Let the damn thing (VB) rest in peace, getting caught up in the endless cycle of trying to use the bones of VB as some sort of bludgeon to "I told ya so" the community is beyond tired.
  2. R

    Moon Base

    Moon surely, vaults nope. Outposts, perhaps.
  3. R

    FOnline adventures

    That was spellbinding all the way through!
  4. R

    Your Favorite Non-Player Character (is there any?) /spoilers

    He has to be senile. On one hand he goes on about how much he hates ghouls and then says...well ok, if you can get some of the other residents to tell me its alright then I'll agree. I mean you'd think the dumb bastard would just spend a little coin and have the ghouls in the area wiped out! He...
  5. R

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    I saw Wasteland in an EB (I think) way back in the 80s. On the back of the box it said something like "Forget about wands and magic spells, it takes an Uzi to take down a Robo-Biker Scum!" Something like that (I'm paraphrasing). I was SOLD instantly! Me and my 286 machine with the 30meg HDD...
  6. R

    Suggestion for improving fallout 3 --> fallout 4

    FO3 is way too easy in spite of the level of difficulty! No strategy needed!
  7. R

    More Melee Weapons

    I've always liked the Tomahawk... Lightweight, high velocity, does good damage because of the speed. Low APs. Energy (damage) delivered is from its speed (concentrated to a small area) not its mass. [EDIT] there are various chisel style blades and backends, making the focal point of...
  8. R

    Question about morals in Fallout3

    I'd never blow up Megaton, simply cause it would reduce my options. The Vampire nest I would probably destroy. They prey on humans and I would not want them reducing options for me. It a nutshell, I would kill just about anything that would attack a caravan, its beside the point if I use...
  9. R

    You as a DnD character.

    True Neutral Human Ranger (5th Level) Alignment: True Neutral- A true neutral character does what seems to be a good idea. He doesn't feel strongly one way or the other when it comes to good vs. evil or law vs. chaos. Most true neutral characters exhibit a lack of conviction or bias...
  10. R

    As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

    Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil Using the Cannibal perk gets you -karma and attacking "Cannibals" also gets you -karma. Yea ok Beth! Stay outta my morality!
  11. R

    A question on the Commonwealth

    It just makes the most sense (to me at least) that MIT would be the pinnacle of tech on the east coast. [EDIT] That and Zimmers' snobby, blue-blood attitude just SCREAMS Boston! (think John Kerry here) Yes, I KNOW hes an android. (both Zimmer and Kerry)
  12. R

    So, uh, did anyone like it?

    Yea, classic bandwagon behavior. Probably would have saw a HELL of lot more of it too if this forum had the member rating system enabled. :P
  13. R

    A question on the Commonwealth

    Commonwealth of Massachusetts "The Institute" = MIT