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  • Hey man, I found a fallout flash game (official) that you don't have in the collection. where should I send it?

    Well, I guess you could upload it somewhere (like "google drive", "mega.nz", etc.) and send me the link so I can add it for download here on NMA.
    Interested in trying a "No Mutants Allowed" Flash game? Read more about it in the message below this one 1/3
    Hey man. I once asked you about NVTF, and now I wanna ask is there any particular suggestion to the .ini config you would personally recommend? Once again, thanks for the recommendation, man.
    Steam is having a free weekend of Madden 21. xD
    • Like
    Reactions: Supermarauder
    There's actually good news on Steam free weekend games. Conan Exiles is free this weekend. I always thought that game looks promising. And I usually hate Online Multiplayer games.
    Nevermind, apparently Tencent bought the game or studio or whatever and it seems like it sucks now. -_-'
    Free Groin kicks! Get your free groin kicks here! punted right in the genitalia with an iron boot for free! Free Groin kicks!
    *Wasteland 3 releases* Me: (-_-) Zzzzz - - *Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions releases* Me: \(*0*)/
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    PC ... port ...? Oh how the mighty have fallen.
    Yeah, the PC port seems wonky. But people who have been playing offline say that there's much less issues.
    Apparently the servers are also off or something.

    Great way of launching a bad port.
    On the other hand, Wastelands 3 seems to have very good reviews on Steam. I guess I was "excited" for the wrong game release. xD
    NVTF is better than NVSR now. The advice these days is to ditch NVSR and use Tick Fix.

    You have to remove NVSR if you use Tick Fix, or they will mess up with each other.

    About MO, since NVTF is a NVSE Plugin, you install it like you install any NVSE Plugin in MO.
    You need to make sure your NVSE runs through MO and you need to make sure that you have a NVSE/Plugins
    I don't use MO since I don't mod my NV/TTW. So I'm not sure of the necessary steps to make that happen, but I assume there are guides online for that. Since MO/MO2 is considered the best Mod Manager available for Bethesda games.
    Christmas is coming, so I won't have time to come by and post much until next year.
    All this talk about Fallout 76. Or should I call it Fallout "Safe Space" Multiplayer?
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    Minus point for not typing 'Safe Space' instead of 'Safe Zone'.
    I typed that when I was about to go to sleep. I was looking for Safe Space, but was so tired that I couldn't remember the damn word.


    I had typed something like that before on the Codex, and i did get the right word... xD
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    As far as I know, you can use anything from that guide with Intel graphics. Except the NVIDIA stuff, of course.
    Black Angel
    Black Angel
    @Risewild thanks a lot man. Anyway, I'm starting to mod New Vegas again, and I happen to notice that NVAC nexus page have this optional file called shaderpackage_03i. What does it do and what is it compared to shaderpackage tweak that's step #6 in TTW Performance Guide?
    I haven't used NVAC since I joined the TTW team. Because my main job is testing and NVAC would prevent me from finding some bugs that crash the game. So I can't remember what the shaderpackage does in particular. I think it is related to how the game displays stuff like water and maybe other effects or something.
    I will ask around and see if I get a proper answer for you when I wake up.
    I just turned on my tablet that has been sitting there for months. It updated a ton of crap. But I did noticed that...
    Just noticed that some people still join the old archived NMA site and post stuff.
    Hopefully some new people come by here, instead of posting in a dead forum.
    Deleted member 116369
    Never even knew there was another one
    yeah weird we noticed that before.
    Your people on the discord missing you, my liege.
    Been sick for ages. Also haven't had enough sleep for a long time.
    Hard to type coherent stuff... Not good for chats or forums to be honest. Unless it's just a short sentence or two.
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