Recent content by sea

  1. S

    Video game cover discussion

  2. S

    Bethesda can make it so the DC Wasteland never existed

    So you can pull anything out of your ass, and it's alright so long as it "makes sense"? What does "makes sense" mean anyway? By what standard? How does "it was all a virtual reality simulation!" make any more sense than the simple explanation that the writers at Bethesda are incompetent and...
  3. S

    Issue with Bust the Skulz quest

  4. S

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Yeah, those are definitely Crysis shots. The rock and snow textures/models are taken straight from Warhead, and I spent enough time with the editor to know that the vegetation, depth of field effects and water are all identical to what CryEngine 2 puts out. Pretty, and definitely way beyond...
  5. S

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    That's pretty much the entire point of the series. Fable originally started out as a game called "Project Ego". At least it's more plausible in Fable III because you start out as the son or daughter of the king of Albion, instead of an orphan or ratty street urchin. Bethesda's games are...
  6. S

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Even if mounted combat made it in, I imagine it'd be pretty much terrible anyway. Remember, this is Gamebryo, and in particular it's Gamebryo as used by Bethesda. In case you forgot what that means, I'd like you to boot up Oblivion again for a few minutes. :3
  7. S

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Honestly? It's Vikings, dragons and rough, mountainous terrain. It might not be Icewind Dale, and Bethesda are going to want to probably make a few diversions from canon in order to ensure more variety, but from the look of the teaser, I'd find it hard to believe they're going to tread down...
  8. S

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Well, at least with Skyrim, the setting and lore are going to be more interesting than Generic Fantasy World #3 that we got in Oblivion. Whether or not Bethesda can do anything with it, though, is another question... but at least it means we'll get lots of nice mountains, canyons, plains...
  9. S

    "Bethesda presents...Oblivion 2"?

    Looks tasty, initially delicious and appealing, and a bit of a guilty pleasure... until you realise that warm feeling in your stomach is actually your body temperature rapidly increasing as fever onsets, you black out, and wake up with stomach cancer in a pool of your own blood, vomit and shame...
  10. S

    Activation over Steam in Europe somehow possible?

    The game requires Steam and Steam has the ability to enforce official release dates. All you can do is wait... well, or pirate, but I can't exactly endorse that. Look on the bright side: it's probably preferable to using some more draconian DRM scheme like SecuROM with limited activations, or...
  11. S does dumb stunt

    You don't make a deal with someone, the terms of which are "unlimited downloads" and then go take your web site down as a prank. A few days of outage isn't going to kill anyone, and the issue isn't even that they were going out of business; it's a sad but harsh reality and I don't think anyone...
  12. S does dumb stunt

    Well, at least they apologised. And to be fair they never did say they were going out of business... I think a dramatic splash page with a "something huge is coming" would have served the same purpose. :|
  13. S does dumb stunt

    They just posted the following video on their main page. It features a very quick snapshot of Baldur's Gate near the end (pause the video). They didn't have that available before closing down, so the only explanation is that either someone made a...
  14. S does dumb stunt

    I really, really don't want that. The update on their site suggests that things are looking up, though, so it sounds like is definitely not down and out whatever they have decided.
  15. S does dumb stunt

    Why so funny? CD Projekt RED is part of CD Projekt, no? Wouldn't it be reasonable to expect that the entire company was in some sort of dire financial straits if they started closing down certain parts wholesale? Compare: if Valve shut down Steam due to financial concerns, I would imagine...