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  • I just watched a person whom I despised since elementary school just get his ego shot down in a Basketball game. It felt great.
    Far over the misty mountains cold To dungeons deep and caverns old We must away ere break of day To find our long-forgotten gold.
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    Reactions: yfk12
    meh. people talk about the hobbit movies like they're the prequels. the movies were still made by jackson are still well made from a filmmaking and technical perspective. problem stems from the studio demanding that a two hour story be stretched to 9.

    we've seen this before with dead man's chest and at world's end.
    its a particularly annoying problem because its one that shouldn't exist. like bro just make one movie at a time yeesus.
    @R.Graves I've seen alot of comments saying it would've been better off as two movies but the studio DEMANDED it had to be 3 parts.
    Sad to see how the US govt shutdown has been screwing over so many employees and ruining our parks. Congress doesn't deserve to be payed....
    Winter Break is over and its back to priso- I mean school for me tomorrow. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (just kidding its not that bad at all).
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    @R.Graves @AureliusofPhoenix Well I can tell you guys this,

    Freshman Year: Sucked (annoying kids, teachers were ok tho)
    Sophomore Year: Light years better because i moved back up into the honors classes.
    Junior Year: So Far good as well for the same reasons as Sophomore Year.
    I'm in classes where people actually give a crap about being there.
    Well I’m happy that you at the every least have people who give a fuck. When I was in high school there were people who didn’t give a shit and people who cared too much to the point of pretentiousness; there was no moderate lmao
    when i was in highschool i was so deep in autopilot that i cant remember literally anything.
    Just resumed my playthrough of Fallout 2 and I returned to the Den. Fred struck it rich and gave me a cells and caps.
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    I think i learned about this in one of my last 2-3 playthroughs as i never have a reason to go back there. Probably the last thing i had no idea about in the game!
    Hanging with my cousins from Idaho made me realize how split up my family really is at this point. We've gone our separate ways for so long.
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    Reactions: Ayelander
    While inheritance has not yet become an issue here (grandma keeps it for now), she is indeed adding to the discord by playing favorites. She also seems unaware of her role in it, and it does make me pity her as well, it can't be easy spending ones latest lifetime like that :I
    I already spent up my sympathy for my grand mother a long time ago. She is a really horrible person. I haven't even talked to her in years, my mom still does, and she constantly tells me a new way the old bitch decided to humilliate her that week. Good riddance when she dies.
    @zegh8578 @Walpknut Man, that really sucks you guys had to deal with crap like that. The split up the my family experienced isn't like we hate each other, it's just we are all slowly moving out of CA because of ridiculous laws, expenses of living here, etc. For us, its always kinda a relief to be able to see each other.
    Alas, my date of birth has come again. I guess being 17 shouldn't be that bad.
    Started my playthrough of the Witcher Trilogy starting with Witcher 1 and I have to say, the combat is a bit odd .
    Its what happen when you make an Action-RPG game based on CRPG engine
    I finished A Hat In Time and I have to say the base game is fantastic! But, the DLC feels like a huge 180 in terms of quality.
    Man that Diablo Immortal reveal did not go over well at all between Blizzard and their fans. LMAO
    It's well deserved in my opinion. Didn't they say it was also the future of Diablo? Who the hell enjoys mobile gaming enough for someone like Blizzard to push games like this? Phone games should be fun while on the shitter and that's about it lmao
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    The joke is on the players, believing after all those years that Blizzard cares what their fans want. They are a billion dollar company, if they think mobile games make them a shit ton of money, that's what they will become, a mobile game developer. Blizzard is not the company it was 25 years ago.
    I think that Blizzard players are not that wise if they think Blizzard cares about what they want. Aside from Overwatch and WoW, none of their IPs are going anywhere (and I'd argue the said two are circling the drain for players looking for good stories and writing).
    My best friend gave me a beta code for 76. Gonna give it a go.
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    Reactions: KingArthur
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    May god have mercy with your soul, brother.
    I gameshared with my friend Griffen which basically means I got the beta on PS4 for free, and played it with him and my other friend Jeff for 4 hours. And I mean it when I say: good luck my dude. My gamertag is casualanarchist if you’ve got PSN. And you’re still alive after playing 70shit
    I just finished my first playthrough of Fallout 1 and well. It was an amazing and very memorable experience. Sad to see how the writing.....
    ......has devolved under Bethesda's direction. Well, I'm going to boot up Fallout 2 and start my adventures there!
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