Walpknut Dec 15, 2016 Well the Vergil cheerleader squad did get triggered so we are down 3 members at least.
Walpknut Dec 15, 2016 VR games are just a gimmick. Most people can't even buy them so I doubt they'll have any lasting influence. It's already fading out.
VR games are just a gimmick. Most people can't even buy them so I doubt they'll have any lasting influence. It's already fading out.
Walpknut Dec 14, 2016 Day 2 of login into NMA without most of the activity being neo nazi shit posting.
Walpknut Dec 14, 2016 An Urban exploration channel I was subscribed to just turned into a Prank channel. Fuck...
Walpknut Dec 14, 2016 Just compare the meat of a classic farm chicken to that of a modern chickenfarm.
Walpknut Dec 14, 2016 But they also exercize more and I would imagine would have more musculature than a Pig that is raised to be eaten.
But they also exercize more and I would imagine would have more musculature than a Pig that is raised to be eaten.
Walpknut Dec 13, 2016 Remember, if you have no talent you can always just make a routine of witlessly pointing out the obvious and call it a parody of the medium.
Remember, if you have no talent you can always just make a routine of witlessly pointing out the obvious and call it a parody of the medium.
Walpknut Dec 13, 2016 Pedantic dicks think all my degrees in design and Web development are worth less than their technical courses. Then they get rekt.
Pedantic dicks think all my degrees in design and Web development are worth less than their technical courses. Then they get rekt.
Walpknut Dec 13, 2016 That day when a newbie engineer downtalks you despite having more experience than him and then you have to correct their code.
That day when a newbie engineer downtalks you despite having more experience than him and then you have to correct their code.