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  • VR games are just a gimmick. Most people can't even buy them so I doubt they'll have any lasting influence. It's already fading out.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I like the fact, that there are a lot of people that vomit from using it ... yet praise it as awesome technology.
    It's a fun gimmick but it needs very cumbersome set ups for the good stuff and even the good stuff is just mildly fun. It's like having to buy a special chair to play an endless runner on a tablet.
    Day 2 of login into NMA without most of the activity being neo nazi shit posting.
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    Reactions: eissa and Crni Vuk
    Deleted member 93956
    Day 2 of Post Vergil: PoV-2
    dont worry, i've been called asian once and crusade target twice by him. Bleh, for some reason
    I am impressed he was so active the whole day that he managed to drwon out most activity. Not gonna call anyone a loser keyboard warrior but...
    An Urban exploration channel I was subscribed to just turned into a Prank channel. Fuck...
    But they also exercize more and I would imagine would have more musculature than a Pig that is raised to be eaten.
    Remember, if you have no talent you can always just make a routine of witlessly pointing out the obvious and call it a parody of the medium.
    People still make threads about leaving forums?
    Pedantic dicks think all my degrees in design and Web development are worth less than their technical courses. Then they get rekt.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Details! Give us the details!
    Typical engineer who can write code and scripts but forget to make the application usable or watchable by humans. I had to correct his code so the information was properly distributed in a strcture that was also easy to apply styles to.
    I am convinced some of them have been replaced by interdimensional aliens, I haven't felt this well socially adapted since I started working along side engineers.
    That day when a newbie engineer downtalks you despite having more experience than him and then you have to correct their code.
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