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  • So Emily neglected her duties as Empress to socialize? Anyone feel like her and Corvo had that coup de etat coming?
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    Reactions: CT Phipps
    tyrannis eunt domus!
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    I also like Tyranids, albeit I am really more of an Imperial Guard guy they have the best tanks with lots of Shermans, the Dark Eldar seem intersting too though.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Emily was working on making sure women were integrated into the City Watch and rebuilding Dunwall. Honestly, if the asshole City Guardsman is the kind of neglect she's been doing, "Oh, I'm poor and yet noble so woe is me" then they should quit their whining!
    Watching the Bladerunner 2 trailer.... Is Harrison Ford getting paid specifically to mug at the camera nowadays?
    Is he even still alive?
    When he dies they are just gonna inject his corpse with botox in specific zones so he can continue smirking at the screen in the 20th thousand remake of a movie he appeared in.
    AAA gaming? Moar liek AAA Laming. Amirite?
    that moment the AAA well is so dry, it became the Gobi Desert. I love how the industry is panicking when people weren't really excited for games like Dishonored 2 and Watch Dogs 2.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    Well, at that point you could get as well excited about planks, because many AAA games have the same depth.
    I just used "display:none" on the Chrome Code inspector to get rid of an annoying ad on a website that blocks adblocker.... HACKERMAN!
    Just like how The History Channel is the UFO Conspiracy channel? This is why I just stopped watching tv.
    You mean shows that are already over and can be watched online?
    Game of thrones isn't over yet though.
    Juza The Cloud
    Juza The Cloud
    No one with an education thinks anything on the History Channel is educational. Several of those channels are all owned by a religious conservative fellow so that explains why Moses and Aliens and Hitler etc.
    So is Fiin just gonna be in a wheelchair the rest of the trilogy with his boyfriend pushing him around while Rei becomes MarySue supreme?
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    I try to judge things on what they are versus what I hope them to be. Of course, they didn't go the direction I was expecting with Jyn Erso in Rogue One.
    I judge things on wether or not they are good.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    That would be a bit of a problem for me, as the first things I see in the morning when I wake up, is my image in a mirror.
    It went from "The Wii is big in Unova too" to "It's a wiiU it has a screen on the control" on the nintendo console cameo in pokemon.
    The logistics of "Galactic Empires" are always stupid and impossible. They shouldn't try to make them "serious war films".
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    Reactions: CT Phipps
    Star Wars is just a Samurai movie with a Space skin, they should just keep them like that, the moment they try to make the "fight against the empire" seem serious and analogous to real world wars it just falls flat on it's face unless you turn every part of your brain off and just enjoy the light show.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    There are many aims of making an empire, but I assure you, making everyone's lives not normal is not one of them. Also why do the want to get the resources from the WHOLE planet? They just set out quotas and ensure they get them fulfilled. They use the resources to continue building up their war machine, to spread Imperial doctrine across the galaxy.
    Dr Fallout
    Dr Fallout
    The Empire are doomed to failure due to overexpansion but you shut your brain off and make the biggest generalizations. I mean where did you get them wanting ALL the planet's resources?
    Why would you waste time fixing what Bethesturd never put any effort on to begin with?
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    Some of us like the games as they are?
    I guess, but I am talking about the people who do rewrites on things they didn't like. That's energy better spent in coming up with one's own stuff.
    I played W3 without playing the first 2 and I still enjoyed it.
    CT Phipps
    CT Phipps
    W3 was a great game but I recommend W2 as one of the best video games of all time.
    Witcher 2 doesn't run on my PC, that's why I didn't play it, I bought it but it never ran no matter what I did.
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