Walpknut Jun 21, 2020 Remember when Bethesda increased the price of the season pass and it was just a bunch of furtinure packs with only 2 adventure type DLC?
Remember when Bethesda increased the price of the season pass and it was just a bunch of furtinure packs with only 2 adventure type DLC?
Walpknut Jun 21, 2020 I am actually excited for the Captain Tsubasa game, and I am not much of a football fan.
Walpknut Jun 20, 2020 So Crash is getting one of those "Please ignore our decade of fuck ups" sequel, huh? Not very confident tho, it's still activision.
So Crash is getting one of those "Please ignore our decade of fuck ups" sequel, huh? Not very confident tho, it's still activision.
Walpknut Jun 20, 2020 When we were kids we had that loser cousin/olderBrother/Friend's brother who smoked pot and tried to be super deep and we thought was cool
When we were kids we had that loser cousin/olderBrother/Friend's brother who smoked pot and tried to be super deep and we thought was cool
Walpknut Jun 20, 2020 Persona 5 really takes a long while to advance the plot. Lotta redundant explanations as well. Still fun but it has it's pacing problems.
Persona 5 really takes a long while to advance the plot. Lotta redundant explanations as well. Still fun but it has it's pacing problems.
Walpknut Jun 19, 2020 Atlus: Don't spoil P4G guys! Also Atlus: DLC for the rythm game with the culprit talking about how much he hates women!
Atlus: Don't spoil P4G guys! Also Atlus: DLC for the rythm game with the culprit talking about how much he hates women!
Walpknut Jun 18, 2020 Been feeling like shit the past 2 days, fever and digestion issues. No respiratory problems it might not be the Big Rona.
Been feeling like shit the past 2 days, fever and digestion issues. No respiratory problems it might not be the Big Rona.
Walpknut Jun 16, 2020 "I see you have made a sarcastic remark about a person's comment pointing out how dumb it is. may I explain to you the comment?" -Web Randos
"I see you have made a sarcastic remark about a person's comment pointing out how dumb it is. may I explain to you the comment?" -Web Randos
Walpknut Jun 16, 2020 Persona 5 Royal added a lot of mechanics to combat that makes it more dynamic and fun....but also seems to have made it much easier.
Persona 5 Royal added a lot of mechanics to combat that makes it more dynamic and fun....but also seems to have made it much easier.
Walpknut Jun 14, 2020 I am glad nothing interesting is getting announced because I still have 50+ games I need to get through.
I am glad nothing interesting is getting announced because I still have 50+ games I need to get through.
Walpknut Jun 13, 2020 Persona 4 Golden on PC, didn't even get announced, people just saw it and it's already top seller.
Walpknut Jun 13, 2020 Ok PC Gaming show, show me which games I should've waited before getting them on PS4.