Walpknut Jun 2, 2020 There is a limit to how far you can take the theme of "failure" in a story before it starts becoming an element that makes your story worse.
There is a limit to how far you can take the theme of "failure" in a story before it starts becoming an element that makes your story worse.
Walpknut Jun 1, 2020 If your anime needs a list of skippable episodes to entice people to watch it.... maybe it just sucks?
If your anime needs a list of skippable episodes to entice people to watch it.... maybe it just sucks?
Walpknut May 31, 2020 Cosmic Horror has turned into "Space Octopus goes brrrr!" in recent years. But Bloodborne is a good example of well done Cosmic Horror.
Cosmic Horror has turned into "Space Octopus goes brrrr!" in recent years. But Bloodborne is a good example of well done Cosmic Horror.
Walpknut May 31, 2020 Another 6 pages on this script. I hope it isn't shittier than I think it is when it's finished.
Walpknut May 30, 2020 Very tumultuous times we are living, the pandemia just ripped off the bandage, social change can no longer be ignored or stopped.
Very tumultuous times we are living, the pandemia just ripped off the bandage, social change can no longer be ignored or stopped.
Walpknut May 29, 2020 Don't know what to play tomorrow, I kinda wanna take a break from action games for a bit.
Walpknut May 27, 2020 The Colombian peso got devaluated so much that I think my plans for moving out of the country are effectlively dead now.
The Colombian peso got devaluated so much that I think my plans for moving out of the country are effectlively dead now.
Walpknut May 27, 2020 So, a nice granma started streaming Skyrim to pass the time and the incels bullied her out of the internet. Fucking nerds.
So, a nice granma started streaming Skyrim to pass the time and the incels bullied her out of the internet. Fucking nerds.
Walpknut May 27, 2020 Just beat Bloodborne. First Souls game I have ever beaten, am I a true gamer now?
Walpknut May 25, 2020 Xenoblade 2 is easily the worst JRPG in existence, it condensces everything people hate about japanese media into a single solid turd.
Xenoblade 2 is easily the worst JRPG in existence, it condensces everything people hate about japanese media into a single solid turd.
Walpknut May 25, 2020 That final render is always the most stressful part but it really rocks when everything comes out right.
That final render is always the most stressful part but it really rocks when everything comes out right.
Walpknut May 22, 2020 From the creators of "Vaccines cause autism" comes the new retarded boomer belief: "Facemasks slowly kill me because I breath my own CO2".
From the creators of "Vaccines cause autism" comes the new retarded boomer belief: "Facemasks slowly kill me because I breath my own CO2".
Walpknut May 22, 2020 Remember when Detective Pikachu came out, and people were so perplexed by it not having a post credit scene they wrote articles about it?
Remember when Detective Pikachu came out, and people were so perplexed by it not having a post credit scene they wrote articles about it?
Walpknut May 21, 2020 Hey this Octogenarian actor was in a movie/series 30 years ago, we should bring them back to play that character and make it more actiony.
Hey this Octogenarian actor was in a movie/series 30 years ago, we should bring them back to play that character and make it more actiony.
Walpknut May 20, 2020 The weekly call to tell my dad to stop spreading whatsapp chains about 5g causing Covid. Fun.
Walpknut May 19, 2020 Remember how we all thought Kim Jong Un was dead for a bit and people turned his sister into an anime girl?
Remember how we all thought Kim Jong Un was dead for a bit and people turned his sister into an anime girl?