Walpknut Jan 14, 2018 The stylized art style of Crybaby combined with how in your face the nudity is makes the fan service hilarious rather than titlating.
The stylized art style of Crybaby combined with how in your face the nudity is makes the fan service hilarious rather than titlating.
Walpknut Jan 13, 2018 The new Donkey Kong game has a Game Journalist mode, appropiately called Fucky mode.
Walpknut Jan 13, 2018 I have never gotten into livestreams, I don't get how some people can dedicate so much money to buy bits specifically for streamers either.
I have never gotten into livestreams, I don't get how some people can dedicate so much money to buy bits specifically for streamers either.
Walpknut Jan 13, 2018 Bladerunner 2049 is 2:40 hours that feel like 90 minutes, THe Last Jedi are 2:30 hours that feel like a whole afternoon.
Bladerunner 2049 is 2:40 hours that feel like 90 minutes, THe Last Jedi are 2:30 hours that feel like a whole afternoon.
Walpknut Jan 11, 2018 Was excited for The world ends with you on switch but then realized it's based on the mobile version.
Was excited for The world ends with you on switch but then realized it's based on the mobile version.
Walpknut Jan 11, 2018 People keep saying Big Mouth is not that bad but everything about the show gives me physical nasuea.
Walpknut Jan 10, 2018 What's with those people who write like they are in 4chan outside of their cesspool website? Don't they realize how cringy it is?
What's with those people who write like they are in 4chan outside of their cesspool website? Don't they realize how cringy it is?
Walpknut Jan 7, 2018 Pokehackers think they are the salvation of the community but they are the ones that have made it as toxic as it is now.
Pokehackers think they are the salvation of the community but they are the ones that have made it as toxic as it is now.
Walpknut Jan 7, 2018 Premature Ejaculation also subverts the expectations of someone but just because it does that doesn't mean it leaves anyone satisfied.
Premature Ejaculation also subverts the expectations of someone but just because it does that doesn't mean it leaves anyone satisfied.
Walpknut Jan 3, 2018 When you graduate into try hard Atheist with Richard Dawkins t-shirts in public, does the ponytail appear itself or is it like a Jedi braid?
When you graduate into try hard Atheist with Richard Dawkins t-shirts in public, does the ponytail appear itself or is it like a Jedi braid?
Walpknut Jan 3, 2018 I am gonna make an obvious joke, I hope someone comes and over explains it to me, that would be super.
I am gonna make an obvious joke, I hope someone comes and over explains it to me, that would be super.
Walpknut Jan 2, 2018 So does Luke drink the alien Tit Jizz to purge out the midlichronians in a makeshift enema?