zegh8578 Jun 19, 2017 What happened there Jogre? It's allright, we're all deeply misanthropic now and then, maybe even more than ever, as of late
What happened there Jogre? It's allright, we're all deeply misanthropic now and then, maybe even more than ever, as of late
zegh8578 Jun 18, 2017 Damn, swimming pools during earth quakes are fucking terrifying. I never knew. Now I do D:
zegh8578 May 29, 2017 I always wondered why "911-truthers" always talk about the melting point of steel. It doesn't have to melt to cause a domino effect of
I always wondered why "911-truthers" always talk about the melting point of steel. It doesn't have to melt to cause a domino effect of
zegh8578 May 19, 2017 wtf, I really thought the ps controller could take a little more abuse than this
zegh8578 May 18, 2017 Some amateur internet movie critics forget an important point of film critique: If you allready don't like the genre, don't critique it...
Some amateur internet movie critics forget an important point of film critique: If you allready don't like the genre, don't critique it...
zegh8578 May 15, 2017 Docu about Norwegian missionaries on tv, and goddamn, they seem nightmarish! Luckily there's only like 10 of them or so...
Docu about Norwegian missionaries on tv, and goddamn, they seem nightmarish! Luckily there's only like 10 of them or so...
zegh8578 May 14, 2017 http://www.theonion.com/article/area-man-excited-hear-girlfriend-has-been-doing-lo-55994
zegh8578 May 7, 2017 Why do I have to fucking restart the computer whenever a Bethfuck game crashes???
zegh8578 Apr 14, 2017 "We will let the Ringbearer decide!" Gandalf says. Frodo is baffled, "But you're 4000 years old, you have more experience than any of us!"
"We will let the Ringbearer decide!" Gandalf says. Frodo is baffled, "But you're 4000 years old, you have more experience than any of us!"
zegh8578 Mar 2, 2017 http://www.niemanlab.org/2017/03/this-site-is-taking-the-edge-off-rant-mode-by-making-readers-pass-a-quiz-before-commenting/