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  • That does it... Civ 6 is definitely way too bugged to be playable.
    correct casus bellii?
    Hmm? Casus belli will only make you declare war. This was the only nation that was not attacking me, and for a while the only nation not at war with me (:D) I was trying to keep it that way. Some time in, however, I noticed I was at war with them, but couldn't remember having gotten that declaration message.
    I checked their log (recent events), and saw that I had apparently declared war on them 10 turns prior, which I had not - at all!
    Apart from that, it needs serious tweaks, since I am being denounced - even attacked - for being a "warmonger"
    Man, "funniest animals" is the dullest shit ever. Making sassy comments over clip of a dog just sitting there panting does not make it funny
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    I don't do it with ease though, I'm far too logical. I felt bad for eating animals, because I'm too aware. I no longer see "meat", I see individual muscle-systems, I know what they are called. BUT - the same goes for plants. Every tomato I cut is some organism's genital ball-sack I'm about to consume. I really have to be careful not to go loopy :D At least I'm fair
    But yeah, I see it as partaking in all of nature - consuming all of nature!
    However it does make it cringy
    Gonna have to get used to Civ 6, it just triggers nostalgia for Civ 3/4 so far. In the meantime I've installed Millennium Dawn for HOI 4
    I have weed. Like 60 grams or something. Do you want me to send you some? ;)
    A friend of mine managed to IM a Belgian msn-buddy of mine, because he had "narcotic" in his hotmail address, nagging the guy for weed, behind my back, desperate to get hold of my "contacts" that I wouldn't share, because he is an untrustworthy moron (but a childhood friend... ) Several people contacted me later, asking me if/why I had forwarded this annoying Turk to them...
    I played it for mostly conspiracy cabal content.
    Some theories regarding Dr Fallout's absence
    The other day I went to a restaurant and they had Lobster on the menu, but the price was nowhere to be found, after like 20 minutes of asking waiters and cooks I found out the cheapest lobster they had was 60 dollars, which when converted into Colombian Pesos is waaaaaay too much for a meal.
    Lobster is like diamonds, in the sense that the luxury-value is purely artificial, and created by "highest bidder"-ism. There's an image attached, and people pay for the image. Just a century ago, lobster was seen with disdain, even stigma, as being poor-people food; undelicate, crude and without flavor.
    Prone Squanderer
    Prone Squanderer
    I reckon he's in prison. In fact he always has been but they let him have Internet access for good behaviour. Probably acts up like Charles Bronson so he's currently back in solitary.
    anyone else get this snot stuck way back in the nostril, that you can only blow out through patient effort, and when it does, it shoots out
    like a rubber bullet? I'm obsessive about blowing my nose, which may cause over-production of snot, to compensate... at least I quit smoking!
    You mean a blocked nose?
    No, I usually can breathe fine. I can feel it though, like... a presence, in the way back... like an itch...
    There's some guy on Youtube convinced that any hint of mockery of Americans stems from KGB propaganda
    I mean, even I understand that even Norway gets mocked, for whatever reason, I heard "reindeer-fuckers" was a term used by some, "mountain-monkeys", and we're not even bombing countries (that much)

    Talk about rampant U-S-A-ness...
    I've said before, but I am increasingly under the opinion that the internet is a huge mistake for humanity. Just wipe it away, and let us go back to phones and hand-written letters before it's too late.
    I so want people to shut the fuck up about the moon landings, seriously... all these genius little "food-for-thought" einsteins
    Dude, even flat earthers exist nowadays. Why are you surprised? Better ignore them.
    That's part of the reason why i miss nature selection sometimes.
    Crni Vuk
    Crni Vuk
    If you ignore all those idiots to much though ... they might become president one day ...
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    Few things are funnier than GTA motorcycle racing with only underpants, cowboy hat, aviator glasses, and big brown boots
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    I only found ONE other underpants-racer, I can't believe nobody else takes advantage of this source of fun. I even got a rare 1st place earlyer tonight, everyone had to watch the semi-naked man's victory screen. In yo faces bitches!
    Not only that, I chose "gorilla" type body hair, and a nice little mustache. M-m-mmm! I like the notion that during motorcycle races, I am showing everyone my bent-over buttocks. Hopefully it distracts them sufficiently
    I'm watching this junk-auction show, my brain hurts so much, but I can't look away...
    The show itself bases the sale value of this junk ON what the BUYERS think its worth! That's not smart... :D "I think I'll get at least ten million for that :0" *He will get 10 million for it!*
    Crackling noise audio issue ever since Win10 update, win goes "LOL" as usual. Problem? Uninstall and reinstall drivers! Sigh, what a hastle
    Error, LOL, can't uninstall drivers! Google it. Win10 problem, system restore hurries to restore a faulty uninstalled driver during the required restart LOLOLOL
    Good one Win10, good one, you really got me there. You really slapped all the bother out of me for another week. I will listen to more crackling noises, you win. Then, a week from now, I will turn off system restore - then uninstall driver - and then see what kind of sur-fucking-prise you kick me in the groin with by then!
    Win10 all "oh, wait and see, buddy boy! Wait and see!"
    Now the whole damn bus is cheerin', and I can't believe I'm seein' - a hundred yellow ribbons round the ole oak tree!
    Lol Trump refered to half of America as "enemies", good way to kick off 2017. Gotta admit, it's very "un-cucked" of him tho
    Yeah and the time that guys cake melted or the other time when sue destoryed that person cake by leaning on it or something
    Or that time when Paul sold out to Channel 4 but the other 2 presenters quit. So Channel 4 ended up paying £75M for 1/3 of the cast and a tent.
    Yeah thats one expensive tent for 75m isn't it !
    any celeb might still die, remember, accidents, overdoses, murder etc, all still count!
    Why the hell do crashes have to be so fucking disastrous every time? New Vegas crashed, fine, but it went black screen crash - which means
    I can't ctrl-alt-del, I cant window-button, I can't log off windows and log back on, I can do NOTHING, All I can do is fucking yank the computer out of the fucking wall, and plug it back in, and almost every game crash is like that!
    They should make games crash even harder, and lock everything in place, forcing you to shut the electricity down for your whole apartment. That would be a good fucking crash
    That only happened to me with FO4 which gave my PC a blue screen and I am sure also damaged by hard drive (may it rest in peace).
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