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  1. K

    Wasteland 1 available on steam

    That's correct. The high quality portraits aren't animated, just noticed myself. Too bad. Now I prefer to play with HQ portraits off, but smoothing on. Background music off, and Aphex Twin on pandora on. :mrgreen:
  2. K

    Wasteland 1 available on steam

    The portraits are redone in higher res and the rest of the graphics are upscaled/rounded looking, both options could be independently turned off, non-issue. I prefer them on an LCD since large pixels look poor on modern LCDs But also it has voice overs for paragraphs, you no longer need...
  3. K

    Which version is best? EGA DOS vs C64 vs Apple ][ ?

    Also the C64 version, although may be the best sound-wise require 4 double-sided, so 8 floppies. I'll probably go with the ega dos version, since it has the best looks and dosbox is awesome. but anyone's input will be greatly appreciated!
  4. K

    Which version is best? EGA DOS vs C64 vs Apple ][ ?

    apple ii: EGA PC version: c64: i believe the c64 version has music as well. which should i play? also is the 10th anniversary interplay version...
  5. K

    Player body type

    Yea, and i don't think it's a bit too hollywood to take buffout and become the hulk :roll: I think it'd be best left at character creation.
  6. K

    The "Bald Dude" Mod!

    Came here to post this. :clap:
  7. K

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    is there a way to make the patch work so it changed the resolution to a 4:5 one or adds black pillars in the dialogue screen? Because It's really game-breaking for me to see the whole world in the background outside the "speech box window"
  8. K

    Strange "error" as NPC's dialogue in Thieve's Circ

    I really appreciate the help guys, but my 1.3.3 savegames would not load with the 1.3.4 [spoiler:5357c1ed93]it's ok! i have barely notice any bugs, and 1.3.4 doesn't allow me to get iguana bob arrested[/spoiler:5357c1ed93] Thanks again guys!
  9. K

    2d --> 3d

    What about the unscene/unrendered northern 1/4 of the models?
  10. K

    Sale: Big Box Fallout & Fallout 2

    Or if you ever want to buy a house, a car or have your children to go to college, in the US life's all about your credit score
  11. K

    A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

    im a newbie to fallout. I beat Fallout3 and although the graphics are poor and isotopic view is annoying, i am currently enjoying Fallout 1 much more than I did 3 Needless to say, I am very ecstatic about obsidian working on a game in FO3
  12. K

    Strange "error" as NPC's dialogue in Thieve's Circ

    Sorry :P Didn't think that one through. I guess someone here in Modding could help :D
  13. K

    Strange "error" as NPC's dialogue in Thieve's Circ

    Mods installed: fallup1w (official 1.1 patch) Fallout_1_TeamX_Patch_ENG_1.2w teamx 1.3.3 f1npcmod(3.4) sfall 1.18e (timeslip) What could be the cause?
  14. K

    Recommended setup for 'Ultra' display settings?

    you are asking way too much from an old crappy card liek the 8800GTS 320MB You must lower the resolution to achieve high settings. Depite the closeness of the names, the 8800GTS 512MB is at least twice as fast as the 8800 GTS 320MB at 1600x1200 due to different architecture.
  15. K

    Can i play fallout3 with my weak laptop?

    It will play just fine! It even runs on my 6200LE
  16. K

    Vault 13 & Vault 15 - Modders' Ressource

    Just use OBLIVION's rats. In fact there should be no issue using any of oblivion's resources in FO3. There should be an importer tool, that specifies a .bsa file from oblivion and imports it to a bsa in fo3, circumventing the whole 'legal issue'
  17. K

    skills to be more player-oriented, than character oriented?

    Hello, despite the love for classic FALLOUT, I am not a big fan of the leveling+exp point system where the player gets to redistribute the skill points to any field. The SPECIAL system is fine, but the experience for skills should be relative to skills used (and none of that double-points...
  18. K

    Any games like Fallout?

    The guy in the video is fucking hilarious. He just talks you down. Wish I had time to translate.