
  1. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout New Vegas Fun Facts by Fallout YouTuber Clanky4.

    Hey everybody, right now I just wanted to share some videos made by a YouTuber named Clanky4, whose shared some interesting various fun facts surrounding Fallout New Vegas. /s ;) :smug: Enjoy! 8-) https://youtu.be/DX1A4J1xR2Q https://youtu.be/KjBBELDmRQM...
  2. TheKingofVault14

    Many Have Forgotten Them, But Are Remembered By Those Who Cared. (Happy Birthday Lone Wanderer)

    Out of these three Fallout Protagonists,(The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, & The Lone Wanderer) The Lone Wanderer was the one who got the shortest end of the stick, in regards to the legacy of their adventures. Nobody in Fallout 4 seems to acknowledge or even remember them or their feats, not...
  3. Earth

    The Master's Audio Diary

    In the original game, you can find the Master's diary entries, which are described as audio logs but only found in text. This is an attempt at producing the actual audio with my very limited knowledge of sound-editing and artificial voice-recreation. I'm not a fan of auto-generation stealing...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    Happy Birthday MR House!

    Happy Birthday to the Founder, President, & CEO of Robco Industries, & New Vegas Kingpin Robert Edwin House! Out of all the things that you know and can say about him, the one thing that stood out to me, was his plans for the future. The plan to revive humanity's technological prowess, in...
  5. TheKingofVault14

    Would You Consider This To Be A Clever Explanation? Or A Dumb One?

    So I found this on TV Tropes in the "Fridge Brilliance" page for Fallout 3, and as you can see, this gives an explanation as to why The Enclave doesn't just take out The BOS by simply obliterating The Citadel. Now before anyone says anything, no I'm not saying that this was Bethesda's intention...
  6. TheKingofVault14

    Has This Ever Happened to You? (A Lone Friendly Enclave Soldier)

    Has anyone ever experienced this glitch before in Fallout 3? Because this has happened to me a couple of times while playing it. So for some context, I usually encounter these friendly Enclave Soldiers at the various Enclave Outposts scattered across the Capital Wasteland, and this one in...
  7. TheKingofVault14

    What Happened To These Four Characters From Fallout 2?

    You know ever since I beat Fallout 2, I've always wondered what happened to these four characters after the events of the game. Canonically I mean, because we never really found out about whatever happened to them after the fact. Oh, and here are the four that I'm talking about BTW... The...
  8. TheKingofVault14

    Fun Fact: Fallout Tactics Is The Most Influential Game In The Series!

    Out of all the game's in the Fallout series,(specifically from the Interplay era) Fallout Tactics is the most influential one for every entry that followed after it. With either concepts reused, or ideas revisited and revitalized, there's no denying that this game continues to inspire each new...
  9. T

    Is the Sole Survivor a Synth?

    Bethesda made sure to drop many clues throughout the game, but what is the truth?
  10. TheKingofVault14

    Black Isle Studio's Cancelled Fallout 4.

    You know, it's crazy to think that we would've gotten a Fallout 4 made by Black Isle Studios if Van Buren wasn't cancelled, and that the IP for Fallout wasn't sold to Bethesda back in 2004. Now just to be clear, even though the Van Buren Development Team was talking about making FO4 due to...
  11. TheKingofVault14

    Where Did Nick Valentine Get This Info From? (The Mysterious Stranger's Presence During FO1)

    In Nick Valentine's office, under his bed there's a case file detailing his investigation on The Mysterious Stranger, starting from his looks, to theorizing who he is, to reports of where he's been seen over the years dating all the way back to the events of Fallout 1. (As you can see pictured...
  12. TheKingofVault14

    Where & When Did The Courier Get All of These Items From? (Courier's Stash Add-on)

    Okay, I know at this point I'm probably nitpicking, perhaps even overthinking all of this. But I've always wondered where & when did The Courier get all of this equipment from? Like for example the Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit, which would've essentially belonged to The Vault Dweller, where the...
  13. TheKingofVault14

    What's Your Favorite Redesign in Fallout 4?

    The redesigns being the one's for the enemies, such as the wasteland creatures and rogue robots. Personally for me, my favorite redesign in Fallout 4 is the one for the Sentry Bots. Talk about an upgrade y'all! They're way more intimidating with that design, than the one that they had in...
  14. TheKingofVault14

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Huge kudos to @Diggfinger! for sharing this on the General Fallout Discussion Forum, I wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for his post. So thanks man! :clap: On April 27th, 2023 the creator of the Fallout series Tim Cain started making videos on his YouTube Channel simply called...
  15. TheKingofVault14

    What Was The Purpose of This Thing? (The Cross Labeled "Trash" in Golgotha)

    In Fallout 2 at the New Reno Graveyard(Golgotha) there's this cross that you can find that's labeled as "trash", and if you interact with it, The Chosen One will remark that it's just a cross. Can anyone explain to me what purpose of this is? And if it's some kind of joke that I'm not getting...
  16. TheKingofVault14

    Does Anyone Know The Story of How NMA Got Access to FO3: Van Buren's Tech Demo?

    I just realized that yesterday would be the 16th anniversary of the time when Fallout 3: Van Buren's Tech Demo was leaked to The Internet, by none other than this very website! And ever since I first heard about this fact, I've always wondered how that came to be. You know, like how the heck did...
  17. TheKingofVault14

    How Did Harold Get to The Capital Wasteland? And Why Did He Choose to Go There?

    TBH, THIS is one of the biggest headscratchers in Fallout 3 for me! I honestly can't comprehend how Harold of all people was able to reach the East Coast without a scratch, it really boggles my mind on how he was able to do that, and especially in his current state with that weird tree mutation...
  18. Diggfinger!

    Tofu Brains: Life on Zeeta 21 -> self-published sci-fi novel (Fallout tribute)

    Greetings, all! I'm a huge Fallout fan since 1997, and that passion turned into a book. 15 years in the making, Tofu Brains: Life On Zeeta 21 finally got released! I managed to send physical copies both to Leonard Boyarsky, Jason Anderson and Josh Sawyer!!!! It's a dark, dystopian sci-fi...
  19. TheKingofVault14

    Huh, Apparently This Was Some Kind of Inside Joke Between The Developers.

    So according to Fallout New Vegas Technical Producer Jason Fader, the picture of James & Catherine(The Lone Wanderer's parents from Fallout 3) that you can find in Sarah Weintraub's bedroom at Vault 21. Was apparently put there as some kind of inside joke between a select few people within the...
  20. TheKingofVault14

    Is Preston Garvey The REAL General of The Minutemen while The Sole Survivor Serves As A Figurehead?

    Okay this is kind of a theory, but it's mainly a question that's been on my mind for quite sometime. To this day, I never really understood the dynamic between The Sole Survivor and Preston Garvey in regards to their roles within The Minutemen. Like even though "officially" The Sole Survivor is...