
  1. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 1 Designer Jesse Heinig Shares New Details of The Cut Raider Factions The Vipers & Jackals.

    Recently on Twitter, TriangleCity asked FO1 Designer Jesse Heinig if he remembered any details of the original plans for the scrapped raider factions The Vipers & Jackals, and this is what he had to say... Here's the transcript of the Twitter thread: TriangleCity: "I know this is a longshot...
  2. Eumesmopo

    Lex Friedman just released a nearly 3 hours long interview with Todd Howard. Anyone got the stomach?

    Some of the more interesting points of discussion (in my opinion): 2:51 - NPCs 11:42 - Daggerfall and Arena 19:55 - Bethesda 39:27 - Redguard 44:27 - Creating open worlds 57:00 - Starfield 1:16:42 - The Elder Scrolls 6 1:36:03 - Fallout Any of you has the stomach for it?
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Salem: A Town of Wasted Potential

    Out of all the towns in Fallout 4, Salem of all places is the most uninteresting and underused one in the game! From my very first playthrough, I was really expecting to see something interesting and cool when I would eventually get to there, and when I did, all I found was a fight between an...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    The Legend of Roshambo Lives On! (TriangleCity's New Video Covering Rosh In FOTactics)

    Probably the only video on The Internet so far, to do an in depth look into the story behind this piece of history of the Fallout series, and NMA! Also, is that the correct term to use to describe who Rosh was? "An Internet Troll?" I feel like that title goes to Grim. ;) NOTE...
  5. xxdemonxspawnnxx

    Roleplay builds

    Character builds to impersonate someone from movies, game, or other media. It should be in the form: SPECIAL - Tag skills - Traits(0-2)- Can contain extra information.
  6. TheAnimeHunter

    Fallout is 25 years old! Lets talk about it!

    It's Fallout's 25th anniversary and I'm sure it has been a wild ride for everyone here. I'm curious to know what the people here have to say about it.
  7. TheKingofVault14

    Bethesda Kicks Off The 25th Anniversary Celebration for Fallout!

    Bethesda and well, the official Fallout accounts on Social Media announced today that they're starting a whole month celebration of the 25th anniversary for the Fallout series, and how are they going to do it you may ask? Well it's, it's flipping lackluster, UNDERWHELMING is the best way to put...
  8. TheKingofVault14

    Various Questions on Who and What The Mysterious Stranger Is?

    You know there's a lot things that I've always wondered about The Mysterious Stranger, such as how come The Stranger is able to die in FO1 and 2 but not in FO3 and New Vegas? (NOTE: The Stranger can actually die in FO4 but I won't count that one, because I'm talking about dying during combat...
  9. Traplord209

    ITT Post videos of people doing insane shit in any Fallout Game

    I love videos of people abusing the gameplay engine of the various games or just any feat of skill within them, maybe even funny dialogue. Please post some of your favorite moments here! I'll start with a video I saw years ago that still has relatively few views.
  10. TheKingofVault14

    What's The Real Release Date For Fallout 1?

    Back in 2020 during the 23rd anniversary of the Fallout series, I did what I normally would do which is celebrating it on September 30th. Business as usual, however a few weeks later I saw certain people celebrating and saying that October 10th is the ACTUAL day FO1 was released on. I was...
  11. Ediros

    How powerful is Advanced Power Armour?

    We are talking strictly lore wise and use only Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and New Vegas as a reference. We know that Enclave Power Armour is superior to T51B, when it comes to protection. It is also a bit more advanced and features different power source than TX-28 Fusion Pack of T51B power armour...
  12. TheAnimeHunter

    General Energy Weapons Discussion Thread

    I feel like we barely know squat about Energy Weapons. Who made laser/plasma weapons if not the U.S. Military/Contractors? Are the energy weapons in Fallouts 1 and 2 supposed to be the same as the energy weapons in New Vegas? Why do energy weapons (in New Vegas) look so cheap? I'm not saying...
  13. TheAnimeHunter

    Have you ever been accused of being a "fake Fallout fan"? Why?

    I'm not sure how common of an occurrence this actually is, I've only seen it happen once I entered Fallout's modding community. Long story short, when I talked about how I was making a mod for Fallout: New Vegas I was asked if The Enclave would have a presence in it - I said no, which then led...
  14. TheAnimeHunter

    General questions about mod development/level design.

    I'm looking for any information regarding Fallout/Fallout 2/Fallout New Vegas's development, specifically anything regarding its various settlements/level design so I can get a good idea of what mindset Fallout's original developers had when creating the world map, the closest thing to this I...
  15. TheAnimeHunter

    So lets say I'm making a Fallout mod project, now what?

    I may or may not be working on a Fallout mod project of some form or another. I've heard that No Mutants Allowed can be very critical of Fallout mod projects in general, so I was hoping I could have something of a conversation with you guys about big mod projects in general like Fallout: New...
  16. S

    Crazy Mod Idea: Which guns you would bring from later games into the OGs?

    (I hope this is the right forum section, as its not actually a mod, just shooting some shit idea-wise) You know, which guns from the later games (FOT/FO3/FNV/FO4/FO76) would you bring to FO1 and FO2 (maybe FOT too). Especially in a way that fits these games. And where it would be? Which game...
  17. Sn1p3r187

    A Fallout concept album?

    I've been sitting on some ideas for a good bit in my ragged studio. And it's more so something I'm thinking of doing in the near future. A thought for a potential Fallout themed concept album that tells its own story through music and could be seen as being apart of the universe, or not. My idea...
  18. Lexx

    Fallout - ProtoManager v1.3.0.5 Unofficial

    The editor allows you to edit all the parameters of the critters and items, as well as create new, delete or duplicate prototypes of objects. Edits Critter pro files. Edits Item pro files. Edits AI Packets. Creates a CSV table, with selected item or critter parameters, for editing in an...
  19. theinsalubriousgamer

    Another Permadeath Run: The Cannibal (Melee Weapons)

    TL;DR: Highlights. Long version. Hi again and step right up to see my insalubrious permadeath runs nobody cares about. In my last run, I died engaging an enraged legendary ultra overpowered sentry bot from hell. I got its health halfway, but clearly backing off would've been the right call...
  20. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    Welcome to Fallout 22! It's an event that will run during all of 2022 (and forever after) and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order. Fallout: Nevada - Year 2120 Fallout - Year 2161 Fallout: Sonora - Year [It's a secret] Fallout: Resurrection - Year 2170 Fallout...