Bodybag said:
Man, this thread is precious. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when they find out it's actually X-Com.
Man... that one did give me the shakes. And made me remember there many "abandoned" games out there I love:
"In all of our meetings when we discussed what other franchise we would love to do it always came down to fallout... and Grim Fandango. So yeah, in Grim Fandango 2 Manny is back because the people are in need of his heroic acts and only his superpowers can save the world."
"Oh, oh, but Mr. Howard Manny didn't have no super powers! And he wasn't much of an heroic character to begin wit-"
"Well kid, but now he's back from Teh Ninth Underwurlz, and its been more than 10years, he's been upgraded to modern times. And we have a whole lot of awsumz puzzles to back him up, the guys designed things so cool. For example, you may encounter a big, green, orc, I mean supermutan... ehem.. demon. And he's coming at you, right? So you have to figure out where to shoot him! Shoot him in the legs to slow him down? Or shoot him in the head to make it exploudsz?? It's not only a superb puzzle... its tactics at their maximum expression! We are also removing items and inventory. Why go around carrying some junk busting your brain trying to figure out what to to do with 'em when you can just solve your problems by shooting things in da head?
And the dialog is just too much of an innovation to let out any hints now! You will just have to wait and see! But worry not, we have certainly retained all the black humor and film noir feel there!"
"Erm, well yeah. Thank you for your time, Mr. Howard."
"Oh, and fans will WUV this: Sal is also back. That sproutella actually tuned him into a giant tree, he's the new hope of the Land of the Dead, turning it into an oasis, and there's these cultists... I really like that idea, its something that we ave never done before."