Chris Avellone redeemed

Social media is a cancer. Facebook made me and my cousin not talk to each other for 4 years over the pettiest of shit. We are finally repairing our relationship but it was almost ruined thanks to social media! I don't know what it is but people just become monsters when they use any social media platform.

It is cancer that thrives on faults of human nature. Yes, communication wise we are closer but spiritually more distant than ever. And don't get me started on eco chambers and minorities being the loudest.

It's why i don't touch social media, it can bring out the absolute worst in people. Plus gives other people plenty of material to mock you with when you post dumb shit.

Not only that, it will give them chance to blackmail or just cancel you, because they can. This is insane, being hunt down because of an opinion ,even a shitty one, on social media.

Getting cancelled is oftentimes more beneficial to you though. If you actually seek to improve your behavior and admit your faults, you will get canceled, if you give up because of backlash, you will get cancelled. Look at people who get cancelled but have grown their user base. They don't say much about the cancelling, they just keep making content and it puts a spotlight on them. The only time a cancelling alone gets rid of someone is when they get banned from the platform.

It's pretty interesting stuff. Cancel culture often hurts those who do want to improve themselves while more narcissistic folk just move on or get more popular from it. Doubling down has even worked to improve popularity sometimes.

Well, maybe I was focusing on negatives only, indeed this stuff is very interesting.

Stop triple posting plz.
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It doesn't matter. They got what they wanted, his job and reputation. Chris didn't even know what was going on, he simply apologized for a different situation and they used that against him. This is why I never apologize. And of course, these 'allegations' never made their way into the court. Typical fucking twitter.

And what's more funny is the fact that most of his 'friends' didn't give a rats ass about this whole situation, they literally left Chris to get cancelled by a few 'independent' women. Even people who have nothing to do with this situation wrote Chris all kinds of shit.

Only chance for Chris to save his reputation is carrying this whole controversy to the court. People will remember the rapist Chris, not the badass Merc Chris Avellone.
Its bizarre how Chris acted like an immense push-over here. He should have lawyered up.

Yeah no. Normal rape victims don't scream on twitter that they were raped. They call the cops, lawyer up and invoke you to court.

Anyway, I can no longer see any famous person being denounced as a rapist without disbelieving it. How long until everyone feels like this? A decade? Two? Nobody is going to believe shit and actual rapists are going to get away scott free. Maybe then women will need four witnesses.
For those of you that asked questions about these accusations — thank you.
For those who offered support — thank you.
For those of you willing to listen before rushing to judgment — thank you.
A long list of digital evidence and witness testimony has been compiled over the past year. With that in hand, I filed a formal response last week, not to silence Karissa and Kelly, but to encourage them to speak more.
Someone from RPGCodex put the complaint on google drive.

Codex Avellone Complaint.jpg
