Sorry, but I will never understand why people love Failout 3. Open-world sandbox that doesn't make sense with nothing interesting in it? Most memorable moments you have ever experienced? You're talking about those dumb-ass dialogues, awful scripted scenes, abhorrent shooting and fighting in general, insultingly stupid plot and goofy world design that is inconsistent, uninspired, doesn't make any sense and resembles five years old kid's vision of post-apocalyptic world? Or maybe he meant that unexisting freedom of choice with absolutely no consequences that doesn't require any thinking? Which one is it? Because, frankly, I can't find out what do people see in this game. I'm not hating, I always try to by objective and I've played Failout 3 many times, always trying to find something good in it, but I failed every time.
Doubtful. I'm sure Bethesda is aware that no one cares.
I have a strange feeling that it may be new Doom or Dishonored, although Fallout 4 is the most probable, since Fallout 3 hype is getting weaker and weaker.
Bethesda clearly prefers to spend their time packing in more quests instead of deeper quests.
That's a good joke, didn't New Vegas have like three times as many quests as Fo3? Most of them were a lot better than 3's generic fetch quests too.
Something related to Dishonored would certainly be cool. I really enjoyed the first game. Interesting world, excellent aesthetics and decent gameplay.
But I still think that if they announce a conference at E3 it's going to be about something really big, and/or about something they developed themselves.
So my money's still on Fallout 4 or Doom 4. Dishonored 2 just seems to small a fish to do a big show about.
But its endless brown deserts and frustratingly lethal wildlife left me cold. It felt like the game was always trying to punish me for going off the beaten trail and trying to explore it like the Capital Wasteland.
But its endless brown deserts and frustratingly lethal wildlife left me cold. It felt like the game was always trying to punish me for going off the beaten trail and trying to explore it like the Capital Wasteland.
It might be the Elitist in me but that just comes off as "I'm bad at game therefore game is bad"