Doctor Who

I'm one episode behind most of you guys, so I've just watch Amy and Rory being dropped off on Earth after the 'The God Complex' episode...anyway I'm happy to see the Doctor fly solo, I think those two characters offered very little to the show IMO.


As for the 'The God Complex', I quite enjoyed the premise, even though I found the Minotaur creature too obvious, but these psychological / horror stories are enjoyable enough. The setting reminded me of the Shining, with the long narrow corridors.


My favorite David Tennant episode was 'Midnight', another psychological / horror story.
.Pixote. said:
I'm one episode behind most of you guys, so I've just watch Amy and Rory being dropped off on Earth after the 'The God Complex' episode...anyway I'm happy to see the Doctor fly solo, I think those two characters offered very little to the show IMO.

I highly doubt Amy and Rory are gone forever, at least as long as River Song is still around.
Yeah, Amy and Rory will be back. Though I too felt they and River were the main factors holding an otherwise enjoyable Doctor back...that and the writing.

I mean I like an occasional horror/psychological story too, but Moffatt is obsessed with them, every other episode is a "scary" one and a lot of them, including the God Complex and especially including Night Terrors, just fall flat on their faces.
Just idle thought but can Cybermen see the Silence? Their brains are given a scrub to remove any inhibitions, perceptions and such and they rely on digital input and recordings.

Well at least that episode had a cybermat, love those little guys. For a minute I thought they were going to make him a cybercommander but he retains his personality or something, which has happened a few times. That would be a tad silly but a lot less silly than his helmet coming unglued by love.

Going back to feeling guilt over companions dying and him getting gloomy about it in the reboot, I think they explained that away by being traumatised in the Time War between the classic and reboot.

Also the space suit... why?
I doubt Cybermen will often meet the Silence aliens. I am thinking that those stupid eyepatches from the Silence church is to enable em to see and remember the aliens.

Guilt over companions is not new to the reboot. It was a major factor in the 5th's stories and his closing episode, and again was relevant for the 7th.

The space suit has no reason. Except to get the Doctor interested? I dunno, that doesn't seem to be it. It's just because it's cool.
I'm totally looking forward to tonight's episode. I want to know if the Doctor will actually be able to change the "fixed point in time" that is his death, or if he merely avoids it. I seriously doubt that he'll die tonight, seeing as the christmas special and series 7 have been announced. I really love this show, even though it's been quite predictable lately. And if he can change his own death, maybe he can find a way to truly save River from the library's computer. I love this character, and want to see more of her adventuring with the Doctor, I find that they compliment each other very nicely.
They could kill off the Doctor and replace him with River.


Please don't, Moffat.

Fuck River Song. Up the poop hole. Terrible character. Total Mary Sue.

Also saving her from the library would be extremely weak. It would destroy the entire point of those episodes.
That was a bit of a cop-out, and very easy to see coming. Still, works for me, Doctor-suit. Is the question really "Doctor who?", that doesn't seem like the oldest story in the universe.

So, the eyepatch thing was what I thought it was, and River did cause the whole time crisis. At least the Doctor saved himself, so Moffat finally had his loopy cunt character take a step back. That's cool. He also continues his obsession with scaling back the Doctor, making him less known, less epic in scope, which I certainly don't mind.

Speaking of the loopy cunt, I really, REALLY hoped this would be the end of her arc, but it looks like we'll have to suffer at least one more season of River, who ended up NOT KILLING the Doctor after so much build-up. Honestly the entire ending was a huge cop-out, and one that pretty much negates the use of everything that's happened: we haven't actually progressed in the plot at all, except maybe the Doctor knows more about his enemy.

I like Amy and Rory more now. Especially Rory. And the cars on airballoons were cool. That's about all the positive material I have for this ending. Possibly the biggest let-down/cop-out of any finale of a Doctor Who season in the reboot.
Even worse than the big red deus ex machina button on the U.N.I.T cloudbase?

Knew they would save him that way once the dudes first got introduced.
I liked the weird stuff they added, like the guy he beat at chess who looked pretty old skool Who style.
Steam Trains going everywhere, if only.
Soooo... what exactly was the point of this episode? Nothing was accomplished and hardly anything was explained, kind of a let down after last series' pretty decent story arc. Moffat needs to leave the main story arc writing to someone else and just go back to writing individual episodes.

And don't get me started on the plot holes in this episode (this whole series is full of them actually).

That was... disappointing. This episode fell pretty flat for me.

Scratch that, just plain flat. The whole thing just felt like it was cobbled together at the last minute. I ending could be seen from a mile away, and was more than anti-climactic. There's... not much I like from this episode, barring the Silence leaning on the fourth wall and saying Rory dies too much.

Still hoping that they ditch Amy and Rory as companions for next season. They've served their purpose. That, and it would get rid of Amy talking during the opening. Seriously, she had no business being there. I'll take my Doctor Who opening without narration thank you very much.
OK, I'm the minority here. You all seem to agree with BN that it was a cop-out. Maybe I'm retarded, maybe I'm watching it wrong, but I think I just have different taste than you guys. That was ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!!!! I had myself convinced (out of wishful thinking) that it was a Flesh avatar that was killed. I was half right, but did not see that coming. The Doctor is a genius. The Tesselcta?? Oh yeah!! You can all hate me, I don't care... I can't wait to see what's next. LONG LIVE THE DOCTOR!!!!

But seriously, did anyone else choke up when he heard the Brigadier had died?
So you know what bugs me the most? In the opening ep, we saw the Doctor start regenerate. How can a robot suit do that? Explained? Nope. Plot holes in a Moffat story arc? NO WAY!

Alphapdrop said:
Even worse than the big red deus ex machina button on the U.N.I.T cloudbase?

I dunno about worse. Doctor Who reboot has had some horrible deus ex machinas and stupid writing (the Gollum-Doctor and the magical resurrecting cellphones is probably worst), but even at worst they at least felt satisfying and epic in scale, not like a cop-out "fooled ya haha oh btw the most important question in the universe is "Dr Who?" haha isn't that clever?"*

jorj82 said:
OK, I'm the minority here.

You seem to be the majority on the internet though. Whenever I google to read some responses people heap praise on Moffat's arcs and companions and writing, even though it's pretty much all wank.

I guess I get some of it. Tastes differ. But how any can possibly like River Song is beyond me.

Viewer numbers are still sinking though, that must be the lowest-rated finale in the reboot. I just hope Moffat doesn't kill off this show for a second time with his shitty story-arcs and heavy-handed huge amount of "dark" stories.

jorj82 said:
But seriously, did anyone else choke up when he heard the Brigadier had died?

Not really. The actor died and that sucks, so a tribute was in order. I suppose this was the best they could do but "ring ring hey yeah he dead now" doesn't seem a particularly brilliant tribute to one of the most important characters in Dr Who history.

* It isn't. It's fucking pissing me off. Doctor Who is just a clever title, Moffat is putting way too much meaning into it, leading to this kind of bullshit:<blockquote>I had no idea in advance, although in hindsight it was completely obvious. Yet here is another innovation. The title of the programme was originally a weird continuity quirk that has never actually made much sense. Now we learn that the show is now named after the Big Bad itself, which surely has to future-proof it for generations to come.</blockquote>PS: also Moffat, if you don't like Daleks, fine, don't give them throwaway cameos, that's just insulting.
Brother None said:
So you know what bugs me the most? In the opening ep, we saw the Doctor start regenerate. How can a robot suit do that? Explained? Nope. Plot holes in a Moffat story arc? NO WAY!

I assumed the suit could just emulate the look, if it can look like anyone then I guess it can look like someone giving of gold glowyness.

I did choke a bit at the Brig but like everything in that episode it felt rushed.
He did get a decent send off in the Sarah Jane Adventures when he was still alive though.
And once again, Moffat disappoints. Someone really needs to tell the man he's not as clever as he thinks he is.

It's funny. When he was penning one piece a year under RTD I looked forward to him taking over the show. Now I wish the BBC would sack his sorry ass as show runner.
Alphadrop said:
I did choke a bit at the Brig but like everything in that episode it felt rushed.
He did get a decent send off in the Sarah Jane Adventures when he was still alive though.

I still don't get how that was a tribute though.
A lot of people on the net seem to make it up as one but to me it was simply a 'he died' phone call.

And yes, I do know what role the brigadier played.

I missed the episode yesterday as I was simply to tired (I had been playing FNV all Friday/Saturday evening) and caught up by watching the episode online.
Truth be told I did not miss anything, the episode was pretty pointless.

It showed some imaginative stuff like that 'time happening all at once' but that was simply dressing to a really average and throwaway conclusion, and I am going to dare say it; the so called question is utter shit.

I could not help but thinking the image of Moffat wanking off in his office as he wrote this episode.

Only the part with the viking and the skulls was interesting as it reminded me of Planescape Torment, a much more interesting story.
So I'm not the only one that thought of Planescape Torment when I watched that scene.

I could do without the mental image of Moffat wanking in his office though. Even though I've no doubt he was wanking when he wrote pretty much every episode he's done since taking over.
Josan said:
So I'm not the only one that thought of Planescape Torment when I watched that scene.

Nah, it was pretty obvious. That scene of the guy being consumed in the pit of skulls is how I always pictured the same happening in the pillar of skulls. Pretty good.
I'm yet to watch this episode, but with the reports from this thread I'll probably regret waisting my time on it. Overall I hate the "shorter episode" approach. Tying in the first episode and last episode of the season together is fine, I don't mind that, but in general the current format feels rushed, what was wrong with a single story that takes three or four weeks to conclude. The answer is probably the small budget the BBC spends.

I thought the Cyberman episode was rubbish, but still I'm there for the next, Doctor Who is one of the shows in which people can be pretty forgiving. :roll: