Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Crni Vuk said:
I agree and dissagree. If you say it was unnecessary in Oblivion. Then I agree. If you say that in generall I dissagree. It is more Bethesda never thinking about ways how to come up with a leveling system where you could actually make use of the many different skills (like acrobatics or anything similar).

I am speaking specifically about Morrowind/Oblivion but it isn't untrue in many other cases.

It wasn't a problem of "using" the skills, it was that leveling up required that you raise "10 points" across your major skills. The problem with this was that in order to raise an attribute, you had to get 10 raises (30 total) in an associated skill before the level threshold was met. If you met the threshold early, you could no longer raise other skills to get that attribute gain. If you started the game as a fighter, you would immediately start leveling up because most of your stats were endurance based. It would be almost impossible to even out your other stats and not accidentally level since everything you did power leveled you with endurance skills.

This is also the reason why classes ended up being pointless, since you would end up leveling in a bunch of things you probably didn't want or need. Try explaining to a player why spec'ing as a fighter if he wants to be a fighter is the wrong thing to do and he should pick restoration, light armor and marksmanship. It was silly.

Just because something is complicated doesn't mean it's good and some people have such an axe to grind with Bethesda that they can't see past their own grinding wheel.
korindabar said:
It wasn't a problem of "using" the skills, it was that leveling up required that you raise "10 points" across your major skills.
That you mean. Yeah. Now I get you. True that was pretty shit in Oblivion. It meant that a lot of skills would place you at a disadvantage simply because they have not been "combat relevant skills".

But that again just shows the Bethesdian philosophy behind RPGs where each situation and every problem can or should be only solved by "force" to speak so.
Arden said:

I understand what you're saying but I wasn't really implying it to be right or wrong. What I was trying to say was that you could have an actual certifiable RPG without those elements. I enjoy character management and I would rather have it in the game but if it is completely absent and the game just starts without any sort of character making sequence, it can still be an RPG.

That is if I understand what "RPG" actually means, which is just basically playing a role in a somewhat "living" reactive world (being able to make decisions that impact the world or make some kind of a meaningful difference). So, in my mind, if GTA had manageable stats for the main character, it would not be an RPG. However, GTA 4 does have RPG elements in that you can make decisions a few times that impact a few characters. Know what I'm sayin?
maximaz said:
... Know what I'm sayin?

Yeah sure, and i agree with you. You were basically saying that it does not have to be a specific mechanic to make a game a RPG. I kinda looked at it from the other side: even if you have mechanics that are associated with RPGs it does not mean it is one. I just went on a bit of a rant afterwards but as far as i can see we are on the same page concerning RPGS. There has to be something to give you choices and somehow those choices should be reflected in the game. This can be done in different ways, just as you say.

And reading my post again and those of korindabar i am not sure if there has been a bit of a misunderstanding. Should have made it clearer that the stuff about complicated and worrisome is said by bethesda or dumbing down-developers in general, not me.

And that the way stats and leveling was implemented by bethesda in oblivion was beyond stupid is clear to everyone i think, even beth admitted that.
Makenshi said:
Hope the following happens:

- Beth stick to their series and leave anything Fallout with Obsidian;
- Obsidian people play Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics;
- Obsidian people download a crapload of great mods for New Vegas and play their own game closer to the way it should be (even with mods, it's not as it should)
- Beth gives them an improved version of this new TES engine (or of the Rage engine?), all kinds of freedom and time, MUCH TIME, for them to work and polish;
- Obsidian stays true to the canon and the hell away from all that east coast bullshit.

One can dream...

And then we all move to the land of chocolate and all enjoy a new Nintendo console that mainly uses a good old fasioned conttoller.
This deserves a bump...


A few new details about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have made their way onto the Internet.

PS3Inside had a few new details that they had uncovered about the title to share with the world, you can check them out below;


- Players can earn a few coins by chopping wood finding objects or forging weapons.

- The highest mountain can be climbed, the higher you go the heavier the snowfall will get.

- 150 dungeons are available, which are all different. Those who are particularly interested in the backstory can collect over 300 books with information in them.

- The level system is pretty much the same, with 18 different skills to increase, including various weapon and magic skills.

- There are no acrobatic and athletic skills this time

- Different skills are grouped, each level can unlock a new perk, from a total of 280

- The two shoulder buttons on the controller can control the hands of the hero using either sword, shield or spells

- Raising a shield blocks the players view.

- There are spells with which to incite enemies or stun them for a short time to flee. Also, there are ones that can lead you to the next quest givers. There is special magic that can only be acquired by syllables found on walls.

So, apparently the quest compass was not making the game easy enough. Now people have the option of learning a spell that takes them directly to quest givers.

Coming up next: the "PRESS 'TRIANGLE' TO FINISH THE GAME" spell. Only sold as DLC, of course.
They should add a spell that plays the game for you. Then you can sit on the couch and watch.
it should be also conected with the AWESOME button. When you presh a BUTTON! something AWSOME happens ! BUTTON! AWSOME! ... etc.
So you use the spell that plays the game for you, while you can press random buttons on the controller, which makes awesome things to happen.
It's a spell.. This is like people complaining about being able to jack of all trades in fallout 3. Just don't do it.

Unless the quest compass stays in the game as a function that cannot be turned off.. Well.. Then
I would agree. And gaming has begins targeting 5 year olds.
Last time I've read that, it was written that this spell activates some sort of magical "path" on the ground which leads directly to the questgiver, like it was in Fable, or Dead Space. Doesn't make it less retarded though.
Courier said:
It's kind of hard not to be a Jack of all trades in Fallout 3. :|

If you play the game for a while, it's impossible not to become good in everything.
Hellion said:
Coming up next: the "PRESS 'TRIANGLE' TO FINISH THE GAME" spell. Only sold as DLC, of course.

Pfft, Bethesda only releases DLC for TES that don't impact the game in any way, see horse armor for an example.
I think it's a great option for people who don't want to dick around in boring, lifeless towns and want to get to the point of the game, the action. It's also completely optional, like I hope whatever form their new quest compass takes is.

vanzizzle said:
It's a spell.. This is like people complaining about being able to jack of all trades in fallout 3. Just don't do it.
It's completely different from being a jack of all trades in Fallout 3, one is playing the game properly (jack of all trades) and the other is an optional spell.
vanzizzle said:
It's a spell.. This is like people complaining about being able to jack of all trades in fallout 3. Just don't do it.
Oh WOW there. Way to miss the point ...

Lets forget for a moment that this "don't use it" is not the answer to everything but that it is actually about the "design" of today games particularly those made by Bethesda which seems to be intended for a target audience of 11 year old lobotomized monkey-children which have trouble to figure things out on their own. Morrowind was probably their last game which required a bit more brainpower and was the last game with at least a bit of complexity by Bethesda. After that all you got was more "shiny!" and "Bloom" but less "story" and "content". Now they seem to add to the shiny and bloom INFINTE DRAGONS even. We will have to wait and see. Oh and radiant quest-generator ... or what ever they call this stuff. I can already imagine how that thing will work ...